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Summary: The Law On The Books

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Theoretically, the law on the books and law in action are opposites that attract. Law on the books is in the constitution, it is a law established by the legislative bodies. However, the cases are decided by officials in high ranking positions. Law on the books explains the legality of the law, but it does not explain the law in action and how it should be done. Law on the books was written in law books, whereas law in action is the reality. According to Neubauer & Fradella (2014), the law in action perspective helps us understand how discretionary decisions are made within the context of the formal law. Discretionary—the discretion of a user, users could be judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. Formal law being


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...W7000 – WRITING SKILLS My research topic is on Female Circumcision, otherwise known as Female Genital Mutilation (FMG). Female Genital Mutilation is a procedure that involves intentional alteration or cutting of female genital organs for non- medical reasons, from age infant to 10 years and older depending on the community. Studies have shown that this practice does not have any health benefit to any female, but rather it causes damages. FGM practice is recognized as a violation of human rights of girls and women; it reflects deep rooted inequality between sexes and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. No matter the justification or reason that supporters of female genital mutilation my advance, the practice is not only barbaric and primitive, but scientifically and socially uncalled for and should be eradicated. This practice has numerous hazardous health consequences of immediate and delayed complications, apart from their negative psychological and social impact, also sometimes proved fatal in many instances (Rushwan, 1983 and 1994, El Dareer, 1983, Shandal and AbulFutuh, 1967). This violates a person right to health, security and physical integrity. FGM practice is associated with traditional beliefs of communities in Africa, New Zealand, and the United States of America and Canada. This practice is carried out without anesthetics and antiseptic treatments, using basic tools such as knives, scissors, scalpels, pieces of glass and razor blades. ...

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