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Summary Of Lucy's Cases

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hates her stepfather sometimes, yet looks to him for the deprived emotional demands she missed out on in her earlier years. Because of Lucy’s step father’s cousin sudden disappearance, she was never able to sort out her feelings towards him and how it has impacted her relationship with her stepfather. Lucy was never able to acknowledge her feelings of sadness and anger, and there exists a lack of internal separation from the incident.
Adaptive Features: Assets and Strengths
Lucy has considerable assets and strengths. She is bright, creative, dramatic, assertive, and funny. She has found some contentment by escaping into drama, music, and books. She has compassion for others, including her younger brother with whom she has a fair relationship. …show more content…
Lucy’s mother and biological father are both Columbians. Lucy’s mother defines her behaviors as “stubborn, selfish, and vindictive” and that “she wants to destroy my relationship with all my friends”. Lucy’s mother intimates “all my family members believe that this is how she is”. Lucy believes that her mental health issues are brought on by her experiences with both her biological father and stepfather.

Cultural perceptions of cause, context, and support. Lucy’s mother reports “she just does not want to see anyone around her happy and that’s why she does all these things”. Her mother also believes that Lucy’s stepfather’s absence and lack of support in home perpetuates her symptoms and “that’s why she is not getting better and having sleep problems”. Lucy’s family primarily views her symptoms as biological in nature. The family views the support of all members as a curative factor in minimizing Lucy’s …show more content…
Lucy is from a culture that fosters interdependence, values females as the head of the household, and men as financial providers. Her mother believes that self-coping comes naturally as you develop and often blames Lucy as “not learning or trying hard enough” to get better. Lucy’s family is an immigrant family and places value on having an immigrant therapist as her mother posits “I think they have a better understanding of my family dynamics even though it’s a different culture”. The family reports that previous therapists were predominantly Americans who “could not identify with their family”. Having a shared sense of belongingness means a lot to the family and does affect their help seeking behaviors. Lucy identifies with the Catholic faith and views religion as a big part of her life. She considered her family as a key stressor in her life but relies on them heavily for support and does not want to be “punished in hell” for rejecting them.

Cultural factors affecting current help seeking. Within Lucy’s family, members are very open to treatment and views therapy as “fixing the individual”. Lucy’s family sees therapy as a supportive environment in which all the members of the household are expected to attend and participate in

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