...* Personality and Foreign Policy: The Case of Stalin Raymond Birt Political Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 607-625 Page Scan Article PDF Article Summary Journal * 2. The Killing of the Father: The Background of Freud's Group Psychology Jaap van Ginneken Political Psychology, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Sep., 1984), pp. 391-414 Page Scan Article PDF Article Summary Journal * 3. The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives: Personality Profiles, Interaction Styles, and the Things They Leave Behind Dana R. Carney, John T. Jost, Samuel D. Gosling, Jeff Potter Political Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 6 (Dec., 2008), pp. 807-840 Page Scan Article PDF Article Summary Journal * 4. A Kohutian Analysis of President Bush's Personality and Style in the Persian Gulf Crisis Robert H. Swansbrough Political Psychology, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Jun., 1994), pp. 227-276 Page Scan Article PDF Article Summary Journal * 5. Personality and Development in Childhood: A Person-Centered Approach Daniel Hart, Robert Atkins, Suzanne Fegley, Richard W. Robins, Jessica L. Tracy Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vol. 68, No. 1, Personality and Development in Childhood: A Person-Centered Approach (2003), pp. i-iii+v+vii+1-122 Page Scan Article PDF Article Summary Journal * 6. Flight into Security: A New Approach and Measure of the Authoritarian Personality Detlef Oesterreich Political Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 2, Special Issue:...
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...Approach 5 Learning Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research Methodology to Determine Valid Evidence 16 The Overall Scientific Perspective 16 Starting with Theory 17 The Use of Research Designs 18 The Validity of Studies 19 Summary 49 Ending with Meta-Analytic Research Findings 50 Questions for Discussion and Review 52 Internet Exercise: Ethical Issues in the Workplace 52 Organizational Behavior Case: How Far-Reaching Are Globalization and Technology? 52 Organizational Behavior Case: I Want...
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...Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research Methodology to Determine Valid Evidence 16 The Overall Scientific Perspective 16 Starting with Theory 17 The Use of Research Designs 18 The Validity of Studies 19 Summary 49 Ending with Meta-Analytic Research Findings 50 Questions for Discussion and Review 52 Internet Exercise: Ethical Issues in the Workplace 52 Organizational Behavior Case: How Far-Reaching Are Globalization and Technology?...
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...Literature Review Homework #3 1. What factors affect facial expression sensitivity in patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder? 2. The keywords that I used to search for articles on this topic were BPD and facial expression sensitivity, BPD and facial recognition in adolescence. 3. On PubMed, I searched using the keywords BPD and facial expression sensitivity and the search returned 21 results. On PsychNet, I searched using the keywords of BPD facial expression sensitivity and the search only returned 4 results. I also searched on Google Scholar with the search terms of BPD and facial recognition in adolescence and it returned 18,700 results. 4. Article #1 Citation: Daros, A. R., Uliaszek, A. A., & Ruocco, A. C. (2014). Perceptual biases in facial emotion recognition in borderline personality disorder. Personality...
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...Personality Applied Final Project Table of Contents Title Page Number Chapter 1 Introduction to Personality 3-5 Chapter 2 The Trait Theory 6-8 Chapter 3 Personality Disorders 9-11 Chapter 4 The Behavioral Perspective 12-14 Chapter 5 The Humanistic Approach 15-17 Personal Reflection 16- 21 References 22-23 Chapter 1: Introduction to Personality Source: https://www.introtopsych.com/tools/oc/Bo/introtopsych/BWLKeogmGK Websites: Website #1 http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/persintro.html This website encompasses the meaning of personality and the theories that support. It defines it as being what makes us an individual; what separates us from others. It describes it as a way to compare and categorize people. Such as some are introverts as others are extroverts; some are neurotic while others simply are not. Personality is of great interest to researchers. Researchers want to know why people are the way they are; “how they are put together”. It goes further into briefly discussing different theories of personality, how they came about, and faults in those theories. The writing states that the theorist were influenced by their current time and culture which help to depict the basis for their theories. For example, ethnocentrism; Freud went completely opposite of what the culture at his time influenced. In Europe in the 1800’s to talk about “sex” would be taboo, people...
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...SUMMARY * Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder. * The field of abnormal psychology identifies multiple causes for different conditions, employing diverse theories from the general field of psychology and elsewhere, and much still hinges on what exactly is meant by "abnormal". * There has traditionally been a divide between psychological and biological explanations, reflecting a philosophical dualism in regards to the mind body problem. * There have also been different approaches in trying to classify mental disorders. * Abnormal includes three different categories, they are: * subnormal * supernormal * paranormal * The science of abnormal psychology studies two types of behaviors: * Adaptive behavior * Maladaptive behavior * Clinical psychology is the applied field of psychology that seeks to assess, understand and treat psychological conditions in clinical practice. * The theoretical field known as 'abnormal psychology' may form a backdrop to such work, but clinical psychologists in the current field are unlikely to use the term 'abnormal' in reference to their practice. * Psychopathology is a similar term to abnormal psychology but has more of an implication of an underlying pathology, and as such is a term more commonly used in the medical specialty...
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...Psychology University of Phoenix Dispositional, Biological, and Evolutionary Psychology Personality theory has come a long way since its beginning in psychology. Many theorists have based their work on theorists before them, but made changes that indicate that the characteristics of the individual affects the ideas behind their work (Feist, Feist, & Roberts, 2013). Comparing dispositional, biological, and evolutionary theories indicates the similarities and differences between the theories; as well as their strengths and weaknesses. The use of these theories has led to research and tests, such as the big five test, that help indicate personality characteristics of individuals (Feist, et al. 2013). Comparison Dispositional personality theory identifies types and traits of characteristics to help determine personality (Feist, Feist, & Roberts, 2010). It then attributes behavior to these characteristics (Westmont.edu, 2002). Many previous theorists had looked at subconscious thoughts as motivation for human personality and behavior. Dispositional theory does not dismiss the sub-conscious, but focuses on the individual and conscious thought as the center of personality (Westmont.edu, 2002). It centers on humans having free will to determine their future (Fesit et al, 2013). Biological psychology theories are based on what many others theorists denied, that is, that personality and behavior are affected by biology (Feist, Fesit, & Roberts, 2013). Biological aspects...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction to Personality Theory Learning Objectives After reading Chapter 1, you should be able to: 1. Express your own definition of personality. 2. Differentiate theory from (a) philosophy, (b) speculation, (c) hypothesis, and (d) taxonomy. 3. Defend the need for more than one theory. 4. Show how an understanding of the various theorists' life story is related to their theory. 5. Explain the relationship between theory and observations. 6. List and explain the criteria of a useful theory. 7. Explain why falsifiability is a positive characteristic of a theory. 8. Discuss various components for a concept of humanity. 9. Define reliability and validity and explain why both concepts are important in personality research. Summary Outline I. Overview of Personality Theory From the investigations of Freud during the last decade of the 19th century until the present time, a number of personality theorists have (1) made controlled observations of human behavior and (2) speculated on the meaning of those observations. Differences in the theories of these men and women are due to more than differences in terminology. They stem from differences on basic issues concerning the nature of humanity. II. What Is Personality? The term personality comes from the Latin word persona, meaning the mask people wear or the role they play in life. However, most psychologists use the term to refer to much more...
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...EXTRA CREDIT - TEST #3 CONCEPTION TO BIRTH Name: Date: This activity will help you understand the sequence of prenatal development. Germinal Phase * Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development. Embryonic Phase * Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development. Fetal Phase * Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development. Summary * Now that you have viewed the entire sequence of prenatal development, what do you think are the most important themes of development during these 38 weeks? COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT - Piaget's Theory of Intelligence * * Name: Date: * * Watch the video presentation at the following website before answering questions below: * http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/hockenbury5e/content/cat_100/Cognitive%20Development/PsychSim_Shell.html * (You do not need to answer the questions in the video presentation) * * Schemas 0 What are schemas? * * 1 Explain the difference between assimilation and accommodation. * ...
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...CETM11 Portfolio item 1 –A comparative literature review This is worth 30% of your module The following learning outcomes are assessed: Knowledge 1. A critical appreciation of the nature of research and the goals of academic reading, information searching and communication. 2 A critical appreciation of the clarity, scientific approach and structure of academic writing. This item will allow you to get feedback on skills that you need to help with the Research Plan in Portfolio item 2. TASK You are required to do a comparative literature review of the following topics (you may need to customise the title to include the domain) Choose one of the following topics on which to do a comparative literature review (word limit 2000 words): * The impact of personality traits of the project leaders in project success * Managing change management * Communication skills and project success * Network security and social networking * The role of effective IT management strategies in organisations * Assessing risks in home and public access wireless networks * Ethics in the design of business applications You may find the Q5 technique useful to map out the structure of each paper before you do the review. The task You will select a topic then find two or more academic papers that address the topic. You are required to write a comparative review of the topic from the perspective of these papers. This may require you to examine several schools of thought...
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...Psychology of Personality Research Paper (100 Total Points) Paper Topic: Each student must select a paper topic from the list below. The goal of this research paper is to write about a psychologist and their theory of personality. You must select your paper topic and state in writing why you have decided to select your paper topic. This assignment is worth 10 points and it is due on February 2nd. Paper Outline and References: An outline of your research paper will be due on March 1st. Use the sample outline below to create your paper outline. You also need to complete a Reference page with 4 science-based resources (see sample reference page). The major headings for your outline are: introduction, bibliographic information, education and work history, personality theory summary, description of how the theorist’s personal experiences impacted their theory of personality, research and assessment, your reflection, conclusion, references). This outline will be edited and returned to you. After the outline is returned to you, you are expected to incorporate all the edits requested into the final paper. This assignment is worth 30 points. Late outlines will not be accepted. Final Paper: The final paper will be due on April 12th. Your paper should be 10 pages long; this includes the title page, abstract page, paper body, and reference page. This assignment is worth 60 points. Late papers will not be accepted. General Notes * Paper must be submitted using APA format...
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...better understand the issue of personality psychology and the element of diversity when it comes to responses agents under in the same environment (Baumeister & Bushman2014). The scholars and social scientists these days include personality proxies and traits for cognition during the empirical research analysis. The bone of contention now arises how can one interpret these human estimated relationships? (Blascovich et al 2011) Personality psychology therefore tries to describe a whole person by considering the individual differences and universal traits .This field examines the different ways in which people from diverse origins are unique therefore to ventilate this topic deeply, personality psychology looks both cognitive functioning and personality traits areas of a human being (Blascovich et al2011). When characterizing what areas one to explore in personality psychology to make observations, it indeed becomes a bit useful to first differentiate the personality traits, measures of personality and personality response function. According to ((Baumeister & Bushman2014) personality is a response function that maps out the real personality traits to measure a person. Other leading scholars adds that personality traits are sometimes relatively preserving patterns of thoughts ,behaviors and feelings that do reflect the general tendency to respond in certain ways under unique circumstances (Chrisler & McCreary2010). In addition to that, the personality traits can sometimes refer to...
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...Constitution of Personality Why examine personality in light of culture? A cultural approach is like a device that will allow us to image the various social worlds-sets of culture specific meanings and practices-that continually afford and maintain individual behavior. A cultural approach can illuminate what has also been hidden, at least within an individualist culture; it makes visible the systems of meanings and practices- the language, the collective representations, the metaphors, the social scripts, the social structures, the policies; the institutions, the artifacts-within which people come to think and feel and act. For example, cross-cultural comparisons have show that Western theories of attribution processes do not apply well to non-Western populations, but distinctions between the sexes appear to be cultural universals. During the history of cross-cultural comparisons, the direction of “transport and test” process was one way: research based on Western theories was tested in non-Western cultures. Unfortunately, this approach yielded a distorted picture of human nature, particularly of the non-Western society. This research yielded inconsistent results and failed to shed much light on the psychological realities of the non-Western society. The articulation of a truly universally understanding of human nature and personality therefore also requires the development of theories of behavior originating in all non-Western societies. Cross-cultural research has shown...
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...engaging abstract. It is typically a short summary of the document. When you’re ready to add your content, just click here and start typing.] Abstract [Draw your reader in with an engaging abstract. It is typically a short summary of the document. When you’re ready to add your content, just click here and start typing.] literature review Self-congruityand brand personality on consumer satisfaction literature review Self-congruityand brand personality on consumer satisfaction Since the theory of consumer satisfaction put forward, it has been attracting marketing researchers attention and came out many valuable theoretical results. However, it is relatively less about the influence of self-congruity to consumer satisfaction (Sirgy et al., 1997). This review will focus on the literature on self-congruity theory including self-concept and brand personality, and the influence on consumer satisfaction. Expand the mainstream view and research result and conclude the limit of former studies. Most of the literature focus on the changing of self-congruity, brand personality and consumer satisfaction. At the end of the 19 century, there were already some research topics related to self-congruity within the domain in psychology. However, until the late of the 1950s, researchers started to introduce the topic of self-congruity into the researches of customers’ behaviors. Nowadays, there is already a complete model of theory and methods of measurement of the Self-Congruity...
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...PERSONALITY Definition: Personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. Different personality theorists present their own definitions of the word based on their theoretical positions. Personality should be defined from two perspectives. First, there is personality from the inside, which is called identity. This is the person you think you are and it is best defined by your hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, and intentions — i.e., your values. Second, there is personality from the outside, which is called reputation. This is the person that others think you are and is best defined by the Five-Factor Model — i.e., in terms of self-confidence, sociability, integrity, charm, and creativity, or their opposites. There are often important disparities between a person's identity and his/her reputation, and the size of the disparity is related to career success. Genesis of personality: According to Oldham and Morris, "personality style is your organizing principle. It propels you on your life path. It represents the orderly arrangement of all your attributes, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behaviours, and coping mechanisms. It is the distinctive pattern of your psychological functioning—the way you think, feel, and behave—that makes you definitely you." The origin of personality style is in some combination of genetic inheritance and environmental influence. The concept of personality style is broader...
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