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Case Study: Hands On Miami

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Hands On Miami Miami Dade has many non-profit organizations that help the community in various ways, one of this many organizations is Hands on Miami. I chose Hands on Miami to do my project on because is a volunteer service organization in Miami that inspires, equips and mobilizes people to take action to effect positive change in our Miami-Dade County community. This organization is very easy to access and it offers a variety of activities with a flexible schedule. This gives the volunteer the opportunity to accommodate their own schedule and be able to serve the community. Hands on Miami, Florida, was founded in 1993 by people who wanted to make volunteering easy in Miami-Dade County. Since that time, Hands On Miami has grown to …show more content…
The program is called “Flexible” because it accommodates the schedule of working individuals and students. Most projects take place during the weekday evening hours or weekend mornings and last roughly 2 hours. Volunteers provide service to over 50 different non-profit agencies, serving their clients directly—working on various impact areas such as: children, animals, homelessness, environment, health and wellness, and community …show more content…
Employee volunteer programs (EVPs) can be a vital and strategic part of your business operations and bridge the gap between business and social concerns. Hands On Miami works with business leaders to build and sustain successful EVPs. Hands on staff can guides companies in developing and enhancing an effective EVP to meet their Principles of Excellence for Workplace Volunteering. They empower businesses to motivate and engage their employees, retirees and families in programs that make a difference.
HandsOn Miami also offers customized days of service to meet the funding and impact priorities of businesses seeking to engage their employees in the Miami-Dade County community. Projects are aligned with a company’s strategic objectives yet tailored to fit specific markets and community needs. Their services are broad and are aimed at simplifying roles in volunteer management and increasing the impact of the employee volunteer program.
Standard offerings include: volunteer organization and management; site selection; program planning and execution; communications and public relations; customized evaluations and reporting; and opportunities to participate in year-round partnership

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