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Swot: Sandwich Blitz, Inc.


Submitted By jaylove
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Pages 2
SWOT: Sandwich Blitz, Inc.
Jo Lee
Kaplan University

The strength for Sandwich Blitz is the fact that they are copyrighting their ingredients to keep competitors from beating them out. This will make them unique among their competitors. When is the provider of the final product or service willing to compromise its own brand-building to add the ingredient brand on the package as well as in advertising? There are four conditions: * The ingredient is highly differentiated, usually supported by patent protection, and so adds an aura of quality to the overall product. * The ingredient is central to the functional performance of the final product. * The final products are not well-branded themselves, either because the category is relatively new, because customers buy infrequently or because there is low perceived differentiation among the options. * The final products are complex, assembled from components supplied by multiple firms who may sell the "ingredients" separately in an aftermarket (
The weakness for Sandwich Blitz is the ROI of 30%. This doesn’t sound like a big profit to me at all. Advertising is a good way to increase the ROI. Advertising venues range from print newspapers and magazines, to website banner ads, to billboards, to nonprofit sponsorships. Whatever medium you choose, your advertising investments should be targeted toward reaching the demographic most likely to be interested in your product or service (
The opportunity for Sandwich Blitz, Inc. is for the business to expand. Some ways to expand are to have more locations, cater to reach out to the community, and use social media. Twitter and

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