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Symbolism In Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'

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Symbol Activity
What is the spiritual value(s) that your symbol represents? My symbol represents the spiritual value of authenticity-to be authentic, true to who your are-, I themed my symbol along the lines of Nathanial Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. My symbol takes the essence of the book in that we all where letters and to be honest to the letters you wear (letters meaning attributes, e.g. Hester Prynne is adulterous and able).

Why did you chose the materials that you used?
I chose a mannequin/person statue to represent myself as I want to embody the value of authenticity. To represent the true side of myself that not everybody has the privilege of seeing is my over-talkative and rambunctious side that never stops, I positioned my hands over my mouth as a symbol to be quiet as I usually get told to calm down or that I talk too much. And along with authenticity I want to embody serenity-being calm and untroubled- and this is a reminder to calm down at times. I chose to …show more content…
The box shaped letters symbolize preciseness and organization and these are two attributes that are very evident in my personality. I did not do a particular shape to my paint blobs because although it is important to be authentic to the letters you wear it is equally important to not define yourself permanently.

Would you do anything differently with your symbol if you started again or if you had more time?

If I had more time on the symbol assignment I would’ve covered the whole mannequin in letters because I carry many attributes, however I decided to put the letters at the base of my mannequin because my attributes like honesty, controlling, independent, generous, organized and being stressed makes me who I am and I always try to be authentic to these qualities.

Why do you think you choose the spiritual values that you choose for your Belief Narrative? Why are these values important to

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