...FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: Apple, Inc NAME: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Apple Inc. is an American company whose reach is multinational. Apple designs, manufacturers personal computers, consumer electronics, software, as well as services related to each of the primary areas just discussed. Apple’s 2013 10-K reports that “The Company designs, manufacturers, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computes, and portable digital music players, and sells a variety of related software, services, peripherals, networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. Despite the MP3 players having already been introduced to the world, it was not until Apple released its version of what it felt an MP3 player should look and feel like that the mass market took notice. Apple released its initial MP2 player, its iPod, in 2001. Since the release of that product, Apple has experienced a ridiculous amount of growth. In fact, Apple has been listed as one of the most successful electronics companies in the world (Apple’s 2013 10-K). With Steve Jobs back in control at Apple, The Company did anything but rest on its laurels. Of these primary areas in which Apple focuses, the most important of these is its communication and media devices division. AS Suman Chatterjee (2013) writers in an article published on SeekingAlpha.com, “With the release of the iPhone 5 and strong ties with Verizon (with a US market share of 31.9%) and AT&T (with a US...
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...Topic: What considerations are involved in contemporary court debates involving security and privacy with discussion points taken from the in-progress Apple v. DOJ case, and what does this mean for future legislation of information security? Objective: To explore what points the privacy and national security parties make in defending their case as similar arguments will likely be raised when these legal battles inevitably proceeds to the Supreme Court on a larger scale. Also to exemplify the murkiness and gaps in current legislations which too will drive resolutions. For students to read before class: http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/gov.uscourts.nyed_.376325.2.0.pdf . Overview of the background and case as given by the judge....
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...uncloaked, Apple has been an emblem for the daring, ingenuity, and enterprise” (Moritz, 2010). Apple has consistently looked towards the future to capitalize on its opportunities, avoid and / or overcome its threats and sustain its business operations as an industry leader. One of the truest strengths within Apple has always been its ability to integrate their products into the lives of its customers. “Apple has excelled at selling a lifestyle” (Lashinsky, 2012). This “lifestyle” has recently suffered due to numerous threats within the industry of technology. Apple has faced and continues to face intense competition on a number of its business fronts from the likes of such companies as Samsung, Google, and Microsoft, which continue to etch away at Apples market share. China, as well as numerous other emerging nations, has emerged from within our global marketplace as major contributors towards the worlds product needs, however there has been severe issues regarding piracy as well as numerous complaints and allegations made towards many of these emerging nations governments’ for highly corrupt business practices. In addition to the numerous issues which continue to threaten Apple, there has been tremendous uncertainty surrounding the organization due to the death of its founder and longtime CEO, Steve Jobs in late 2011. There are many in the industry which feel Apple will lose its direction as Jobs was a visionary, who seemingly could look into the future and move Apple directly...
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...The board of directors is responsible for directing all of the significant activities of the entity including the approval of operating budgets, marketing and sales plans, capital requirements, and distribution channels. Each partner has an equal vote on all matters involving the venture and equal representation on the board of directors. The board of directors has four positions; Banana designates two, while Berry designates the other two. In the event that the two parties cannot reach an agreement on an issue requiring a board vote, an independent arbitrator will be used to resolve the conflict. • Embedded in its equity interest, Berry has an option to put its investment in Cherry common stock back to Cherry for the greater of $20 million or appraised value after two years. The option expires after year five. • In the event that either joint venture member chooses to sell a portion, or all, of its ownership interest, the other member has the right of first refusal to acquire the available interest. • Cherry expects losses of $20 million. • Cherry sells its product directly to end customers. Additional Facts: • Each entity has all the requisite information to determine whether it is a variable interest. • There are no other arrangements that give Banana or Berry power beyond the stated agreement. In anticipation of filing its year-end financial statements, Banana reviewed the joint venture arrangement and determined that consolidation of Cherry was not...
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...Marketing Plan Apple Inc. Brittany James Argosy University July 11,2014 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Situational Analysis 3. Marketing Strategy 4. Financials 5. Controls 6. Summary Apple is the leading company in technology today. With the world turning towards technology in every aspect of life, Apple has been able to capitalize on each opportunity. The company products include personal computers, laptops, cellphones, tablets (ipads) and new product is soon to be introduced as the IWatch. With all these products, we ask, “ Is the industry growing?” Yes, it is. We live in an era where 5 year olds have the latest IPhone or IPad. Schools are requiring students to have some type of electronic device to even do the course work. Apple has become a household name with every turn of this technology age. With the increase of need and want for technology, Apple’s shares are soaring through the roof. According to Tim Brugger, Apple stocks are creeping to $100 a share, bumping against record highs. Apple is the dominant player in the marketplace. Brugger also states that Apple is the leading developer of new products, out-running Google (Android) and Microsoft (Windows). Moving forward, Apple has strategically developed a product that will sync with all your other I products. The iWatch is assumed to increase market shares for Apple as well as beat out the completion from Google, who has recently launched a smart watch. Globally Apple has been lacking...
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...Running Header: APPLE INC. IN 2010 Apple Inc. in 2010 An Analysis of Business Strategy American Military University BUS620 16 February 2014 Running Header: APPLE INC. IN 2010 Abstract 2 Apple Incorporated is an industry leader and this piece will serve to address questions pertaining to Apple’s competition in the Personal Computer (PC), MP3, and smart phone market and how its strategy has evolved along with the evolution of the products. Threats and challenges that Apple faces as is moves forward are also identified. Finally a brief assessment of Apple Incorporated after the exit of Steve Jobs as its Chief Executive Officer and his effectiveness as a strategic manager. Keywords: Personal Computer Running Header: APPLE INC. IN 2010 Apple Inc. in 2010 An Analysis of Business Strategy 3 Apple is extremely competitive in the personal computer (PC) market and has carved out a very specific niche for its brand through an evolution of product development and marketing strategies. The market for personal computing evolved as quickly as technology could be developed and Apple’s approach was to offer the consumer a “plug and play” option, meaning everything needed for desktop publishing and education (from hardware and software to peripherals) were integrated in the Macintosh system and could readily and easily be utilized (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). Apple offers a level of exclusivity for its consumers. The cost of an Apple machine is expensive, but the quality is...
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...[pic] Apple Inc. SEC 10-K TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Executive Summary 3 1.2 History 3 2 financial analysis 4 2.1 Income statement 4 2.2 balance statement 4 2.3 cash flow statement 5 3 appendix 5 4 References 7 4.1 work cited 7 INTRODUCTION 1 Executive Summary In this report I will discuss my financial analysis of Apple Corporation along with a synopsis and display of the company’s financial documents and records. I have been a consumer of Apple products for many years. With their recent conference that reveal the new iPhone 6s, iPad pro ad Apple Watch they continue to incline with innovative products and financially. “The Company must continually introduce new products, services and technologies, enhance existing products and services, and effectively stimulate customer demand for new and upgraded products” (SEC 10-K, 2014). Apple continue to produce new products to stay ahead of the competition. 2 History Apple was established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Apple produces, manufactures, designs and sale computers to schools, businesses, and government agency. In addition, Apple also sales personal computers, iPod and iPhone compatible products, including application software, printers, storage devices, speakers, headphones, and various other accessories and peripherals...
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...APPLE COMPUTER AND STEVE P. JOBS (2006): PIXAR ANIMATION AND WALT DISNEY COMPANY Prepared by: AYURO, Roselyn CULPA, Cielo Mae CANO, Russel Paul EDER, Greniel Ann PEREZ, Jessamae DATE: February 20, 2012 TO: Apple Computer and Steve P. Jobs (2006): Pixar Animation and Walt Disney Company FROM: Accounting Students Consulting Team, UMAK Chapter RE: Analysis of Apple Company’s future and its competitive advantage BRIEF SUMMARY: This report aims to evaluate Apple Computer • past and present performance in order to most importantly stipulates the future position of this largely successful company. Being that the company’s objective centers on increasing profits, increasing market share, and maintaining brand image., this report tries to identify strategies that make their company more competitive. The analysis uses SWOT, IFAS, EFAS and other similar evaluative tools to reach an understandable and valid generalization. SITUATION DEFINITON: • CURRENT PERFORMANCE Today Apple’s operations are as diversified as they were never before. With its currently 13,599 employees worldwide it generated revenue of $63 million in the last quarter. It holds cash reserves of over %4.5 billion and has a ROIC of 3.05%. Apple’s operations are spread around the PC industry, computer peripherals and the software and service industry. In the overall PC industry Apple’s market share has diminished to a skinny 2.1%. Apple itself doesn’t look itself at the overall PC market...
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...Apple Leadership Profile Part I Learning Team A LDR/300 June 14, 2016 Apple Leadership Profile Part I Our team’s assignment focuses around a certain scenario, a scenario in which our chosen company's vice president of human resources has approached us requesting our assistance in recruiting and developing the organization's future leaders. The vice president has also asked us to brainstorm, research, and prepare a written profile. Our summary will include the industry and organization description, the current leadership structure, and why we chose Apple. As an organization, Apple designs, produces, and markets numerous electronic devices. These devices include media devices, mobile communication, and personal computers. The company also provides a wide range of services, networking solutions, and software. Apple Inc. is headquartered in Cupertino, California, employing roughly 92,000 people within their organization (Apple Inc. SWOT, 2015). The company is operational in the United States (U.S.) as well as in Europe and Asia. Apple’s industry is very complex and poses many challenges for the company. Despite these challenges, Apple has dominated their industry. The organizational structure of Apple involves ten of the highest level senior executives reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. Hierarchical would be the best way to describe the organization structure. Steve Jobs legacy sort of continues to this day. Jobs lead the company and made final decisions on...
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...Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Joi Parker [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Joi Parker [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] 08 Fall 08 Fall Apple currently has a very strong position on ethic’s and social responsibility. They are currently meeting the majority of their goals. The Supplier Responsibility Standards is a guideline that Apple uses to make sure their suppliers are meeting the companies ethnic and social responsibility goals. In April 2014 on Earth Day, Apple launched a new social responsibility campaign called “Better Green Campaign”(ecyclebest.com). The campaign was designed to help Apple with developing new ideas to continue to help its impact on the environment and to assist with being a more environmentally conscious. Apple also introduces a more environmentally friendly MacPro. The new MacPro “uses 74 percent less aluminum and steel than its predecessors”(ecylebest.com). Apple has a yearly Social Responsibility Report that is published for the public to read. It reviews audits that were conducted the previous year on Apple suppliers around the world. In the 2012 report, Apple found that “18 facilities screened job candidates or current workers for hepatitis B and 52 facilities lacked policies and procedures that...
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... | |Apple’s Contract | | | |Iisha Nelson | |11/18/2012 | |[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the | |document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]...
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...Table of Contents 1. Background ………………………………………………………… 2 2. Objectives of the Research………………………………………… 4 3. Methadology……………………………………………….………. 5 4. Executive Summary………………………………………………. 6 5. Findings………………………………………………………….... 7 6. Conclusion and recommendations……………………………….. 11 7. Appendices…………………………………………………………… 13 Background About Apple Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. About RIM Research In Motion Limited (RIM) is a Canadian telecommunication and wireless device company best known as the developer of the BlackBerry smartphone. Target markets for the iPhone and BlackBerry are starting to overlap. The iPhone is a media consumer's dream, playing movies and music with ease. But it's not as finely tuned for the corporate user; large companies have resisted letting employees use iPhones on corporate networks The iPhone accounted for 16.1% of the market in the quarter, compared to 10.9% the same period a year ago, IDC said in releasing its quarterly report Friday. In terms of shipments, Apple shipped 8.8 million units, a 131.6% increase from the 3.8 million shipments a year ago. RIM, meanwhile, saws its share drop to 19.4% from 20.9% a year ago. Nevertheless, the company shipped 10.6 million units, a 45.2% increase...
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...Marketing Opportunities for Apple Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: Table of Contents Introduction 3 History of apple 3 Market Presence and Revenue Standings 4 Market research 4 Secondary market research 5 Apple brand review 5 Market segmentation 5 Research analysis of consumer needs and wants 7 Summary on the client's wants and needs 9 Research analysis on apple products Preferences 9 Summary 10 Conclusion and recommendations 10 Reference: 11 Introduction History of apple Apple lnc was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The main idea of establishing the Apple lnc at the time was to sell Apple 1, which is a personal computer kit. Steve Jobs during the establishment was one of the majority shareholders with approximately 45% of the total shares, Steve Wozniak also had share as Steve Jobs of 45%. Wayne owned the remaining 10% ownership (bott.org, 2014). During the formation of the Apple, Inc. Company, both Jobs and Wozniak were young entrepreneurs with no asset to their names. They were therefore not afraid of taking any risk. On the other hand, Wayne was a little bit older and had his own personal assets. Due to his fear of undergoing a huge risk, he sold his company ownership stake to Steve and Wozniak for 800$. The valuation of Wayne’s ownership compared to today’s company’s market value, it would be exceeding 3...
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...Executive Summary Currently, Redbox does not have a mission or vision statement out for the public. This is a problem since the mission and vision statements are an important aspect of a company. However, in their 2010 annual report, I did find out that one of the goals of Redbox is to be able to achieve satisfactory availability rates to meet consumer demand while also maximizing Redbox’s margins. Nonetheless, Redbox should provide its customers and the public with mission and vision statements. My recommended mission statement can be found in Exhibit 1. Redbox has been successful renting DVDs ”on-the-go”, however, just like the convenience drove customers to Redbox kiosks, new technology can drive them away. The upsurge of online streaming seems to be the new “thing”. In order to combat this problem Redbox needs to develop a streaming business that can compete with the likes of Netflix, Apple and other rivals (Redbox rivals can be found in Exhibit 2). If Redbox can accomplish this task, it will give Redbox further growth expansions providing them with a competitive advantage. Situation Synopsis (extended SWOT) A quick SWOT Analysis lays out Redbox’s standing: Strengths Weaknesses Cheap Rental Prices $1.20+tax Limited only to New DVD Releases More clients because of No membership fees Maintaining physical stock Various Locations Poor advertising 1st of its kind Limited functionality of machines Offers free DVD promotion rental 28-day delay of new...
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...spill in 2010, and more recently, the labor practices at Apple’s, China based, Foxconn factory in 2012. In an ever more competitive market place, events such as these bring ethics and social responsibility into the forefront of qualifying factors required to earn trust that equates to money from consumers. (Alijani 2012, Boon 2012, Duhigg 2012, Ewing 2013) Apple’s Current Position on Ethics and Social Responsibility Through transparency, Apple has spun this very public, internal defect of absent ethical and social responsibility by publishing a Code of Conduct, Supplier Responsibility Standards, and Working-Hours Reports on its commercial website. Additionally, Apple flooded the media with reports about it’s clean up efforts. For example, in February 2012, Apple announced it was the first technology company admitted to the Fair Labor Association (FLA). The FLA conducts independent monitoring and verification to ensure that the FLA Worklpace Standards are upheld (Apple 2014). Impact of Ethics and Social Responsibility Violations Apples damage control and correction efforts since the publication of ethics and social responsibilities violations have helped earn it the rankings of #1 Worlds Most Valuable Brands (calculated November 2013) and #15 of the Global 2000 Leading Companies (calculated May 2014) according to Forbes.com. Additionally, Nielsen (2014) published the...
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