...Swarovski Swarovski North America Limited One Kenney Drive Cranston, RI 02920 Sep.10th, 2012 7575 SW, 30 TH WAY, #G602 MIAMI, FL-33176 Dear Customer: Thank you for your letter regarding of the LEA PE JET HEM earrings. First of all, we sincerely apologize for what happen to your earrings. We agreed that this situation which happened to your case not meet our usual repair standard. We take this issue seriously and made some investigations about the problem. As the result of the investigations, we found that there is some technical problems exist here. So we made some improvement to ensure this kind of problem will never happen again. We re-train the technicians and we replace the old repair products. We will try out best to protect the customer’s right. In the meantime, to show our goodwill, we will send you a brand new pair of earrings. They should arrive by Friday, Sep.21st, 2012. Since we value your business, we will upgrade you to become the membership of the Swarovski Crystal Society. You can check the benefits on the official website of Swarovski. Here is the link: http://www.swarovski.com/Web_US/en/crystal_society?contentid=10007.169864. The personalized membership card will be enclosed within the package of the new earrings. Hope you can enjoy the new experiences with Swarovski. Again, we want you accept our apology and we are looking forward that you can shop with us again soon. If you have further concern, feel free to contact us through e-mail:...
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...Crystal Limited Edition: Swarovski Limited Edition Collection for Chanel The Event Design The event will take place in Milan at Officine del Volo, an industrial structure built in 1915. The venue consists of 3 separate rooms on two different floors, the total space being 1500 square meters. For our event on 8th of November, we will use the Eliche room on the ground floor for welcoming the guests and serving a pre-dinner drink and for the dinner we will use the Biplano room on the first floor. Eliche room has a space of 500 square meters that is punctuated with columns, which give a sense of structure to the room. The wooden ceiling brings a warmer contrast to the cement floor and columns. From Eliche room guests take the stairs to Biplano room that will host the dinner. Biplano room is characterised with elements from the early century; parquet floor, wooden trusses and big windows at both ends of the room. Elegant Gala Dinner In order to celebrate the launch of Limited Edition Collection of necklaces for Chanel, we want to create a Gala Dinner that combines the image of the two iconic companies present; Chanel and Swarovski. Chanel represents casual elegance, quality and luxury, while Swarovski brings a touch of glamour and sparkle. For the event we decided to use three main colours: black, white and different shades of violet. Black and white can be seen in the furnishing and decoration, creating a simple yet elegant atmosphere, while violet lightning adds a touch...
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...thrilling, unusual element to this bronze fountain at the Place d’Arms. Its 32-minute dancing waters routine takes place every hour during summer evenings, and this battle between the water and the flame gives the sculpture its name—the Joust. With a base of 18,117 square feet, this 85-ton bronze fountain is one of the world’s largest fountains. The water, which flows inward, is said to bring good luck to those who touch it and can even display customized laser messages. No surprise that it’s become a popular way for locals to propose. A gentle green giant with crystals for eyes and a fountain for a mouth faces out from a hillside in the market town of Wattens, Austria. Walk beneath the curtain of water into the giant to enter Crystal Worlds, a slightly surreal and sparkling series of art installations created by artist André Heller in 1995 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Swarovski crystal. Some tourists come here just to hedge their bets: legend has it that if you toss a coin into the water, you’ll someday return to Rome, a city of 300 fountains. But it’s worth lingering to take stock of this iconic Baroque fountain with an 85-foot-high travertine façade and detailed marble statues depicting the taming of the waters; Oceanus reigns triumphant from a seashell chariot. The nearby Bernini-designed Four Rivers Fountain is a close rival. With 6,600 lights, 25 projectors, and nearly 1,500 individual fountains, the Dubai Fountain on the 30-acre Burj Dubai...
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...发展初期 施华洛世奇公司 施华洛世奇公司 施华洛世奇公司的发展初期,也就是20世纪上半叶,适逢一个战乱频繁、经济动荡的年代,但丹尼尔向来善于在逆境中寻找新路,而无名小镇瓦腾斯也成为了令丹尼尔事业腾飞的风水宝地,不但帮助施华洛世奇的水晶产品打开了市场,而且还激发了源源不断的创新灵感。20世纪初,丹尼尔的三个儿子威廉、弗里德里希和阿尔弗雷德开始陆续参与父亲的经营制造业务。丹尼尔从1908年开始试制人造水晶。他们在瓦腾斯的别墅旁边专门建造了一个实验室,花3年时间设计制作了融化炉。1913年,施华洛世奇开始大规模生产自己的无瑕疵人造水晶石,这些水晶及宝石产品很快受到了市场的热烈追捧。伴随第一次世界大战爆发,施华洛世奇陷入了缺少机械设备和原材料的窘境,丹尼尔经过两年的研制,于1917年又推出了自动打磨机,用来加工水晶制品,1919年丹尼尔给这种机器注册了专利。20世纪20年代,欧美时尚界开始流行装饰着珍珠和水晶的裙装。看到了新兴的市场需求,丹尼尔在1931年发明了一种大受时尚界欢迎的石带,上面缀满漂亮的碎水晶,可以直接缝在衣服或鞋子上。施华洛世奇的水晶由此成了抢手货,在香奈儿、古驰、迪奥等顶级时尚品牌以及电影公司和众多好莱坞明星之间左右逢源。 生产线延伸 从此以后,公司的产品线不断地延伸到每一个能被水晶装饰的角落。今天游客们只要在瓦腾斯的“施华洛世奇水晶世界”里转一圈,就能了解这些产品是多么地贴近人们的生活。除了时装、鞋帽、手表、首饰上的水晶装饰来自施华洛世奇以外,当顾客走进售卖户外运动品的商店购买用于打猎和观鸟的望远镜时,望远镜的品牌很可能是“Swarovski Optik”,它源自丹尼尔长子威廉在1935年的创造。而纽约大都会剧院、巴黎凡尔赛宫,甚至是中国人民大会堂的水晶吊灯都是施华洛世奇出品的“STRASS”。 到了1976年,瓦腾斯成就了施华洛世奇历史上的另一个飞跃。当年的冬季奥运会在蒂罗尔州首府因斯布鲁克举行,而施华洛世奇的设计师Max Schreck也在偶然的情况下利用水晶灯具部件的零碎材料拼凑着做出一只水晶老鼠。它是公司历史上推向市场的第一款水晶成品,立即成为冬奥会的畅销纪念品。受此启发,施华洛世奇乘胜追击地推出了一系列以小动物、花草等为主题的“银水晶”摆件产品。1987年,公司成立了“施华洛世奇收藏者俱乐部”,至今,收藏俱乐部已经在世界30多个国家拥有45万会员,“银水晶”系列成为施华洛世奇公司的标志产品。 这就难怪施华洛世奇的第五代传人马可斯在中国访问期间,被问到是否会像世界许多大公司一样利用中国的劳动力优势在中国建厂时,马可斯笑了:“一百多年来,瓦腾斯的水土成就了施华洛世奇这个品牌,我们只会在瓦腾斯的土地上续写这个神话。”而瓦腾斯也因为施华洛世奇的崛起而由当初默默无闻的小镇发展成奥地利最著名的工业区之一。该镇居民中有1/3的人都是公司的员工,而剩下的人中则有80%以上从事与施华洛世奇相关的旅游、餐饮及服务行业。 家族之争 丹尼尔·施华洛世奇于1956年过世,享年94岁,他身后留下了一个极其庞大的家族。截至2010年,施华洛世奇家族的成员已超过150人,其中有28人在公司内从事高级管理工作,并由6人构成公司的最高决策和管理层。 曾在美国求学、毕业后在香港负责销售和分销工作的娜佳提倡前者。她发现施华洛世奇品牌在欧洲和美国市场有着截然不同的含义:在欧洲和亚洲,施华洛世奇水晶被视为雅致的礼品;而在美国,人们成批购买的是动物造型的水晶摆设。当人们听到娜佳的姓氏后最典型的反应竟然是:“施华洛世奇,你是说那些动物吗?”这令娜佳很受挫折:“我欣赏动物造型水晶,但不想等同于它们。” ...
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...Lecture 1 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Reading: Notes and Anderson2 Chapters 1.1-1.3, 1.7-1.9 Georgia Tech ECE 3080 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Atoms to Operational Amplifiers •The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of non-linear circuit elements including diodes, LEDs, LASER diodes, transistors (BJT and FET) , and advanced device concepts such as microwave compound semiconductors and state of the art devices. •Due to the diverse coverage from various professors for ECE3040, you will repeat (for some) some of the material from 3040. Specifically, you will learn about the fundamentals of electron movement in semiconductor materials and develop this basic knowledge of how we can construct devices from these materials that can control the flow of electrons and light in useful ways. Georgia Tech ECE 3080 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Market Study Silicon is and will for a very long time be the dominant material used for electronics. However, MANY up and coming materials are slowly eating into silicon’s dominance. Compound semiconductors Compound semiconductors Organic and compound semiconductors Georgia Tech ECE 3080 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Devices we will study Bold indicates devices covered in depth in ECE 3040 P-N diode, heterojunction diodes, ballistic diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, Metal-Semiconductor Contacts, LEDs, Lasers, Solar Cells, Photodetectors, BJT, HBT, MOSFET, MESFET, JFET, Polarization Based Devices (III-Nitrides HEMTs...
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...physical means. For example salt dissolved in water can be recovered by allowing the water to evaporate. A physical change involves a change in physical properties. Examples of physical properties include melting, transition to a gas, change of strength, change of durability, changes to crystal form, textural change, shape, size, colour, volume and density. An example of a physical change is the process of tempering steel to form a knife blade. A steel blank is repeatedly heated and hammered which changes the hardness of the steel, its flexibility and its ability to maintain a sharp edge. Methods Heating and cooling Many elements and some compounds change from solids to liquids and from liquids to gases when heated and the reverse when cooled. Some substances such as iodine and carbon dioxide go directly from solid to gas in a process called sublimation. Magnetism Ferro-magnetic materials can become magnetic. The process is reversible and does not affect the chemical composition. Crystallisation Many elements and compounds form crystals. Some such as carbon can form several different forms including diamond, graphite, graphene and fullerenes includingbuckminsterfullerene. Crystals in metals have a major effect of the physical...
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...dark, dangerous, and daring, With that sweet countenance you’re wearing, I’d sooner have you locked inside my heart, Than outside of its walls despairing And our love would be the finest art, Built of glass pane and crystal part, Lovely by the day, enchanted by the night, Born of a sly, serene, and secret start Then in a wicked star of blinding white, Fate would free our fiery passions to ignite, And sea-strewn boats would lose their way of wander, As our dawn eclipsed their map of starlight Though our hearts would grow naught but fonder, Another force would be swelling yonder, Of course in our lover’s ecstasy, We would hardly stop to ponder The sudden stillness of the sea, The absence of the wind within a tree, Thick horizon thundercloud heads rearing, And air growing stale and hard to breathe So we would miss the calm before the storm appearing, Never expect the enemy we ought be fearing, And though our foe is not like to sport disguise, We will never sense the danger nearing, So it will be to our absolute surprise, When they come charging with chaos in their eyes, And the glass we so loved at first, Will reveal itself our ultimate demise For any arrow that comes flying in headfirst, Will surely leave our crystal shattered and dispersed, And as we fall in agony and anguish, Our enemies shall satisfy their vengeful thirst Yet if life requires I relinquish, Our crystalline vitreous bliss, Spare me that fate and give me this- Your...
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...in the development of pharmaceutical dosage form Polymorphism comes from the Greek words, Polus = many and morph = shape. Polymorphism means existence of substance in more than one form. Many pharmaceutical solids can exist in different physical forms. Polymorphism is often characterized as the ability of a drug substance to exist as two or more crystalline phases that have different arrangements and/or conformations of the molecules in the crystal lattice. However, they share one common form once they are in solution form. Polymorphism is very important in those areas of chemical research where full characterization of a material has a pivotal role in determining its ultimate use e.g. in pharmaceutical, pigment, agrochemical, explosive and fine chemical industries. When polymorphism exists as a result of difference in crystal packing, it is called packing polymorphism. Polymorphism can also result from the existence of different conformers of the same molecule in conformational polymorphism. In pseudo polymorphism the different crystal types are the result of hydration or solvation. The types of different polymorphic forms are shown below: Fig: Types of different polymorphic forms Polymorphs seem to be more common for compounds with: * Low solubility in water * Organic salts * Formation of hydrates for larger molecules * Organic solvates –neutral compounds with larger molecular weights. * Compounds with molecular weight below 350 Pharmaceutical...
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...Crystallization is the (natural or artificial) process of formation of solid crystals precipitating from a solution, melt or more rarely depositeddirectly from a gas. Crystallization is also a chemical solid–liquid separation technique, in which mass transfer of a solute from the liquid solution to a pure solid crystalline phase occurs. In chemical engineering crystallization occurs in a crystallizer. Crystallization is therefore an aspect ofprecipitation, obtained through a variation of the solubility conditions of the solute in the solvent, as compared to precipitation due to chemical reaction. PROCESS: The crystallization process consists of two major events, nucleation and crystal growth. Nucleation is the step where the solute molecules dispersed in the solvent start to gather into clusters, on the nanometer scale. The crystal growth is the subsequent growth of the nuclei that succeed in achieving the critical cluster size. Nucleation and growth continue to occur simultaneously while the supersaturation exists. Crystallization in nature There are many examples of natural process that involve crystallization. Geological time scale process examples include: Natural (mineral) crystal formation (see also gemstone); Stalactite/stalagmite, rings formation. Usual time scale process examples include: Snow flakes formation (see also Koch snowflake); Honey crystallization (nearly all types of honey crystallize). Artificial methods For crystallization (see also recrystallization)...
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...a type of equipment in crystallization operations, the Mixed-Suspension, Mixed-Product-Removal Crystallizer, its operations, as well as the assumptions integrated in its practice. It also discusses the basic principles of Melt Crystallization and a brief overview of its applications in the modern society. Introduction A crystal may be defined as a solid composed of atoms or molecules arranged in an orderly, repetitive array. The interatomic distances in a crystal of any definite material are constant and are characteristic of that material. Because the pattern or arrangement of the atoms or molecules is repeated in all directions, there are definite restrictions on the kinds of symmetry that crystals can possess. There are five main types of crystals, and these types have beenarranged into seven crystallographic systems based on the crystal interfacial angles and the relative length of its axes. The treatment of the description and arrangement of the atomic structure of crystals is the science of crystallography. (Perry's Chemical Engineer Handbook - 8th ed – 2007, page 18-50) Crystallization, in its essence, is just then the process of crystal production from liquid solutions through the aid of different cooling equipment. It is one of the most used operations in sugar industries, as well as fertilizer producing companies. Different equipment designing companies also had diverted some technological upgrading in crystallization equipment to suit desired product quality...
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...Aaron Stainrod GDD 101 Storytelling Assignment A. I. The Process i. There really was no process used to create my story. I know that based on the first adventures I was a part of, I wanted to create one that had a setting that was a little unexpected. I kept hearing about the party starts out in a forest, so I decided to start out in an abandoned base camp in a wasteland to mix things up. One adventure I was in had an abandoned mansion, so based on my current setting, which was desert like; I chose to lead the party into a temple. Everything in the temple was made up as the story went along, which lead to some momentary pauses in the storytelling. B. II. Worked Well ii. I thought the adventure in general worked out pretty well. I’m very satisfied with the amount of pleasure gotten from the temple. Admittedly, the players most likely remembered more aspects of the temple than I did at times. Besides the “creative gaps” I created, I did not see any noticeable declinations of interest during the adventure. I did notice that the players did enjoy the RPG elements I added to the adventure. I purposely intended and suggested more use of the HP in the game. I was actually hoping for the incapacitation of a player, but I am satisfied that I managed to get a player to 2HP. III. Worked Poorly iii. The gaps were probably the poorest aspect of the game. I did not know how to plan the game out. I attempted to plan the game...
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...crystallization Name: layan shinanah Subject : chemistry Presented to :Ms. Juline Daibes Date : 13,10,2015 Crystallization definition : to change into a solid form that is made up of crystal to cause (something, such as an idea, belief, etc.) to become clear and fully formed. What Happens During a Crystallization : To crystallize an impure, solid compound, add just enough hot solvent to it to completely dissolve it. The flask then contains a hot solution, in which solute molecules - both the desired compound and impurities - move freely among the hot solvent molecules. As the solution cools, the solvent can no longer hold all of the solute molecules, and they begin to leave the solution and form solid crystals. During this cooling, each solute molecule in turn approaches a growing crystal and rests on the crystal surface. If the geometry of the molecule fits that of the crystal, it will be more likely to remain on the crystal than it is to go back into the solution. Therefore, each growing crystal consists of only one type of molecule, the solute. After the solution has come to room temperature, it is carefully set in an ice bath to complete the crystallization process. The chilled solution is then filtered to isolate the pure crystals and the crystals are rinsed with chilled solvent. How To Do a Crystallization : Heat some solvent to boiling (remember to use a boiling chip). Place the solid to be recrystallized in an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour a small amount...
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...5) An x-ray diffraction analysis of a crystal is made with a molybdenum target (λ = 0.711A°). If one of the interplanar spacings is 1.82A°, what is the angle of diffraction for this particular set of planes (assuming first order diffraction). n=1 d=1.82A° λ=0.711A° θ= ? nλ=2dhklsinθ θ=sin-11x0.7112x1.82 θ=11.3° 6) Sodium metal crystallizes in a body-centered cubic arrangement where the length of one edge of the unit cell is 4.24A. What is the closest distance between centres of adjacent sodium atoms? d=4.24A°x3 4 d=1.84A° 7) A crime investigator in a forensic sciences laboratory wishes to identify the makeup of some material evidence. He suspects that the material is actually a mixture of two pure substances. Outline a method by which you think these two substances might be identified. A great way for the crime investigator to identify the makeup of the material evidence would be to use x-ray diffraction. Every crystalline material in the world has its own diffraction pattern unique to one another, which would cause for the best solution to the problem encountered by the crime investigator. Once the material is illuminated with monochromatic X-rays, the atomic lattice of the sample causes the x-ray beam to be diffracted to specific angles. Once completed the use of Bragg’s law allows us to identify the atomic spacing of the mystery material and from there we can compare the unknown material to a list of known materials in order to discover the makeup...
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...Crystals While doing research on my project I found out a lot of things about crystals. I found out that crystals are solids that form by a regular repeated pattern of molecules connecting together. The salt in the kitchen, the snow, and the diamond in a ring are all crystals. The word crystal comes from a Greek word”krysos” which means “ice cold”. It was believed that crystals were a type of ice that was so cold it never melts. Crystals can form in a lot of different shapes. The shapes range from cubes, hexagons, double pyramids to name a few. My crystal shaped into a sphere but usually they are symmetrical from one side to other, but many types of crystals are not. The shape of the crystal is determined by the chemical components inside the crystal and the chemical bonds between the atoms and molecules. The atoms in smallest building block of a crystal are called a “Unit Cell” The atoms in each unit cell are held together by electrical forces or bonds. When a lot of unit cells are near each other they arrange themselves in different patterns. They attract one another in some directions more than others. This pattern gives the crystal their shape with symmetrical surfaces called facets. Crystals also comes in many different colors, from clear diamonds, to red rubies, to blue sapphires and more they get there color from the materials that make up the crystals. The colors come from the color of the spectrum that the crystal does not absorb. They are used for a lot of different...
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...Molecular Crystal Structures Crystalline and amorphous are the two categories of solids. Crystalline solids are those that have a long range order and are rigid. This means that the atoms, molecules or ions are in a specific position. Glass is an example of the other category of solids and is an amorphous solid. Amorphous solids are different than crystalline since these solids do not have a structured arrangement and long-range order of molecules. Crystalline solids have a structure that has a lattice characteristic and is most efficient when closely packed together. Ionic, covalent, molecular, and metallic are the four types of crystals. These crystals are different because of their structures and properties that include their melting point, hardness, density forces that hold the crystal particles together. This method can be applied to various areas of drug research, quality control and manufacturing. Examining the changes in the crystal structures, using the low frequency light waves can be applied to how a human body absorbs drugs. The need was discovered when a certain drug was not used right away. The drug structure changed into a crystallized solid and was not able to be dissolved or absorbed by the human body in this state. The London dispersion forces help to predict crystal structures of many different substances. There are many different environmental factors that can affect how crystals form. Those factors include humidity, temperature, and light....
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