...The superpredator myth is a phenomenon that led to the school-to-prison pipeline. The superpredator myth is a word that people call children who are so impulsive that they will do anything for anyone they come across. This myth was created because a 16 year old kid in a gang killed another 11 year old. This story scared so many people everywhere. The media's response to this was to come out and make up the word superpredator. They also said that teenage crime rates would double in the next few years. The media said that almost half of these teenagers are black males and Latinos. They said that these kids would and are jobless, godless and fatherless. The truth that came out of this was that the teenage crime rates dropped extremely over the...
Words: 343 - Pages: 2
...Superpredator Myth is a myth that led to the school-to-prison pipeline. The superpredator myth is a myth that was happening in the 90s, when adults were saying teens were doing big crimes. This myth was made because a black teen shot and killed somebody, so other teens also were doing crimes. Homicide rates went up because of this, and people were making assumptions about the Superpredator myth. Although they were doing crimes, they thought it was more black teen boys doing 50% of the crimes, people were writing articles about it and also talking about it. They were calling them names and they were getting life in prison for doing these crimes. Once people started realizing what was actually happening, the homicide rates went down and people...
Words: 262 - Pages: 2
...similar to my question, “How is School to Prison Pipeline affecting juveniles around the United States?”. In 2009, Heirtzeg wrote an article called Education or Incarceration: Zero Tolerance Policies and the School to Prison Pipeline. In the article, it mentions how the school to prison pipeline came about and how hard it is for a student who enters the school to prison pipeline to get out of it. There’s a stigma to the kids once they have entered the pipeline and label “criminals”. Racial minorities and children with disabilities are the two major groups of students who are caught...
Words: 1245 - Pages: 5