...document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | There has been major news forming around the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. Medical marijuana has been effective in Colorado since 2000. Now marijuana is legal for recreational use for people 21 and up. Many rules and regulations follow the legalization of marijuana. Many people of Colorado fear this legalization, where others are totally for it and think it will help boost Colorado’s economy. I have found many positives and negatives regarding the legalization of marijuana. According to Sherry Robinson, a syndicated columnist with the Daily times, Colorado approved medical marijuana in 2000, and it's now a $200 million industry that pays more than $5 million a year in state sales taxes. The state and cities are now salivating over potential revenues from recreational marijuana sales but must find the equilibrium between a "good tax" and one that drives cannabis sales underground. Now that Colorado has legalized marijuana for recreational use, it will boost the economy even more. A huge percentage of what is made will be going to the school system in Colorado. This will make a huge difference in the education system. This is a huge benefit that many parents and teachers are looking forward to. The legalization of marijuana will help create many jobs for Colorado residents...
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...INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Name: Specific Purpose of Speech: To inform you about marijuana and the effects it has when used for medical purposes. Organizational Pattern: Related Sub- Topis INTRODUCTION Attention Getting Remarks What do you think of when you hear the word marijuana? Some of you might think of a kid in high school just sitting on the couch getting , with the munchies wasting away their day , or you probably associate it with the Legendary Bob Marley. Its possible that most of you are not aware of the medical benefits that the cannabis plant has so today so I will be informing you on the effects of marijuana when used medicinally. I. Preview of speech: First main point: Active chemicals Second main point Diseases and conditions in which marijuana is used medically Third main point: States in which it has been legalized Transition to body of speech: So Now I will begin with the active chemicals of marijuana First main point: Active chemicals: Http://www.ncsm.nl/english/what-is-medicinal-cannabis/active-ingredients A .Chemicals 1a. THC 2a. CBD B.Five major Cannabinoids 1a. Delta -9-Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC) 2a Cannabidiol (CBD) 3a. Cannabinol (CBN) 4aCannabichromene (CBC) 5a.Cannabigerol (CBG) Transition to second main section: Therefore , studies have shown that some of these components can help in treating several...
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...Thesis: Legalizing marijuana simply digs a deeper hole in the fight against harmful intoxicants. Summary: The legalization of marijuana would have no benefits. To the contrary, doing so would simply add to the list of readily accessible and potentially addictive substances that can lead to irresponsible behavior and poor health. Given the widespread problems associated with addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco, why should laws be altered to add another substance to this list? The fact that so many people break laws prohibiting marijuana use does not mean that these laws should be repealed. Introduction One function of government is to protect citizens from harm, whether it is from foreign enemies or from internal causes such as poisonous food or contaminated water. Similarly, the ban on marijuana protects citizens from the dangers of drug consumption, as well as potentially destructive behaviors associated with marijuana use. With the possible exception of limited benefits in treating some diseases under a physician's direction, there are no advantages to the use of intoxicants such as marijuana or more potent drugs, including cocaine and heroin. This is not to say that individuals do not experience some momentary pleasure in consuming drugs-often at tremendous social costs. However, drug use can also wreak havoc on an individual's ability to experience all of the facets of life-from facing and overcoming challenges to enjoying times of great joy to relishing...
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...Marijuana…….a Profitable Crop Sold to Boost the Economy or a Tool of Destruction? Professor Joan Cormier ENGL-1010-UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR 08 Jan. 2013 Marijuana…….a Profitable Crop Sold to Boost the Economy or a Tool of Destruction? The legalization of marijuana for recreational use is a highly debatable subject in our culture, and it has been for several decades. Marijuana has been approved for medicinal purposes in many states to date, and use has been legally permitted in two states as of this year two- thousand and thirteen. There are numerous pros and cons associated with marijuana use, as with any drug whether it is legal or not. There are legitimate reasons for sanctioned recreational use of marijuana including valuable economic profit, and this dissertation will provide readers with information to support or refute. Why has recreational marijuana use been prohibited and disputed? The fears of the unknown fuel the fires of prohibitionists. Marijuana use was unofficially permissible until “1970” when, according to J. Michael Bostwick, “the United States Congress classified marijuana as a Schedule I substance” making it “illegal.” After all, there are far worse legalized drugs of choice including alcohol, caffeine, and prescription medication. Marijuana users are forced to hide their consumption, work at establishments that do not enforce drug testing, risk time in jail, and pay fines. Whereas, alcohol is legal, readily available at most...
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...California Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Initiative (2014) Jump to: navigation, search Not on Ballot | | This measure did not or will not appear on a ballot | Contents [hide] * 1 Text of measure * 2 Path to the ballot * 3 External links A California Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Initiative (#13-0013) was approved for circulation in California as a contender for the November 4, 2014 ballot as an initiated state statute. The measure would have: * Decriminalized marijuana and hemp use, possession, cultivation, transportation, or distribution. * Required case-by-case review for persons currently charged with or convicted of nonviolent marijuana offenses, for possible sentence modification, amnesty, or immediate release from prison, jail, parole, or probation. * Required case-by-case review of applications to have records of these charges and convictions erased. * Required the California State Legislature to adopt laws to license and tax commercial marijuana sales. * Allowed doctors to approve or recommend marijuana for patients, regardless of age. * Limited testing for marijuana for employment or insurance purposes. Bared state or local aid to enforcement of federal marijuana laws. Proposition 215: Text of Proposed Law This initiative measure is submitted to the people in accordance with the provisions of Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution. This initiative measure adds a section...
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...I. Executive Summary L.A.P.D. Police Officer Jake Hoyt, was on his first day on job as a narcotics officer who was supervised by a long-time in a job as a narcotics officer detective Alonzo Harris. At first he did not know that what happened was the opposite of his thoughts about the evaluation. So they began roaming around the City where the streets was overrun by a massive groups of drug dealers. They started to stop some teenagers who were using marijuana abusively at their young age. Jake was persuaded by Alonzo to take a hit on the marijuana they just confiscated and proceeded to their work. Upon driving they helped a woman who was about to be rape by two man. The two officers had an argument about proper enforcing of justice. They later on apprehended a drug-dealer on a wheelchair and in exchange of his freedom the man must tell the two of his other associates. After that they went off to the man’s associate’s house to conduct a search with a fake warrant. They had a gun fight but managed to escape. They went to Alonzo’s house mistress and Jake meet Alonzo’s young son. Then they had a meeting with the officials telling Alonzo to get out of the town but Alonzo insist. They give the money to the officials in order to get an arrest warrant. Afterwards, they went to the house of a former police officer who is a drug dealer and used their warrant of arrest and get lots of money from the officer’s house. And when the time they were about to cut the money and give their parts...
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...A PERSON BECOME MY CHILD HAS BEEN ADDICTED USING MARIJUANA? TO MARIJUANA? HOW LONG DOES MARIJUANA STAY IN THE USER’S BODY? CAN MARIJUANA AFFECT MY CHILD'S GRADES? WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA? MARIJUANA: FACTS PARENTS NEED TO KNOW Revised WHAT ABOUT EFFECTS ON M AR IJUANA? PREGNANCY? HOW IS MARIJUANA USED? LOSE THEIR MOTIVATION? HOW CAN I PREVENT MY CHILD FROM GETTING INVOLVED WITH WHAT ARE THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA USE? WHAT DOES MARIJUANA DO TO THE BRAIN? CAN MARIJUANA BE USED AS MEDICINE? ARE THERE TREATMENTS TO HELP MARIJUANA USERS? REACTION? HOW MANY PEOPLE SMOKE MARIJUANA? CAN A USER HAVE A BAD OF OTHER DRUGS? LEAD TO THE USE DOES MARIJUANA AFFECT DRIVING? DO MARIJUANA USERS WHAT ARE THE SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA USE? HOW DOES MARIJUANA National Institute on Drug Abuse I National Institutes of Health II A Letter to Parents We at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are pleased to offer these two short booklets for parents and children to review the scientific facts about marijuana: (1) Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know and (2) Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Although it is best to talk about drugs when children are young—since that is when drug use often begins—it is never too late to start the conversation. Marijuana remains the most abused illegal substance among youth. By the time they graduate high school, about 46 percent of U.S. teens will have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. Although use among...
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...coupled with a ban on alcohol during 1920-1933, has provoked questioning of the rationality of the current US federal legislation on both drugs, as marijuana is currently illicit whilst alcohol is not. Research has suggested that marijuana could be equally if not more beneficial than alcohol to the economy, with fewer negative externalities. This discussion has been sparked anew after the states of Colorado and Washington infringed federal legislation by instating the open legality of marijuana. The topic, in current debate, must be viewed objectively to reach a valuable conclusion, since much of the argument is highly opinionated and biased owing to the stigma attached to such substances. Marijuana is currently a Schedule I substance under federal law whereas alcohol is federally regulated through the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) alongside stringent state and county laws. Existing federal law makes alcohol legal to those over the age of 21, with high taxation placed on consumption. Hence, the substance is highly regulated, although not currently prohibited. We intend to examine the economic effects that alcohol has on the economy and compare these findings with the hypothetical benefits of legalised marijuana. Analytically considering the reasoning behind its current illegal status, we will compare the negative externalities of cannabis against those of alcohol to determine whether there is logic behind the prohibition. The paper will look to settle disputes...
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...Cannabis/Marijuana for Our Environment, Health and Ecology A Research Paper in English Submitted to: Mrs. Ma. Leonor M. Vertucio Submitted by: Mayuga, John Angel Ocino, Angel Joseph I. Introduction Our topic is about Cannabis, also known as marijuana (sometimes spelled "marihuana") among many other names, refers to any number of preparations of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes. According to the United Nations, cannabis "is the most widely used illicit substance in the world.“ The typical herbal form of cannabis consists of the flowers and subtending leaves and stalks of mature pistil late female plants. The resinous form of the drug is known as hashish (or merely as 'hash') The major psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis is Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol (commonly abbreviated as THC). Cannabis contains more than 400 different chemical compounds, including at least 66 other cannabinoids (cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN) and tetrahydro cannabis varin (THCV), etc. which can result in different effects from those of THC alone. In modern times, the drug has been used for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. We choose this topic to know and to inform our listeners that marijuana is a harmful plant...
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...Legalization of Marijuana “Marijuana is a mind altering substance produced from a plant whose scientific name is Cannabis sativa” (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2003). Marijuana is primarily used because its active chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) induces relaxation and heightens the senses. Marijuana is dried shredded leaves, to include stems, flowers, and seeds of the cannabis plant. This substance resembles tobacco however; it is green, brown or gray, and most recently purple in color. Marijuana comes in varying quality types, and is priced accordingly. Higher quality types of marijuana comes in colors such as purple, shades of red and yellow, and is composed of buds (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2003). Marijuana has many street names to include; Pot, Bud, Grass, Weed, Chronic, Indo, Ganja, Mary Jane and Herb, to name a few. Marijuana is used by many, to include teens and adolescence, and many debates have ensued as to legalities and dangers of use, however marijuana continues to be the most liked, and drug of choice by many. Marijuana is used by smoking it like a cigarette in a joint, pipe, bong or blunt. Recently, marijuana has become legal in many states, for the purposes of treatment of many medical disorders and diseases, which has resulted in legislation to legalize it, making it available to patients with medical conditions, for use by a prescription. Legalization of marijuana would reduce incarceration rates of drug related offenses...
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...Hunter Scott JD Simpson ENG 1201-928 04 May 2018 Should Marijuana Be Legalized in All States for All Uses? When people hear the words “weed” or “marijuana,” they often think and say that it is bad or no good because of the events that occur when people use it. They also are aware that the drug is illegal across most of the United States of America. What most people do not understand is the positives that making marijuana legal across the nation entails. An abundance of controversial topics exist throughout today’s society, and the debate of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for all uses in all states is just one of many of them. Today, nine states and Washington D.C. have the drug legalized for all uses. However, other states only...
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...terminally ill. Such arguments published by agencies such as the DEA, Federal Government, clinical research and science departments, and finally the patient. The strongest argument, that is, in its natural form, cannabis is a versatile and safe therapeutic active substance with medicinal values. Holistic Help for the Terminally Ill The use of cannabis to treat illnesses is still one of the most controversial issues between the American Medical Society and the nation’s legal system. Cannabis was used for many years to help in treatments for a variety of conditions and ailments and legal in the United States for different purposes of recreational and medicinal use until 1937 when the Marijuana Tax Act established by the Federal Government came into law. A well-known physician from the American Medical Association, Dr. William C. Woodward went before the judicial system, testifying against this act, his argument said, “this act will ultimately prevent any medicinal use of the cannabis for medical treatments (Schaffer Library, pg 1. 1938),” creating the controversy between the physicians, the research centers for specific diseases and the Drug Enforcement Agency. Furthermore, in...
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...How effective is the use of medical marijuana? Can the treatments benefits outweigh the risks? In recent years the debate over the use of medical marihuana increased rapidly. Whereas a patient suffering from chronic pain in California can easily get a doctor’s prescription for medical cannabis, the German patient suffering from the very same symptoms would not be allowed to treat his ache with marijuana, which is the most common name for the hemp plant, or Cannabis sativa. Cannabis can be classified as one of the oldest drugs known to humanity. Its history dates back until the Neolithic times in China about 6,000 years ago. From there, the plant spread to India and the Middle East where it widely served as an analgesic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, antiemetic and hypnotic (Hall &Degenhardt, 2003). Moreover the hemp was reported to be a successful appetite stimulant as well as effective in treating a number of disorders, including tetanus, neuralgia, asthma and migraine as well as in alcohol and opium addiction and in the treatment of mental illnesses (McKim& Hancock, 2013). Not recognized at first as a substance producing intoxicating effects, marijuana’s use spread soon all over Europe and the U.S. in the 19th century, where it was used for medical purposes. The plants medical benefits were substituted in the early 20th century by pharmaceutical opiates, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and sedatives like chloral hydrates and the barbiturates, which could be given...
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...| What I would have liked to have known before my first experience with drugs and alcohol. | | | By: unknown | 1/25/2012 | | What would I have liked to know before the first time I did drugs or alcohol? Well the first time i really drank to get drunk i was in 8th grade. I had no idea what the difference was between vodka or tequila, and i also didn’t know that some alcohol doesn’t mix well with others. So I got into a drinking competition with a female that I had been friends with for a while. She bet that she could drink more than me so we kept going back and forth taking shots of different alcohol. I don’t recall too much from that night because I blacked out and ended up puking after I had passed out on a couch. But I do remember the last thing I drank was a shot of tequila and I couldn’t stand the taste. Just from that I wanted to throw up and while throwing up that was all I could take. Ever since I can’t stand to be around the smell. That night I had no idea that you can die from drinking too much or that alcohol poising is a real thing. I had no idea what BAC was or that there are many diff factors to drinking. I wish I would have known that it can be unsafe to drink until you can’t drink anymore. I also wish I would have known that if you puke than you are the one to clean it up, I had no idea what a hangover was. Cleaning up puke with a hangover is not a fun time. Other than that I don’t think there is too much more I would have cared to know before...
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...arguments. Proposition 19 was a bill that failed to pass because it was unfavorable. It stated that it would legalize the usage of marijuana along with marijuana related activities, it would allow for the government to regulate the activities and also allow the government to place taxes on it, and it would authorize criminal and civil penalties by the local government. This is an ongoing debate in many states today, and will continue to become more popular because of the uprise in popularity of marijuana. Keywords: Proposition 19, Stainlislaus County, marijuana, legalization An Argument Against Proposition 19 The controversy of the legality of marijuana has been a huge subject for debate for years, even decades. Currently, in modern society, the number of supporters for legal use of marijuana has increased significantly. People often question why this topic is an enormous concern and it is because here in the United States marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug. It has been recorded by The National Institution on Drug Abuse (2011, p.8), nearly 104 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once. Many questions have arisen about the positive impact that the legalization might lead to, directly pointing out politicians because they have thoughts about legalizing marijuana to increase revenue by raising taxes. This idea directly pinpoints California, which currently has the largest...
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