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Marine Biology Research Paper

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Aaron Keylon
Mrs. Lozares
English II
15 February 2017
The Beauty Of Aquatic Wildlife 1.The occupation that I will be researching is marine biology. I've been a huge fan of fish and ocean creatures since birth. It's just something that caught my eye quicker than anything else, especially because of all the research and studies on not just certain animals, but any animal that you want to learn about. Marine biology is an amazing way to get some hands on experience with scuba gear, fishing rods, snorkels, and all types of different deep sea mechanisms or just your average everyday things at the pool! I especially love to fish as well, which might be why I adore the beautiful underwater creatures and plant life. Some might say that water animals …show more content…
Such as general biology, cell biology, ecology, and evolution. It also varies on how much you want to get paid, for example, a marine biologist with a master's degree and twelve years of school will make about one hundred and twenty four thousand dollars a year. But a marine biologist with four years and a bachelor's degree will make about fifty eight to eighty thousand dollars a year. 5.There is a handful of schools and organizations that have a good program for this career. Like Duke University in north carolina is the number one best college for marine biology, and miami has the second best college for marine biology. The college I would like to go to are miami or california (Marine Biology …show more content…
If you're a marine biologist I can almost guarantee that you will be by the ocean 8 hours a day. If that doesn't sound appealing to you I don't know what is. There are physical risks to take like jumping in the water with sharks and whales big enough to swallow you, but doesn't that sound fun? Its sounds pretty cool to me. 12.The fact that you would be by an ocean 5 days or possibly even 6 days a week probably comes with the risk of not seeing your kids or wife that often. If I had to answer I would say that marine biology would definitely cause family issues. If you wouldn't want family issues, living by the ocean but it depends on the animal you're

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Fishing Style

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