...Blue-Collar Brilliance Summary In “Blue-Collar Brilliance”, Mike Rose brings to light a common mis-belief among Americans today, that, “Intelligence is closely associated with formal education…most people seem to move comfortably from that notion to a belief that work requiring less schooling requires less intelligence”(247). Rose expresses that it is important for people to understand the type of work being done does not always equal the level of intelligence. Also, many occupations require more knowledge than they are given credit for. In Rose’s article, he focuses on jobs that appear to be solely physical and entail no prior knowledge, some believe no knowledge can be gained from these professions. Rose often compares learning in a blue-collar work environment to that of a classroom. He explains, “Though work related actions become routine with experience, they were learned at some point through observation, trial and error, and, often, physical or verbal assistance”(250). The worker must adapt to his situation in order to excel in his job....
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