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Super Bowl Madness Handout


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Super Bowl Madness (Fiction/Inference) Handout
Do Now: Read making inferences short story and answer questions on handout.
Think-Pair-Share: What is Super Bowl Madness? Write response on handout in two to three sentences.

Guided Practice – Read the story “Super Bowl Madness” and create story map on T-chart below

We Do #1 Which statement best expresses the main conflict in the excerpt? A. Marie McCormick being upset about the last minute Super Bowl Sunday party at her house. B. Marie McCormick being physically abused by her husband Vince C. Marie McCormick feeling lonely due to sons once a year visits and phone calls. D. Vince ordering wife, Marie McCormick, to get him another drink.

We Do #2 Which statement from text best expresses why one of Marie McCormick’s sons could have murdered dad, Vince? A. “No one in our family gets divorced,” Marie said firmly. B. “Making me come in here,” he muttered dangerously. C. Junior saw the bruise on his mother’s arm. “Did he do that to you?” he asked. D. It was near the end of the first quarter when Vince Senior held up his empty glass. “Get me another,” he bellowed. OVER

Super Bowl Madness Open Ended and Inference Questions
Who is the victim?
How did he die?
Who are the suspects and their motives? Suspects | Motives | | | | | | | | | | |

How could Vince have been poisoned?

And who could have done it?

Which statement best expresses why the homicide detective thinks the family members are lying for each other? A. All the suspects claim to love Vince but the detective noticed bruises on Marie McCormick’s arm B. All the suspects claim that Vince died quietly during the game and nobody noticed it. C. All the suspects claim that Vince ate and drank nothing during the Super Bowl Sunday party. D. All the suspects claim to be eating all the same things.