...Introduction Surveys and experiments can prove to be an extremely valuable tool that organizations can use to gain pertinent information. In order to effectively utilize these tools firms must pay careful attention to the design, methodology, and ethical issues of the experiment chosen. Among these issues are variables in conducting experiments with human subjects, design elements affecting the accuracy of the experiment, and questions of methodology. The information below addresses each of these concerns and describes how experiments can become a valuable tool for organizations to plan for the future. Question 9.4 – Ethical Problems in Conducting Experiments with Human Subjects After choosing the experimental design, the researcher must then select and assign participants for the study. According to Cooper and Schindler (2014), participants selected for an experiment should be members of the population in which the researcher wishes to make interpretations about. When choosing to conduct experiments with humans as the main subjects, researchers should be aware of various ethical concerns that may arise. When ethical problems are debated in the research design process, most people often think first about defending the rights of the participant. Whether observations are taken from an interview, survey, or an experiment, the participant has many rights that need to be protected during the research process. As discussed in the text, research must be designed in a way...
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...Online Surveys Jiali Ye Georgia State University, USA Chapter VIII AbstRAct The widespread use of personal computers in the work place and at home has created a new opportunity of conducting research. With the increasing accessibility of the Internet and e-mail, using the new medium to distribute surveys is gaining popularity among researchers. The online survey, however, is a “double-edged sword,” with the ability to access a large number of respondents at low costs, but the risk of increasing difficulties to evaluate the quality of the research (Couper, 2000). Concerns over response rates, sampling, and controlling the data collection environment have posed serious challenges to online survey researchers. The purpose of the present chapter is to offer suggestions for addressing these concerns. After a brief discussion on the formats of online surveys, the author will outline the challenges of conducting online surveys, and provide some strategies to overcome these challenges. IntRoductIon formats of online surveys Internet-based research may appear in various forms, but generally there are two formats for online surveys: e-mail surveys and Web-based surveys. E-mail surveys. According to Bachmann, Elfrink, and Vazzana (1996), e-mail questionnaires appeared almost simultaneously with the introduction of e-mail. E-mail surveys used to be restricted to population samples from within a company or a university. With the increasing number of e-mail users, e-mail surveys have...
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...An online survey is a Web-based version of a traditional survey such as a mail or telephone survey. They are a cost-effective and, generally, unbiased way to collect opinions, interests, views, preferences, and factual information about a large number and wide variety of respondents. Online surveys, such as those offered by Survey monkey and Zoomerang, are excellent tools for collecting targeted opinions from employees and consumers due to their ease of use and user-convenient accessibility. Organizations utilize these tools to gather valuable brand and industry insights, and businesses of all sizes can increase efficiency and productivity if the surveys are used efficiently. Often a thoughtfully designed online survey can save a business a lot of time and money. With Web-based surveys, a manager has control over the physical appearance and can create attractive and inviting forms. Web-based surveys can include radio buttons and drop-down lists that permit only one choice for the response. Check boxes allow multiple answers. Text boxes can be one line with a limited number of characters, or they may permit unlimited text entry. Careful consideration should be given to the following areas when planning an online survey: (1). Topic-what is the purpose of the survey? (2). Simplicity-online surveys must be defined, clear, and concise; otherwise responses will be negatively affected.(3). Type - determine the type of question that is best suited to answer the topic. (4). Test-...
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...Rokeach Value Survey On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each value may act as a guiding principle in your life. To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page. The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18. When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and rank the next 18 values in the same way. Please do each page separately. When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have completed the ranking of both sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s important in your life. A Comfortable Life _____ a prosperous life Equality _____ brotherhood and equal opportunity for all An Exciting Life _____ a stimulating, active life Family Security _____ taking care of loved ones Freedom _____ independence and free choice Health...
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...Summary This report summarizes a plan to conduct a wireless site survey, also called a radio frequency (RF) survey, at Orchard Street Art Center. This survey will generate recommendations for maximizing network security, coverage, and capacity. Expert Advice Earlier this year, the board of directors of Orchard Street Art Center asked me to propose a plan to improve wireless coverage throughout the center’s public areas, offices, classrooms, music studios and indoor and outdoor theaters. To make sure I proposed the most effective plan possible, I decided to seek the advice of experts. Fortunately, one of the area’s top experts in wireless networking, Jamie Brookstone, president of Brookstone Network Consulting, offered the services of his staff pro bono. Thanks to his offer, I was able to meet several times with the following consultants: Lyn Luzerne Our conversations focused on ways to improve network connections for the center’s staff and patrons. I also studied information obtained from leading hardware manufacturers and software distributors. This research suggests that our first step is to conduct a site survey of our entire facility. Final Recommendation A high availability, secure wireless network is crucial to our mission at Orchard Street Art Center. Lighting and sound systems in our two theaters increasingly rely on wireless signaling, as do our classroom facilities. Furthermore, patrons and instructors now consider a secure wireless network essential for a variety...
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...3 reasons to pretest a survey: 1 verify an accurate ‘time to complete’ estimate; 2 input on flow; 3. Input on clarity of wording; 4.input on whether the questions and scales are understandable. 5 check the flow 6. Verify the skip logic; and 7 identify possible unanticipated responses 3 question response formats: Open –ended; scaled; categorical A decision on which scale to use will depend on Previous: scales used on Previous surveys (data trends are NB for awareness, customer service ratings, etc) Ability of Responder; Nature of The Property; Level of Detail desired; Medium of the survey (web, onlocation, phone; text; mail; etc) 4 Factors that determine maximum survey length: 1_Medium 2_ Respondent Involvement/Interest 3_Control Over Distractions 4_ Flow; 5_ Ease of Comprehension 6_scale uniformity 7-Levelof Ability of Responder (eg experienced survey panel members) also 8 presence of a fieldworker to coax / coach a respondent through; 9. presence of a compelling incentive N.O.I.R. refers to: Nominal; Ordinal; Interval; Ratio the scale that captures the greatest detail is Ratio. a respondent experiences from spending too much mental effort: Survey Fatigue To measure mood, this kind of scale is often used: Semantic Differential Mentioning a brand in a survey list too early can result in this type of error: Order Bias Some Principals of survey flow: 1 Screening or Qualification questions up front; 2 General to Specific overall; 3 Easy to Difficult ...
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...State Farm Survey Hi! Am I speaking with the Man/Lady of the house? My name is _________ and I’m a Marketing student as SOSU and as part of a class project, we are doing a survey of area residents. Would you mind taking a few moments to answer some questions for me? Your choice to participate is strictly voluntary and your responses are confidential and anonymous. Please understand that there is no correlation between survey responses and e-mail addresses. We really need your help and hope you will take a few minutes to complete the online questionnaire (the survey should take less than fifteen minutes). You can withdraw from the survey at anytime. You should understand that by agreeing to take this survey, as with all surveys, you are accepting any potential risks associated with taking surveys. This survey has been approved by the University’s Human Subject Research Review Committee. For more information on this research, contact Dr. Robert E. Stevens, John Massey School of Business R109, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK 74701, Phone: 580-745-3181 (If the answer is yes, begin the survey with question one. 1. Are you or anyone else living in your home presently employed by an insurance company? _____Yes ________No (If yes, thank and terminate) 2. Do you have auto insurance? (If no, thank and terminate) _____Yes _____No 3. Which brand of auto insurance do you carry? _____State Farm _____Geico _____Progressive _____American...
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...Survey Paper Research and Evaluation I Survey Paper This is the problem statement that is being addressed. Why do employers insist on specifying ethnic background to non Hispanic? The survey will ask questions that normally one cannot ask the employer or the interviewer. The problem is that there has been a trend with applications to single out Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. There was a time where the employer would voluntary provide the option to answer the ethnicity background but now it is nearly impossible to find an application that does not state the several ethnic choices to set parameters of the words of “Non-Hispanic” to be checked of such as White (Non-Hispanic) Native American (Non-Hispanic) African American (Non-Hispanic) Asian (Non-Hispanic) Other (Non-Hispanic) Hispanic (Anyone who's ethnic background stems from any of the Latin American, Central American, or South American Countries, Or who's parents share this ethnicity.). This research addresses a concern of why do most employers find it important to whether request the information if one is either of Hispanic background? Employers indicate the information is voluntary and is not to be taken into consideration during a hiring process but through experience it is found otherwise. For example the Internet online application provided by the employer requests that the question of identifying...
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...Submit by Email Print Form 1000 ASU Drive #689 Alcorn State, MS 39096 Graduate Student Survey Program Satisfaction Feedback School of Graduate Studies 2008‐2009 Survey of Graduate Degree Recipients School of Graduate Studies Congratulations on earning your graduate degree! We hope your experience at ASU was intellectually stimulating, challenging, and worthwhile. We need your input to inform the Office of Graduate Studies on its effectiveness in meeting your needs as a graduate student and to evaluate the quality of services we provide. Please respond to the survey below so that we may explore ways to improve our program and course offerings in the future. Background Information (Please Check) Level of degree you are about to receive. Master’s Educational Specialist Academic Degree Field Advanced Technologies Agriculture Biological Sciences Business and Economics Chemistry & Physics Education English Health and Physical Education Human Science Mathematics & Computer Science School of Nursing Social Science Semester and year you are planning to graduate in 20___. Fall _______ Spring______ Summer________ Gender Male Female Ethnic Category African American/Black Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native White/Caucasian Asian or Pacific Islander Russian Other(please specify______________________) Employment Plans I am continuing in current or previous employment. I have made a definite commitment...
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...Summary Studying in College is an entirely different situation than high school. Some classes have only a midterm and final. Being successful in school requires a high level of study skills. Students must first learn these skills, practice them and develop effective study habits in order to be successful. Good study habits include many different skills: time management, study environment, test and preparation skills and note taking skills. You’ll find that once you develop effective study habits, the job of studying and learning will become easier. Instead of working harder, you'll be working smarter. Study Habits Survey This report examines study habits concerning 5 men and 5 women who are presently studying at college. SURVEY ENGLISH 604-SAR -103 STUDY HABITS Female: _____ Male: ______ Program taken at college: ___________________________ Time management 1. On average, how many hours per week do you study? A. More than 6 hours B. Between 4-6 hours C. Between 2-4 hours D. Between 0-2 hours 2. Do you make a Study Schedule for each Class? A. AWLAYS B. GENERALLY C. SOMETIMES D. RARELY 3. Do you stick to it? A. AWLAYS B. GENERALLY C. SOMETIMES D. RARELY 4. Do you allow time for exercise and socializing with friends? A. AWLAYS B. GENERALLY C. SOMETIMES D. RARELY Your Study Environment 5. Do you regularly study at the same time? A. AWLAYS B. GENERALLY...
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...Consumer Perceptions of Bardot During our survey we asked Bardot customers to rate their opinions of the brand in terms of price, fashion (on trend, fashionable) and quality. On average Bardot customers rated the pricing as 3.1/5 , compared to 2.9 /5 in fashionable and 2.8/5 in quality. The overall customer perception of the store is in the upper middle range indicating Bardot’s target market is satisfied with these factors. The data shows the Bardot customers perceive the pricing of their clothing to be reasonable (3.1/5). When comparing the figure with quality, which has a similar rating, (2.8/5), it indicates the products are good ‘value for money’, suggesting it is affordable for the market and customers are willing to spend their money there. This data also shows the clothing as being fashionable, indicating their designs are on trend and are popular among their customers. We asked Bardot customers to think back to their last visit into a store and tell us whether they thought the store presentation was inviting, eg. window display, store layout and presentation of stock. Our findings show that majority of customers, 74% found the store presentation inviting, suggesting the visual merchandising is attracting their market and satisfying the needs of the customer. A nearly equal percentage of customers, 77%, said the store presentation was important to them, implying that the way Bardot chooses to merchandise and promote their product is essential and may assist in the...
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...Survey about shopping in the High Street 1/ Choose your gender * Male * Female 2/ How old are you? * Below 18 * From 18 to 25 * From 26 to 40 * From 41 to 60 * More than 60 3/ What kinds of transportation do you use to come to the High Street? * Bus * Car * Motorbike * Bicycle * Other 4/ How often do you go shopping? * Less than once a week * Once a week * More than once a week 5/ When do you usually go shopping? * Any free time * After work * At the weekend 6/ What kinds of products do you usually shop for in the High Street? ( You can choose more than one option) * Food * Clothes * Household Equipment * Sports Equipment * Banking Service * Phones and Network * Others 7/ How much do you often spend on shopping in the High Street one average per visit? * Less than £30 * From £30 to £100 * More than £100 8/ Can you grade from 1 to 5 for shopping in the High Street ( 1 is very bad and 5 is very good) * Available of product * Convenience for transportation * Quality of product * Service attitude * Reasonable price 9/ How do you feel about this statement? ‘The only hope our high streets have of surviving in the future is to recognise what’s happened and deliver something new.’ (Portas, 2011) * Totally Agree * Agree * Somewhat * Disagree * Totally Disagree 10/ If you want to change or to put something new in the High...
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...Angeles University Foundation College of Arts and Sciences Department of Communication FROM THE BIG SCREEN TO PAPER, FROM MOVIES TO BOOKS; THE RELATIONSHIP OF MOTIVATION Survey Questionnaire PART I. Personal Information Name: __________________________________ (optional) Course: ________________________________ Direction: Kindly check the data that applies to you. Age: 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 Others: (Please specify) ___ Gender: Male Female Year Level: First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Others: (Please specify) _____ 1. Are you motivated to read if the book has a film version? Yes No If yes, why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which tool helps you learn better? Books Films 3. Which do you find more interesting? Books Films Both Others, please specify _________________ 4. Purpose of books Information Entertainment Education Others, please specify _________________ 5. Do you believe that movies can spark interest in a person to read books? Yes No Explain...
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...Survey Questionnaire: Name (optional): Age: * 18 and below * 19-25 * 26-34 * 35 and above Gender: * Male * Female Employment: * Employed * Unemployed * Self Employed Educational Background: * Doctorate * College Graduate * Others Civil Status: * Single * Married * In Relationship 1. Do you drink coffee? * Yes * No 2. What coffee do you usually drink? * Brewed * With Milk 3. What type of 'hot drink' would you be likely to buy? * Espresso Beverages * Brewed Coffee * Hot Tea * Chocolate Beverages 4. What type of ‘cold drink’ would you be likely to buy? * Iced Tea * Iced Coffee * Fruit Juice 5. How much do you spend for coffee? * 50-100 * 101-150 * 151-200 * 201 and above 6. How often do you drink coffee? * Once a day * Twice a day * 1-2 times a week * 1-2 times a month 7. What coffee do you prefer? * Hot * Cold 8. What do you usually eat with coffee? * Breads * Biscuits * Cakes 9. How often do you go to coffee shop? * Once a day * Twice a day * 1-2 times a week * 1-2 times a month 10. Do you go to coffee shop with your friends? * Yes * No 11. Do you conduct business meeting in a coffee shop? * Yes * No 12. How long do you stay in a coffee shop? * At least 30 minutes * An hour * 2 hours 13. What quality do you like in a coffee shop? * Atmosphere * Quality of Coffee * Price * Wi-fi...
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...Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey survey Survey survey...
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