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Symmetry in Chinese Arts


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Symmetry in Chinese Arts

Done by: Group 3 Lim Li Yan Yip Lixia, Sabrina Lee Weitian, Ivan Zhong Shengmin Goh Yoon Keong

• Introduction • Symmetry in Chinese Literature • Chinese Paper Cuttings • Symmetry in Chinese buildings • Chinese Music • Conclusion • Bibliography



“The use of the geometric principles of symmetry for the description and understanding of decorated forms represents the union of two normally separate disciplines – mathematics and design.” (Washburn et al., 1988)

Symmetry has been used in countless contexts, and with diverse shades of meaning. Coming from the Greek symmetros, for "measured together," this word is most familiar to us as a description of the similarity between the two halves of any form separated by a dividing line or plane. The concept is not limited to science, of course. It has been, for example, a mainstay of aesthetics from the beginning. Thus we speak of the symmetry of the human face, we can all understand what it is and how it looks. Its influence in the arts is pervasive. In music, we hear the symmetry of exposition and recapitulation in the so-called sonata form, where virtually the same music is played and played again.

The creation of identities or equivalents is at the heart of the principle of symmetry in music, as in the other arts. It is an emblem of the human predilection for just proportion in all things, and the longing for rational comprehension of anything encountered. In the end, somewhat subconsciously, the idea of symmetry is placed in opposition to chaos, and thereby to ignorance as well.

Many studies have been done in this field; these have been outlined extensively in the book, “Symmetries of Culture” by Washburn et al. (1988). The gist of it is that symmetry spans spatial and temporal dimensions. In many cultures, it is used as an important factor in cultural acceptance. Authors such as Hanson (1985)1 have traced how the lack of symmetry in Maori society has resulted in instable social relationships. In the book itself, it was briefly mentioned that certain types of symmetry were adopted in certain periods such as the “Snaketown Phase” and the “Colonial Period”.


Taken from Washburn et al., 1988.


Extensive as the book may be, it leaves out study of a very significant culture – the Chinese culture. Through our project, we hope to outline the different permeations of symmetry in the different aspects of Chinese culture, namely in the Visual and Audio Arts. Symmetry in Chinese literature is hard to spot for non-speakers of the language. Through a systematic investigation of cultural order by using principles of linguistics as a model, it is hoped that we can decode the structural systematic of various graphic systems. This is done in the analysis of the structure of Chinese poems whereby words are replicated in such a unique manner that it makes profound sense. For paper cut, we will illustrate how they use different forms of symmetry-rotational and reflectional. In Chinese Architecture, we will show how bilateral symmetry plays an important role in the construction of structures. Lastly, symmetry is shown to be imperative in music through the tuning of instruments, the pentatonic scales and the structure of the music itself.


Symmetry in Chinese Literature
Symmetry has an important role in Chinese literature. Maybe this is due to the preference for things to be in even numbers, nobody exactly knows why. Regardless of the reason Chinese literature, especially poems, has a strong tendency to include symmetrical elements.

Example 1: 花朵几枝柔倍砌, 柳丝千缕细摇风。 霞明半岭西斜日, 月上孤村一树松。


松树一村孤上月, 日斜西岭半明霞。 风摇细缕千丝柳, 砌倍柔枝几朵花。 (唐。薛涛《春》)

Example 2:

白杨长映孤山碧, 碧山孤映长杨白。 春暮伤别人, 人别伤暮春。 雁归迷塞远, 远塞迷归雁。 楼倚独深愁, 愁深独倚楼。 (明。王元美《菩萨蛮。暮春》)


Example 3: 难离别情万千,眠孤枕,愁人伴。闲庭小院深,关河传信远,鱼和雁天南,看明月,中肠 断。 断肠中,月明看。南天雁,和鱼远。信传河关深,院小庭闲伴。人愁枕孤眠,千万情,别 离难。

(明。王元美《卷帘雁儿落》) Note: Words in blue from Example 1-3 are the reverse portions.


Example 1 is a poem by Xue Tao of Tang dynasty. Examples 2 and 3 are known as ci(词),composed by Wang Yuan Mei during Ming dynasty. Ci (词)is a major form of literature, second to poem. It is actually lyrics that can be sung. But Ci (词)is much more complicated than lyrics of a song. Many composers used it to express profound ideas and it is so artistically expressed that ci(词)is labeled as a major form of Chinese literature.

The poem in example 1 can be read in reverse order and becomes another poem. In example 2, every sentence is made up of 2 parts and the two parts are made up of same words. The only difference is that the words in the second half of the sentences are in reverse order compare to the first half of the sentences. Example 3 is made up of two parts. The words in second part are the words in the first part arranged in reverse order. All three examples have a mirror image structure.

The three examples are instances where the Chinese literati tried to express symmetry in Chinese literature in an interesting and amusing way. The essence of symmetry in Chinese literature is actually in the sentence structure. Chinese poems best illustrate this symmetry in sentence structure. In Chinese poems, all sentences are required to have symmetry sentence structures. The sentence structure of the first part of the sentence is symmetrical to the second part. And in order for the poem to look symmetrical as well, there is a strict rule to the number of words in a sentence of a poem. There can only be even numbers of sentences and all sentences in a poem must have the same number of words.


Example 1-3 are extracted from lecture notes on Chinese Rhetoric, prepared by A/P Lee Cher Leng


The meaning of being symmetrical in sentence structure is as follow: For example we have a 5-word poem. (A 5-word poem is a poem whereby there is a pause after every five words. Two 5- word parts made up a sentence of the poem.) In the first part of a sentence, the first two words is an adjective, third and fourth word is a noun, and the last word is a verb. Then in the second part of the sentence, the first two words must be an adjective, third and fourth word must be a noun, and the last word must be a verb. If this structure is broken, for example in the second part of the sentence, the first word is a verb, the second and third word is an adjective and last two words is a noun. Even if the sentences rhyme, it will still not be considered as a poem. Example 4:


Example 4 is part of a poem by Wang Wei, a poet during the Tang dynasty. The sentences clearly illustrate the idea of symmetry in sentence structure.

Besides poem, this symmetrical sentence structure is also seen in many other parts of Chinese literature. One of those which are most commonly seen is couplets. In the past, Chinese families would have two scrolls of words, pasted on either sides of door. Nowadays in Singapore, people lived in HDB flat and this is not practice. But at Chinese temples like Thian Hock Keng Temple, you will still get to see couplets pasted at either side of the door. And during Chinese New Year, some Chinese families will still paste couplets inside the house.


Example 4 is extracted from lecture notes on Chinese Rhetoric, prepared by A/P Lee Cher Leng


Example 5:


Example 5 is one of those most commonly paste couplet during Chinese New Year. The symmetry in sentence structure is clearly seen.

Sentences with mirror image structure are also frequently used in essays and novels. But it is not totally mirror reflection of words, most of the time it is just mirror reflection of key words. In such cases, it is normally used to expressed ideas like A is B, and B is A.

Example 6: 知者不言,言者不知。 知者不博,博者不知。 信言不美,美言不信。 (老子《道德经》)

Example 7: 不是东风压倒西风,就是东风压倒西风。 (曹雪芹《红楼梦》:82 回)

Example 8: 宇宙即是人生,人生即是宇宙。 (梁启超《为学与做人》)
4 5

Example 5 is extracted from lecture notes on Chinese Rhetoric, prepared by A/P Lee Cher Leng 陈国庆, 张爱东注译,《道德经》:第八十一章,西安 : 三秦出版社, 1995(Complied by Chen Guo Qing & Zhang Ai Dong , Dao De Jing :Chapter 81, Xi An: San Qin Publications, 1995) 6 曹雪芹,《红楼梦》:第八十二回,北京 : 人民文学出版社, 1985 (Cao Xue Qin, Dream of the Red Chamber: Chapter 82, Beijing: Peoples’ Literature Publications, 1985)


Note: Words in blue from example 6-8 are the key words.

Example 6 is from Dao De Jing(道德经) of Lao Zi(老子), a philosopher during the preQin dynasty, commonly known to be the founder of Taoism. Example 7 is from Dream of the Red Chamber(红楼梦), Chapter 82, written by Cao Xue Qin (曹雪芹)during the Qing dynasty. Example 8 is from 《为学与做人》(Learning and Being a Person), written by Liang Qi Chao (梁启超)during late Qing dynasty.

Symmetry can be seen in many parts of Chinese literature. One of the reasons of why is it so could be because of the Chinese preference for even number objects. In Chinese literature, mirror image symmetry is the symmetry that Chinese literati use. As a result of mirror image, even numbers always results. Be it symmetry in meaning wise or structure wise, this symmetry in Chinese literature produces the beauty of compare and contrast, and the beauty of balance. Overall it enhances the beauty of Chinese literature.


Example 8 is extracted from lecture notes on Chinese Rhetoric, prepared by A/P Lee Cher Leng


Paper cut is one of the most popular and characteristic folk arts in China. Papers are folded, cut and unfolded to reveal sophisticated patterns, often with symmetry in them. Paper cuts have rosette patterns — either Cn, which has n-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry, or Dn, which has n-fold rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry. Ignoring the Chinese characters in the center of the patterns, paper cuts give rise to various types of rosette patterns.

C1 patterns: There is 1-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry.



C2 patterns: There is 2-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry.



C3 patterns:
9 10 11


There is 3-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry.


C4 patterns: There is 4-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry.


C6 patterns: There is 6-fold rotational symmetry and no reflection symmetry.


12 13 14


D1 patterns: There are 1-fold rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry.



D2 patterns: There are 2-fold rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry.


15 17


D4 patterns: There are 4-fold rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry.



The most common types of rosette patterns seen in Chinese paper cuts are C1 and D1.

Distribution Of Rosette Patterns
50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 D3 D4

18 19


It can be seen from the various dynasties of China, that music only thrives in the golden era or the prime time of an empire. It has also been observed that the expansion of music leads to extension of the idea of symmetry in both ancient music and its composition which we will discuss promptly. Relation of symmetry to Chinese Music, the “Kung” and Cosmic Influence Music was the cornerstone in the Chinese civilization, which was the longest living culture in history. It was considered to embody within its tones, elements of the celestial order. The audible sound, including music, was but one form of manifestation of a much more fundamental form of Super physical Sound. The Chinese believed that this Primal Sound, Kung or "Huang Chung" (directly translated "yellow bell") was, though inaudible, present everywhere as a Divine Vibration. Furthermore, it was also divided into 12 lesser Sounds or Tones. Each of the 12 Tones was believed to be associated with one of the 12 zodiacal regions of the heavens. For the ancient Chinese, the alignment with the divine prime tone was the emperor's most important task. The alignment of earth with heaven and man with the Supreme was literally the purpose of life. The entire State affairs and order was dependent upon the right tuning of the fundamental tone, the yellow bell, or Kung. As an ancient text warns: "If the Kung is disturbed, then there is disorganization; the prince is arrogant". If the Kung was out of tune, because the celestial realm has changed, disorder and inharmonious behavior in the society became obvious. Every instrument (also the measuring instruments) was tuned and utilized in accordance with the holy tone. The instrument, which could give to man the fundamental tone for a musical scale, which was in perfect harmony with the universe, was the key to earthly paradise, and essential to the security and evolution of the society. The Chinese was aware of the slow changing cosmic influence and consequently the Kung has to change accordingly. The emperor had the task of tuning the Kung so it was in alignment with the cosmic tone.


However so, the Kung is found to be related to the frequency of the Platonic Year. The duration of the Platonic Year, (The Pythagorean Great Year) is about 25,920 years and represents the amount of time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation.

The vernal equinox is the point at which the equator (of Earth) intersects the ecliptic (or zodiac), which is the position of the sun at the beginning of spring - March 21th. The vernal equinox takes an average of 2,160 years to travel through one sign of zodiac. This period of time is known as an age. It is not possible to state exactly when one age is ending and a new beginning, because the signs overlap to a certain degree.

The journey of the vernal equinox through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac equals one great year of approx, 25,920 years. This rotational cycle amazes us how the ancient Chinese could be aware of their sacred fundamental tone, Kung, to be in accordance with the Platonic Year and choose the great rhythm of the Earth. The below illustrates how the ingenious Chinese has managed to link the 12 zodiac signs with the invention of the Kung. However so, we need to note that they may have taken the 12 animal zodiac signs of the Chinese calendar into consideration instead, since the Western Zodiac signs had not entered China yet.


All these show the innovation of Chinese and their obsession in symmetry, especially rotational symmetry in this case, though we may not even live to experience the greatness of it.


Significance of Chinese Pentatonic and Heptatonic scales in Music Symmetry Melody and tone quality are prominent expressive features of Chinese music, and great emphasis is given to the proper articulation and inflection of each musical tone. Most Chinese music is based on the five-tone, or Pentatonic, scale, but the seven-tone, or Heptatonic scale, is also used, often as an expansion of a basically pentatonic core. The Pentatonic scale was much used in older music. The Heptatonic scale is often encountered in northern Chinese folk music. In the pentatonic folk music, semitones do not exist. By practice have the people found out, that the 5 notes scale gave the possibilities to play any key without significant disharmony. Theorists would say that the scale was composed of ascending and descending fifths only in two steps in each direction, which forms a reflectional symmetry from the left to the right. A pentatonic scale can be played by only using the black keys on the piano.



(1) Definition of the Chinese Pentatonic Scale

As we know that 'pentatonic' means 'five', but there are many kinds folk music that have their own set of 5 (eg. Japanese, Malay, Chinese etc). Hence, the best way to express the Chinese Pentatonic is by understanding the fixed interval relation between the 5 notes.

Using the movable-doh concept, the basic of the Chinese pentatonic is doh, re, mi, soh, la (and back to doh). There is a name for each of the notes: doh ('gong'), re ('shang'), mi ('jiao'), soh ('zhi'), la ('yu'). Now for the interval relation: gong & shang (doh & re) is a major 2nd apart, shang & jiao (re & mi) is a major 2nd apart, jiao & zhi (mi & soh) is a minor 3rd etc. So a basic 'formula' would be this:

Notes: gong shang jiao zhi yu gong Interval: (Maj 2nd) (Maj 2nd)(Min 3rd)(Maj 2nd) (Min 3rd)

Therefore, if your doh (gong) is on a D flat, based on the interval relation, the following arrangement would be:

Notes: Db Eb F Ab Bb Db Interval: (Maj 2nd)(Maj 2nd)(min 3rd) (Maj 2nd) (Min 3rd)

We can memorize this fixed interval and try it on any starting note and we will get the same pentatonic sound in different pitches. In terms of symmetry, it actually forms a translational symmetry when repeating the scale.

(2) Not just one scale

From the above fixed interval relation (or structure), we can derive 5 kinds of Chinese pentatonic scales. In the above examples, we start a scale using 'gong' (or doh). Remember that this is a movable-doh concept. This is called the 'gong pentatonic scale'. We can also have a 'shang (or re) pentatonic scale'. 17

Notes: shang jiao zhi yu gong shang Interval: (maj2nd) (min3rd)(maj2nd)(min3rd) (maj2nd) movable-doh: re mi soh la doh re

If you choose D flat as a 'shang' (like in this case) instead of a 'gong' (in the previous case), your scale would be: notes: Db(shang), Fb (jiao), Gb (zhi), Ab (yu), Cb (gong), Db (shang) So we just need to remember that the interval relation is fixed, but we can choose where to position the starting note and the respective scale which can be constructed as we fill in the other notes according to the 'formula'.

(3) How to determine the 'gong' (or the doh) from a given Chinese scale.

If you are given a set of 5 notes, for eg, A,C,D,F,G,A, would you know which note is 'gong' and what scale is this? There is a secret to finding out. In every Chinese pentatonic scale, there is a hidden Major 3rd. First, find the major 3rd. Here F and A is the major 3rd. In the 'formula', 'gong'(doh) and 'jiao'(mi) form the only major 3rd. This is fixed too. Hence, 'F' here is your 'gong'. So, when you put the fixed interval structure, this would be a 'jiao pentatonic scale' (since it starts on A and A is a jiao). (4) The spiral of fifths and the scale of 60 Lü Next, the pentatonic scale thus presents a structure that allows it to be an adequate representation of the static influence of heaven on earth. But a static representation of a world in motion could not be an instrument of action upon that world. It is necessary to evolve from the motionless to the moving, from the angular to the circular, from the square to the circle. To express the movements of the universe, the sounds will have to submit to the cyclic laws that, in their own field, are represented by the cycle of fifths."



As we have already seen, the fifth is the third sound of the series of harmonics, the first being the fundamental and the second its octave. According to the formula of the Tao-Te-Ching, "One has produced two, two has produced three, three has produced all the numbers", we can understand why the third sound, the fifth, must necessarily produce all the other sounds by its cyclic repetitions. The first to be produced will be the four principal sounds, which form comparatively simple ratios with the tonic. The Chinese musical scale was developed by the circle of perfect fifths up to 60 degrees or keys, the 60 Lü, though they usually only used the first 5 fifths in their pentatonic music, because they knew that they represent the limit of consonance in modal music. In addition, the ancient Chinese saw a symbolic representation of the pentatonic scale rooted from their belief of music being the representation of the relationship between heaven and earth the five elements). In practice, for reasons that are symbolic as well as musical, after the 52nd fifth (53rd note) the Chinese follow the series only for the next seven degrees, which place themselves above those of the initial seven-note scale, and they stop the series at the 60th note. The reason given is that 12 (the number of each cycle) * 5 (the number of the elements) = 60.



Hence, the spiral of fifths gave rise to continuous rotational symmetry of the notes through repetitions and eventually formed the 60 Lü. The seven-notes (Heptatonic) Chinese scale

C 1/1

D 9/8

E+ 81/64




G 3/2

A+ 27/16

B+ 243/128

C’ 2/1

(4/3) 729/512

The two auxiliary sounds - 243/128 and 739/512 - should not be used as fundamentals, though they are needed for transpositions, because they belong to the scale of invisible worlds, and therefore we can neither perceive their accuracy nor build systems upon them without going out of tune. Doesn’t the below show reflectional symmetry when placed on a musical scale?


Figure 1: Scale of Great Dragon tuning.



Chinese Music and Song Composition Chinese music writing should be based on various “modes”, seven-tonic scale instead of only the pentatonic scale, and should be assisted with modal harmony and tooled with classical symmetry. Furthermore, symmetric techniques advance the thoughtfulness of art songs. Hence a basic approach to compose a song is to repeat a sequence of tones again and again. If this is done correctly, the restatement of the sequence of tones will help to make the musical piece easier to remember and more recognizable. Musical restatements are very similar to geometric transformations. A geometric figure like a triangle can be relocated while preserving its size and shape. These can include simple translations and reflections as shown. Other than these, in modern composition of lyrics in Chinese Pop Songs, composers have a tendency to separate a piece of song into 2 portions, where the 2nd part will just be a repetition of the 1st part. There are also composers who only repeat the chorus part. All these can prove as direct translational symmetry in terms of the lyrics and tune of the song, which lets singers have an easier time memorizing them, as well as a plus point for teenagers who like to sing at karaoke due to the easy grasp of the songs. Below are 2 examples which musical scales can be symmetrical. If musical notes are placed at the vertices of the triangle below and the triangle is moved horizontally from position A to position B. What musical notes should be in position B?


In musical application, the notes will repeat accordingly as shown below.


23 24


If the triangle in position I reflects to position II, what is the musical reflection of the notes?


The notes will repeat. The triangle is reflected across the Y-axis. The musical counterpart of a horizontal reflection is called retrogression.


Then there can also be a vertical reflection as shown.


Hence from the above examples, we can see that Chinese music, no matter in ancient times, or modern times, it still deeply affects us, especially with the inclusion of symmetry to enhance its longevity.

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Although few examples of Chinese homes have survived from antiquity, using archeological evidence, it can be determined that many of the basic principles of Chinese house design, such as the emphasis on orientation, layout, and symmetry go far back in Chinese history.


The basic feature of Chinese architecture is

rectangular-shaped units of space joined together into whole. The Chinese style combines rectangular shapes varying in size and position according to importance into an organic whole. As a result, traditional Chinese style buildings have an imposing yet dynamic and intriguing exterior. Diagram of a four-sided courtyard house The combination of units of space in traditional Chinese architecture abides by the principles of balance and symmetry. The main structure is the axis, and the secondary structures are positioned as two wings on either side to form the main rooms and yard. The area that the house is built on is shaped like a rectangle or square, even if the entire plot of land isn’t perfectly geometrical Residence, official buildings, temples, and palaces all follow these same basic principles. The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese social and ethnical values.

"The design, layout and material of the old houses here reflect the ancient philosophy of harmony between humans and heaven," said Liu Xiaoshi, a leading architect active in the preservation of old Beijing.




Symmetry overview of the Forbidden City in Beijing

It’s apparent that the Chinese are concerned with geometry in architecture, merely by viewing the archways or doorways of many buildings. Most examples have three bays: a larger dominating portal forming the central axis with paired openings of lesser size and importance on either side. They are often in the shape of semi-circles or near circles and have intricate designs on or around them. The circles represent openness and hospitality in the Chinese culture, the circular gate is said to be more inviting than a rectangular doorway. Presentation is a key component in the Chinese culture. Expression of symmetry and geometry in architecture is a traditional way for architects to express Chinese culture.


Paifang, an example of bilateral symmetry which is by far the most common form of symmetry in architecture. In bilateral symmetry, the halves of a composition mirror each other.

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Paifang, also called pailou, is an architectural design that is uniquely Chinese. The paifang is an archway made of wood or stone and inlaid with glazed tiles. In feudal times, calligraphers were requested to write moral inscriptions that were carved in the middle beam. The paifang stand in downtown areas, entrances of mausoleums, temples, bridges, and parks. They are also made in memory of virtuous people making them memorial structures. They can also be made as a decoration. The pagoda is another structure with symmetry. It was mainly used to house sacred objects. These temples can take the form of a storied tower, or, more rarely, a upturned bowl. As the centuries passed, however, the shape of these temples took new forms. In the second and third century, the structures were basically made out of wood. Their shape took the form of a tetragonal under Song during the 10th Century. The next

dynasty, Tang,

decided to have their towers shaped into an octagon or diagonal. The number of stories varied with each of the buildings. The height demised regularly from the base to the summit but everything else remained the same.

In most buildings we find more than one kind of symmetry. For example, in the Chinese pagoda, we can see at the same time both the cylindrical symmetry (found in towers and columns) inherent in the building's organization about the vertical axis, and the similarity symmetry (found where repeated elements change in scale but diminishing sizes of the layered roofs.

retain a similar shape) of the




The Temple of Heaven33 (Tian Tan) The temple was designed according to the most advanced principles of mechanics, geometry and fengshui (geomancy), and incorporates a wealth of examples of number, symmetry and geometric shape. It has symmetry similar to the ones mentioned with the pagodas. Furthermore, it also has rotational symmetry (Rotation and reflection provide a sense of movement and rhythm in architectural elements and an emphasis on the central point of the architectural space).


Rotational symmetry as can be seen from the ceiling of the temple



Cylindrical symmetry in round houses made of earth of Hakka Origin

34 36


Translational symmetry falls in the category of space group symmetry, and is, after bilateral symmetry, the most common kind of symmetry found in architecture. Translation of elements in one direction is found in solemn rows of soldier-like columns, or in the springing succession of arches in an aqueduct. Translational symmetry seems to carry with it an emphasis on a superlative quality in architecture: the longest, the broadest, or the tallest. An example of this type of symmetry will be the shophouses lined up in a row. Chiral symmetry is perhaps less well-known than other types of symmetry but frequently effectively used in architecture. Chiral symmetry is found in two objects which are each other's mirror image and which cannot be superimposed, such as our hands. Chiral symmetry in architecture is another way to place visual emphasis on the central element of a composition.


Twin pagodas (the two pagodas are all that remain of a large temple that was destroyed in the British Opium War) Hence, we can see that symmetry and balance are traditional Chinese techniques,. It is a typical manifestation of harmony and tranquility which lie at the heart of Chinese traditional thinking and on which Chinese civilization has been built.



As shown through extensive analysis of the various examples of visual art as well as audio art, symmetry perpetuates itself in many occasions. As mentioned, the Chinese favor symmetry and things to exist in even numbers as it is a mark of harmony and continuity. Through the paper cuts, symmetry is shown to exist in the reflectional and rotational properties; and it is shown that C1 and D1 rosette patterns are more common than others. In the field of literature, it has been illustrated how there is structural symmetry in the classes of words used and the arrangement of such words. In architecture, the geometrical symmetry is symbolic; for example, circles represent hospitality. Through the analysis of the structure of music, we see that symmetry not only brings some sense of wholeness in the acoustic experience but it is a reflection of a deeper hierarchical structure. Hence, we can see that symmetry and balance are traditional Chinese techniques. It is a typical manifestation of harmony and tranquility which lie at the heart of Chinese traditional thinking and on which Chinese civilization has been built.


Bibliography: Website Links 1. The Creation of Musical Scales, part II. 2. The Theory Behind Chinese Music 3. Symmetry 4. Fearful Symmetry 5. Music Theory and Ancient Cosmology 6. Pitches, Scales and Modes 7. Introduction to Symmetry 8. Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking 9. About Paper Cuttings • • • • •

10. Symmetry in Architecture by Kim Williams, Architect 11. Chinese Architecture 12. 13. 14. /finalproject.html 29


1. Yuan-Yuan Lee & Sin-yan Shen, Chinese musical instruments, Chicago : Chinese Music Society of North America, 1999 2. Stephen Jones, Folk music of China : living instrumental traditions, Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press , c1995 3. Jonathan P.J. Stock, Musical creativity in twentieth-century China : Abing, his music, and its changing meanings, Rochester, N.Y. : University of Rochester Press, 1996 4. Sin-yan Shen, China : a journey into its musical art, Chicago : Chinese Music Society of North America, 2000 5. Jenny F. So, Music in the age of Confucius, Washington, D.C. : Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, c2000 6. Robert Wood Clack, Celestial symphonies : a study of Chinese music, New York : Gordon Press , 1976 7. J. A. Van Aalst, Chinese music, Taipei : Chinese Classical Music Association , 1964 8. Ian Johnston, Measured tones : the interplay of physics and music, Bristol ; Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Publishing, c2002 9. Dorothy K. Washburn & Donald W. Crowe, Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis, United States of America: University of Washington, 1988. 10. 陈国庆, 张爱东注译,《道德经》:第八十一章,西安 : 三秦出版社, 1995(Complied by Chen Guo Qing & Zhang Ai Dong , Dao De Jing :Chapter 81, Xi An: San Qin Publications, 1995) 11. 曹雪芹,《红楼梦》:第八十二回,北京 : 人民文学出版社, 1985


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...language, etc. Architecture The history of Chinese architecture has been built over many centuries. Its distinctive and special structural features have significantly influenced on the architectural styles of the East Asia countries such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam. In Chinese architecture, bilateral symmetry and the articulations of buildings are mainly concerned. These features did not only apply for the palaces, but also apply for the humble farmhouses. Apart from the main buildings, the open courtyard and/or the “sky well” can be easily found within the building complexes. Open courtyard and the “sky well” is an empty space surrounded by buildings that connected one building to another one building either directly. Chinese Siheyuan in Beijing is a very good example showing the symmetry, use of open courtyard and “sky well”. Another important feature of Chinese architecture is that Chinese architecture emphasizes on width, in contrast, Western architecture emphasizes on height. The wide halls of Forbidden City and castles in Western countries are very good examples in respect of Chinese and Western architectures. In relation to the structural materials, bricks, stones and wooden timber (frame and roof) are frequently used. Chinese architecture was well developed since ancient times, timber frames are mainly constructed by dowel, it is seldom to use glue or nails. Feng Shui Feng Shui is an ancient art related to the environment and the power of nature...

Words: 1105 - Pages: 5

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Art History

...LIGHT & COLOR Fig. 118 The Dan Flavin Art Institute Plays with idea on how we experience color and light Pink & yellow combine How we perceive color inside space Fig. 119 also Fig. 120 Leonardo da Vinci- Madonna on the Rocks Uses atmospheric perspective Clarity precision and contrast between light and dark dominates foreground Three distant rock formations are different colors so we can place them spacially Fig. 121 J.M.W. Turner Rain, Steam and Speed Used atmospheric perspective Talks about Industrial Revolution COLOR AND MEANING Fig. 133 Nikolai Buglaj Racing Sideways 13 racers all tied in lead skin changes from white to black from left to white as their uniforms change from black to white color value scale but also cultural value scale all runners running at same space but not getting ahead, this is show theres no progress in racial acceptance * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fig. 134 Ben Jones Black Fance and Arm Life size plaster casts, acrylic paint on them Blackness is presence of all color, explores own cultural heritage * Fig. 136 Cai Guo Transient Rainbow Multi-color peonies fitted with computer chips 300x600 feet circle is the symbol of the universe for the Chinese brings up ideas of fergility and things changing quickly SIR ISAAC NEWTON***** Spectrum & color wheel Fig. 139 Color mixtures of reflected pigment ...

Words: 657 - Pages: 3

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Chris Tomlin Creation

...Connelly. The original work is one of many such images found in the Saint John’s Bible, located in the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library at Saint John’s University. This is a piece that is beautiful, dynamic, and expressive, as well as asymmetrical and representational. This piece is meant to be viewed from the bible itself, as a spiritual experience or reference. It is a visual aid to the writing within the bible, showing the creation of the world through the seven days in the book of Genesis. Prints of the work are sold online so that viewers may take the art home and experience it firsthand whenever they wish. The print in Dr. Connelly’s home is hung at eye level, in a simple frame, so you may stand as close or as far away from it as you desire. In her home it is a visual representation of the beliefs of her and her partner, as well as an inviting decoration. Creation is composed asymmetrically, but does incorporate symmetry in a number of places. The image is linear, telling a story that happens in a sequential order. The sequence is divided into seven visible pillars that lay side by side horizontally. Arrangement is simple,...

Words: 977 - Pages: 4

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I Like Stuff

...shorter sample essay. Supplying an accurate word count is in any case crucial. Your essay should aim to be quite a focused piece and be a work of analysis and interpretation rather than just description. You may need to seek advice on the planning, structuring and the title of your essay. Some modifications may be necessary for scientific submissions. Where will inspiration for my essay come from? Your essay may, or may not be, a further development of normal subject work (e.g. Physics Research and Analysis, English Phillimore, History Gibbon Prize etc); it may be on subjects which have no existing prizes; it may be on a subject which is not on the curriculum (e.g. Anthropology) or which is cross-curricular (e.g. English and History of Art); or it may have emerged from Cultural perspectives lessons, the Cultural Perspectives timed essay which you take at the end of this term, be inspired by Critical Thinking work or be a ‘further developed’ praebendum essay. You should state in a covering note how and why the essay came about. Of course, it may represent a completely new and independent study of a personal academic interest of your own. When is the deadline? The deadline is the first day of Play Term after...

Words: 1271 - Pages: 6

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...HUMANITIES 1 (RESEARCH PAPER) HISTORY OF PAINTINGS AND ARTISTS IN THE WORLD ADRIAN M SITCHON PROF. PEREZ 4TH YEAR/BS.HRM/NS (SUBMITTED BY) TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORY BODY * EASTERN PAINTING * WESTERN PAINTING * 20th-CENTURY MODERN * AND CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF TERMS * FAMOUS PAINTERS * AND BIOGRAPHY * Paintings of famous painters CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION: Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and Tempera. Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or inorganic materials. (This is different than a colorant, which dyes or stains a color.) All paints use the same basic pigments, but the binder changes. The binder for acrylics dries quickly and the paint is more like a plastic than oils which have an oil based binder and dry slowly. Oil Paints are often built up in layers or glazes. The other paints---Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache, and Tempera---are water-based, meaning the paint can be diluted with water and clean-up can be done with soap and water. Oil paints, on the other hand, require paint thinner to clean brushes. The number and variety of painting techniques is endless. Besides quality of paint, factors affecting color quality include: paint opacity, glossiness of painting surface...

Words: 4942 - Pages: 20

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What Is the ‘Georgian Worldview’ and How Has This Concept Influenced the Archaeology of Eighteenth-Century North America?

...What is the ‘Georgian worldview’ and how has this concept influenced the archaeology of eighteenth-century North America? The ‘Georgian worldview’ is a theory that uses a study of cultural development to determine the thoughts of the eighteenth-century North Americans. It was initiated by James Deetz in his first edition of In Small Things Forgotten (1977). The term encapsulates Deetz’s structuralism-based idea that the evident alteration within English material culture and landscape design was more than a change in style, but a universal change in human consciousness—from medieval to modern—and this extended across the Atlantic despite the colony’s increasing political distance from the homeland (Deetz, 1996: 62-63; 2003: 221). Deetz believed that shared artefact form reflected shared thought (2003: 220). The theory has enabled historical archaeologists to recognise a distinctive shift in many areas of material culture which subsequently encouraged a succession of scholars to further this idea by posing key questions: why did the worldview develop, where else was a Georgian worldview visible, how did it present itself in areas outside New England? In the quest for answers to these questions, archaeologists have developed the concept which accordingly shaped interpretations of the material discoveries of eighteenth-century North America. Deetz’s model for the cultural development of New England illustrates that following an interval (1660-1760) of limited English...

Words: 3625 - Pages: 15

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Activities for Health and Well Being

...Health and Social Care Activities for health and well being Introduction The unit requires me to manage an activity in a health and social care environment which will benefit an individual or a small group of service users, the activity will allow me to work on my communication skills with contrasting age groups. With the activities I have designed I would have to take into account the physical, intellectual, social and emotional side of each child. For this I will be visiting Woodend Preschool where I will be holding an activity to evaluate the children's skills and assessing how well we communicate between each other, by the way our body language comes across. Before making my final decision about the activity, I will have to take into consideration the skills each child has, the facilities, safety implications, equipment and time. Also I have to plan, improve and evaluate my activity; I have also made samples for each of my activities. The preschool and early school years are also full of changes, from three to five the child’s motor skills, language, thinking and social development change dramatically. A01- Suitable Activities and Reasons for Choice I have created a range of activities that would be suitable for Pre-schoolers aged between three to four, at this point in their life the child's development is important, it is a time where the child’s world will be dominated by fantasy and vivid imagination. Hopefully the children will be able move around confidently...

Words: 10833 - Pages: 44

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Golden Ratio

...Central Luzon State University College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology The Golden Ratio: Reference of Beauty Submitted to: Nixon Agaser Submitted by: Jam Shimei I. Gamboa Jeanne R. Dadufalza Eden Leigh Pagoso Micah A. Montes The Golden Ratio: Reference of Beauty Beauty has been defined as a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses or to the mind. It is a philosophical concept, the aspects of which are studied under the term aesthetics, derived from the Greek word for perception (aisthesis). Aesthetics, therefore, is the study of beauty and, to a lesser extent, it’s opposite the ugly. It involves both the understanding and evaluation of beauty, proportions and symmetry. The assessment of facial beauty is immersed in subjectivity and therefore leans towards the world of art. Facial proportions and facial balance, however, can be measured and therefore fit somewhere between art and science. Aesthetics itself is now essentially a science in the formation, although obviously with a very strong philosophical and artistic background (Naini, et al. 2008.) According to Jang (2014) it is becoming clear that there is a science to beauty. Extensive research has shown that we have similar ideas about what constitutes a beautiful face. When British researchers asked women to rate pictures of various men, their choices were identical. When a group including English, Chinese, and Indians were asked to choose a “good looking” face from a selection of racially...

Words: 1952 - Pages: 8

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Sharf 2013 Art in the Dark

...Art in the dark: the ritual context of Buddhist caves in western China Robert Sharf Preamble One can imagine a simpler time, when art was ‘art’ because it engendered an ‘aesthetic experience’, a time when art was understood with reference to beauty, and beauty was something that could not be reduced to utility or function alone. Just as the New Critics approached a work of literature through ‘close reading’, the meaning of a work of art could be deduced, it was presumed, from a close critical analysis of the autonomous object. This approach is not without appeal: in giving prominence to beauty and aesthetic experience, one assumes some degree of congruence between the aesthetic intent of the artist and the affective response of the intended viewer, both of which are vested in the work itself. In other words, situating the import of an aesthetic work within the object itself, rather than, let’s say, in its cultural context, enables one to circumvent the complex issues of production and reception, not to mention the apparent gap that separates the two. The art-historical counterpart of New Criticism, perhaps best exemplified in the formalism of Heinrich Wölfflin, Roger Fry and Clement Greenberg, found itself on the defensive during the last quarter of the twentieth century.1 Following the historicist and postmodernist currents of the day, art historians were increasingly critical of approaches predicated on the presumed autonomy of the object. Moving...

Words: 17731 - Pages: 71

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Pdfakjds; Alkdfaldkssdlkfjasd; Lkfajsd; Lfkadjs; Flkasdjf; Lasddfasdfasdfdsfdsaf

...Images questions Chicago Fair- White City midway The white city worked as the ideal city in the United States Architecture and the systems (electricity, sanitation, regulation upper middle class dream of city Architectural hall, amusement zone Control not only civic centre also over the fun zone. Exterior warehouse kind of interior. urban space consumerism department store. Everything is about the show. fasade- architectural building part Industrialization nationalism provide claim Czech Slovakia Finland Nationalism was big theme for Paris Universelle De Paris 1889 Ethnic idea accentual of Frenchness. Americanness The darker side of nationalism in the racism Colonial Empire (Phillippines) ideal of progress civilization get better and better civilized uncivilized Louisiana Purchase 1904 idea of amusement zone in fair control by the same corporation social practice etc. People want to be not just educated but also make it fun Midway was kind of confused area. Music Hall, Saloon, real urban place high aspiration...

Words: 3148 - Pages: 13

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Matrices and Its Application

...Matrices Operation | 9-15 | 3.1. Properties of matrix operation | 9 | 3.1.1 Properties of subtraction | 9 | 3. 1.2 Properties of Addition | 9 | 3.1.3 Properties of Matrix Multiplication | 10 | 3.1.4 Properties of Scalar Multiplication | 10 | 3.1.5 Properties of the Transpose of a Matrix | 10 | 3.2 Matrix Operation | 11 | 3.2.1 Matrix Equality | 12 | 3.2.2 Matrix Addition | 12 | 3.2.3 Matrix Subtraction | 12 | 3.2.4 Matrix Multiplication | 12 | 3.2.5 Multiplication of Vectors | 14 | 3.3 Inverse of Matrix | 15 | 3.4 Elementary Operations | 15 | Chapter-04: Application of Matrix | 16-21 | 4.1 Application of Matrix | 16 | 4.1.1 Solving Linear Equations | 16 | 4.1.2 Electronics | 16 | 4.1.3 Symmetries and transformations in physics | 17 | 4.1.4 Analysis and geometry | 17 | 4.1.5 Probability theory and statistics | 17 | 4.1.6 Cryptography | 18 | 4.2. Application of Matrices in Real Life | 18 | Chapter-05:Findings and Recommendation | 20-22 | 5.1 Findings | 20...

Words: 6438 - Pages: 26

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The Asian History

...The Origins of the Chinese Empire, to 220 C.E. these cities, built by rulers to move troops and supplies, were traveled by traders transporting such items as metal tools and utensils, lacquered wood plates and boxes, silk, pottery, gems, salt, and lumber. A money economy emerged, using copper coins called cash, with center holes for stringing them together for counting and carrying. China's towns and cities were likewise linked into a large economic system . Trade between China and distant lands A metal bell from the Zhou era. was difficult and dangerous, but by the era's end commerce was conducted by sea with Southeast Asia and by land routes crossing Central Asia. The Central Asian Connection Central Asia, a vast expanse to China's north and west where the climate was too dry for farming (Map 2), was home mainly to pastoral nomads who grazed herds on its plateaus and plains. Skilled on horseback, the nomads occasionally attacked Chinese settlements to carry off goods and supplies, but they also spread commerce and useful knowledge. Some nomads, for example, exchanged their Central Asian nomads connect China with other cultures Nomads and Chinese adopt horse riding and crossbows from each other Iron tools and weapons spread to China, enhancing farming and warfare hides, wool, and horses for Chinese silk, pottery, metalware, and wood products and then traded these items with other societies across Central Asia. Over time, connections with the...

Words: 18516 - Pages: 75

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...g Easier! Making Everythin ™ heory tring T S Learn: • The basic concepts of this controversial theory • How string theory builds on physics concepts • The different viewpoints in the field • String theory’s physical implications Andrew Zimmerman Jones Physics Guide, with Daniel Robbins, PhD in Physics Get More and Do More at® Start with FREE Cheat Sheets Cheat Sheets include • Checklists • Charts • Common Instructions • And Other Good Stuff! To access the Cheat Sheet created specifically for this book, go to Get Smart at makes your life easier with 1,000s of answers on everything from removing wallpaper to using the latest version of Windows. Check out our • Videos • Illustrated Articles • Step-by-Step Instructions Plus, each month you can win valuable prizes by entering our sweepstakes. * Want a weekly dose of Dummies? Sign up for Newsletters on • Digital Photography • Microsoft Windows & Office • Personal Finance & Investing • Health & Wellness • Computing, iPods & Cell Phones • eBay • Internet • Food, Home & Garden Find out “HOW” at *Sweepstakes not currently available in all countries; visit for official rules. String Theory FOR DUMmIES ‰ by Andrew Zimmerman Jones with Daniel Robbins, PhD in Physics String Theory For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www...

Words: 133965 - Pages: 536

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...the subject of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a complex topic to deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic in such a brief essay. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is it? • The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, “humanitas” • It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre—in which human subjectivity is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS HUMANITIES • The fields of knowledge and study falling under humanities are dedicated to the pursuit of discovering and understanding the nature of man. • The humanities deal with man as a being of purpose, of values, loves, hates, ideas and sometimes as seer or prophet with divine inspiration. • The humanities aim at educating. THE ARTS: What is it? • The word “art” usually refers to the so-called “fine arts” (e.g. pictorial, plastic, and building)– and to the so-called “minor arts” (everyday, useful, applied, and decorative arts) • The word “art” is derived from arti, which denotes craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, inventiveness. • Art serves as a technical and creative record of human needs and achievements. The word 'art' is often used in our daily lives. However, when we scrutinize the word in depth, defining what is art may not be as...

Words: 11870 - Pages: 48