...Erik Larson’s books The Devil in the White City, In the Garden of Beasts, and Dead Wake, are all about major events of history. The Devil in the White City is about the Chicago World’s Fair, Dead Wake is about events leading up to the sinking of the Lusitania, and In the Garden of Beasts is about Berlin in a Germany that was approaching World War II. Each of these topics is interesting enough to begin with, but with Erik Larson’s style of writing, they are even more enjoyable to read about. Each of the books focuses on a few people who were alive during the event that Larson is describing, and follows them throughout that event. Larson’s stories are more relatable, and interesting to read rather than a summary of an event because they not only tell what happened in history, but how it affected people. The Devil in the White City focuses on the Chicago World’s Fair, and focused mainly on a two people that were influential to the fair. The reader learned of the story of Daniel Burnham, an extremely talented Chicago architect who was tasked with building the World’s...
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...In the year of 1893, the United States, specifically Chicago, hosted The World’s Columbian Exposition in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus reaching the New World. The event grounds were stressfully designed by a large assembly of architects, designers, and city officials to achieve the final product: The White City. The White City became more of a turning point for America inspiring new structures, ideas, inventions, and cities. Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America revolve around Burnham, the head architect designing the Fair, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer whose killings took place in the planning of and during Chicago’s World Fair. The illustration of two very different men with disparate backgrounds and stories throughout the book somehow manage to give us a glimpse of the city lifestyle in...
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...The Devil in the White City is nonfiction story told by Erik larson during the years of the building The Chicago World's Fair that was in honor of the landing of Columbus in America. Most of the novel takes place in Chicago between the years 1890-1893. the story is about two real men that lived in chicago during this time. the two stories seem separate but are connected. The first main character is Daniel Burnham the architect who builds the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. the other character is H.H. Holmes a notorious serial killer who used the fair as a way to lure victims. Daniel Burnham plot line focuses on him building the fair and the struggles he faced. Daniel Burnham and his partner, John Root, are the the architects who build...
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...Sam Stroud Mr. Colomeco AP US History October 7,2014 Summary of Devil in the White City So far I have read about half of the book the Devil in the White city. I have learned the setting which is cold Chicago and that during this time people are in a lot of poverty through major industrial powers like Carnegie and Rockefeller. This story is about an architect named Burnham who lived in Chicago. He was put in charge of taking care of the worlds fair which is the 400th anniversary of the founding of America. During the part that I read about this book, nothing is going really well for Mr. Burnham on his construction of this building. Mr. Burnham is looking for help from other architects and their opinions on designs and things. He even gets Mr....
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...Devil in the White City is a historical nonfiction book written by Erik Larson and tells the story of the 1893 Chicago Worlds fair. Larson is well known for his historical nonfiction writings and audio novellas. The story is told in the form of a narrative where readers uncover the story of H.H. Holmes, a notorious serial killer who used the fair to lure victims to their deaths, while also learning about the fair’s monumental achievements. Larson’s purpose for writing this book is to relate the terrifying story of a man who used the fair as his hunting field and to examine how one of America's most well-known displays came to be. I chose this book because I enjoy watching true crime and murder mystery shows and was intrigued to learn about...
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...Melissa Learish Mrs. Rutt-Houser AP Senior English: Period 2 14 April 2015 The Devil [and I] Wears Prada It is every girl’s dream to graduate college, move to the big city, and risk everything in order to fulfill their dream. In fields such as writing, publishing, and editing, one must be willing to start from the bottom in order to claw their way to the top. One must take any job available to them that will potentially create powerful connections to help pursue their goals. Andrea Sachs is no exception. Fresh out of college, she acquires a job in New York City that every person trying to break in to the fashion industry would die to have: junior personal assistant to the editor in chief of Runway magazine, Miranda Priestly. Ironically enough, Miranda is anything but “priest”-ly. She takes advantage of Andrea, forcing her to complete humiliating, impossible tasks for her. To make matters worse, Andrea does not exactly fit the image of someone working at Runway magazine in terms of her mentality and her physical appearance. Awkward, a size six (practically obese in her line of work), and at the bottom of the corporate food chain, she is less than thrilled to be put into this position. However, she keeps her goal in mind, and this encourages her to put on a happy face as she absorbs the torment she receives from her colleagues. Outside of the office, Andrea lives with her boyfriend. The stress of Andrea (Andy)’s job takes its toll on their relationship...
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...Millennium) 6. PSALMS 83 WAR (Israel Islam (Ishmael) ) 7. EZEKIEL 38 WAR (Israel Russia (Gog Magog) Iran Turkey) 8. ANTICHRIST (False World Savior / Commercial Babylon) 9. FALSE PROPHET (False World Christian Leader / Religious Babylon) 10. 7 YR TRIBULATION (Jacob's Trouble / Day of The Lord) 11. ARMAGEDDON (Return of the King of Kings) 12. YESHUA MILLENNIUM (New Eden / Promised Land / Israel / Church) 13. GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT (Unbelievers since Creation) 14. NEW JERUSALEM (New Heaven, New Earth) MARANATHA! He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. (REV 20) But the beast (AntiChrist?) was captured, and with him the false prophet (Last Pope?) who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. (REV 19) The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this...
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...Running head: REGRESSION Regression Names RES/342 - Research and Evaluation II Date Professor Table of contents Executive Summary 3 Dataset 3 Data Observations 3 Statistical Analysis 4 Conclusion 4 Dataset for the 2004 season 5 Regression Analysis taking LOG (Y) 6 Regression Analysis 8 Executive Summary This report is to determine whether total team payroll for major league baseball teams directly varies with each team’s home attendance. This is an important statistical analysis because if we can prove that there is a relationship between salary and attendance then we can see that more fans in the stands will give a team more buying power when it comes to signing players. Dataset The independent variable is team payroll and the dependent variable is team home attendance. Each team plays 81 home games. The dataset consists of 30 Major League Baseball teams from the 2004 season. Data Observations For the independent variable: The arithmetic mean for home attendance is: 30,453.67 The median for total home attendance is: 31,499.50 The standard deviation for total home attendance is: 8,132.28139 The minimum for total home attendance is: 14,052 The maximum for total home attendance is: 50,499 For the dependent variable: The arithmetic mean for total payroll is: $73,052,363.27 The median...
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...The Greek poet Homer (who, if he was one person, was born between 850 and 1100 BCE) was, to use a modern term, the source code for Greek literature and poetry, and therefore for Western literature, heavily influencing practically everyone who followed him, including, of course, the great Florentine poet Dante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 A.D.). Both poets’ visions of Hell, as depicted in The Odyssey and Inferno, are noteworthy because they open important windows into the philosophical and theological underpinnings of the worlds into which these authors were born. Why is this important? Because their elaborately drawn visions of Hell represent the two great divides in how humans for 3,000 years have been seeing themselves and the universe they perceive surrounding them. In the Homeric vision, life is tragic and arbitrary. We as humans are mere playthings of the Fates and the gods. Sometimes justice occurs, but usually only by accident, and even then it comes wrapped up in irony. Good is punished and evil triumphs. The hero, instead of enjoying the fruits of his victory, is brought low by some tragic flaw. Homer’s portrayal of the gods and of hell in the Odyssey…[big long quote] For Dante, in sharp contrast, the universe is ordered and just. The wicked are, eventually, punished and the righteous are rewarded, if not in this life, then in the next. Existence, while often painful and scary, is not arbitrary, but proceeds according to a mysterious divine plan devised long ago by...
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...Summary Reflection This chapter began with it was summertime 1999 in New York City platform. He didn't how to start conversation with this young, dreadlocked, in a baggy, charcoal gray jean suit. Somehow they stared conversation with gay people and god. Then he accused lesbianism and devil. He spoke in a assertively, artistically, and hurtfully, weaving language. There was was a young man in hip hop as hip hop artist, a feminist man and also lyrics composed. There is usually a man who is interested in hip hop but here was was a black woman who was also interested in hip-hop. On the subway platform this woman saw a bad side of hip-hop. Gender hip-hop has termed “femiphobia”. Hip-Hop is a masculine music. In this chapter it discuss about...
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...Facility: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP) 64 North Main St P. O. Box 2033 Concord, NH 03302-2033 Contact: Rudy Cartier NH DES Small Business Ombudsman Phone: 1-800-837-0656 Fax: 271-1381 E-mail: cartier@desarsb.mv.com Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ihab Farag 255 Kingsbury Hall University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Introduction/Background 3 Goals/Objectives 4 Approach/Methodology 4 Chemical Usage, Equipment Needs 4 Releases/Wastes Generated at the Facility 5 Details of Work Accomplished/Project Results 5 Pollution Prevention Benefits 5 Recommendations for Future Efforts 6 References 6 Appendices: A. Sample Report 6 B. Evaluation Checklist 10 C. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 13 Executive Summary: SBTAP is offering small-scale automotive repair and refinishing businesses free confidential on-site inspections in order to increase their awareness of certain environmental compliance issues and their solutions. These issues, when ignored, often result in serious health hazards and legal consequences. Many small businesses are uneducated on the State’s strict regulations, but are willing and eager to comply with these regulations. The inspections will inform small business...
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...Christ defeated Satan by His death, burial, and resurrection. Most prophecy teachers contend that this apocalyptic period is still future, that it will immediately follow the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and will be a time of universal peace on earth as Jesus Christ governs all nations from Jerusalem. But what is the real truth about the thousand years? To discover the answer, one must carefully examine the only authoritative source where it’s taught, the Bible, especially chapter 20 in the book of Revelation. (Wohlberg, 2007) Here’s Revelation 20 in its entirety: And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after...
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...Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography: Where did Elizabeth Cady Stanton grow up? Elizabeth Cady was born in Johnstown, New York on November 12, 1815. She had 10 brothers and sisters, however, many of them died during childhood. Only Elizabeth and four of her sisters lived well into adulthood. Her last brother, Eleazar, died when he was 20 years old leaving her mother depressed and her father wishing that Elizabeth was a boy. Elizabeth (sitting) with Susan B. Anthony Not Fair for Women Growing up Elizabeth was exposed to the law through her father Daniel. He was a lawyer who also served as a judge and a U.S. Congressman. She learned that the law was not the same for men and women. She learned that only men could vote and that women had few rights under the law. She didn't think this was fair. She thought she was as good as any boy and should be given the same opportunities. Going to School When Elizabeth reached school age she wanted to go to school to learn. Not many women went to school in those days, but her father agreed to send her to school. At school Elizabeth was an excellent student. She won awards and proved that she could do as well or better than most of the boys. After high school, Elizabeth wanted to go to college. She quickly learned that girls were not allowed into the major universities. She ended up going to a college for girls where she was able to continue her studies. Abolitionist and Human Rights Elizabeth began to believe...
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...Timothy Graham African American History African American relations with the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. In 1842, Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was asked by the editor of the Chicago Democrat, Joseph Wentworth, to summarize the basic principles of the newly founded religion. Included in the response, Smith presented thirteen declarations which have collectively become to be knows as the “Articles of Faith”. The thirteenth of these articles states the following: “We believe in being hones, true, chaste, benevolent, and in doing good to all men. Indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.[i] It regard to the treatment of Americans of African descent, it is no secret that the nation, at large, treated individuals with great contempt. The question is whether or not this new faith group was any different. How did treatment of African Americans among the Saints differ from that of the general population of the United States during the period from 1830, the church’s founding, to the end of the century? What was the LDS church’s position on slavery and did practice follow policy among members of a church founded on the principles of “faith, hope, and charity”?[ii] And...
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...Reflection Paper 2 Eduardo E. Mendez HLTH 551 Liberty University Part I “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6, NIV) Summary From the very first time man sinned in Eden, the question of deception, truth, and lies has been a difficult one. Our enemy, satan, is the father of lies. Jesus Himself said to the Jews, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44, NIV) Jesus is the truth; satan is the deceiver. The question remains, who is our real father? We want our answer to be Jesus, and once we receive Him as Lord and Savior our salvation is sealed, and our names are written in the Book of Life, yet who’s character do we reflect? It seems a lie can often be excused if it is said with good intentions. However, lying is never excused or encouraged in the Bible, on the contrary, many are the warnings against it including the ninth commandment which exhorts us to never “give false testimony”. (Exodus 20:16, NIV). Although not an easy task in this fallen world, it should be a Christian’s desire to be more like Jesus, and “speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ”. (Ephesians 4:15, NIV). Part II Abraham’s...
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