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Summary Of Margaret Peterson Haddix's Found

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Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Found, is a mysterious book that will leave you on the edge of your seat. This book is written in third person, but you don’t get to see what other people are thinking. Margaret Peterson Haddix mainly focuses around Jonah, a 13 year old boy. I believe the theme of my book is that when there are obstacles in your way, you can persevere through them.---Jonah saw someone in his room , but when he went up there no one was there.--- the files on Chip’s computer suddenly got deleted. Finally, when they got lost in between time warps with a bunch of bad guys.

First off, when Jonah saw that figure searching through his room he immediately started running toward the door. When he got inside he asked his mom and his dad if any of them had been in his room. They both answered with no. It was dark outside when this happened, and he was on his way home from Chip’s house. Jonah was certain that he wasn’t just seeing things because he saw a light moving around in his room. He also saw the hallway lights but then …show more content…
While Chip, and Jonah were in Chips basement Chip found out that all of their files on the computer were no longer there. All the hard work that Chip, and Jonah, and even Katherine put on those files are now lost. Before Jonah left for Chip’s house he put a sticky not in one of his drawers that has info. to where he is, and what he thought was important. On that sticky there information for what they were doing on Chip’s computer, and where they would incase they were in danger. I understand why you would that, you want to be safe. But, while they were in the library with Angela talking two men came into the room tackling each other, and just while Jonah was about to leave through the window one of the spit out “Jonah, I got your note.” He then later realized what he meant by that, he meant the note in his

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