...Performance Evaluation and Feedback System (PEFS) Objective: Introduce the difference of PEFS between Japan and the west Goal: Understand the reason and result of adoption of different PEFS Expected result: Able to work in a company with the PEFS which is suitable for them. Japan: Staff performance is evaluated as a whole, based on company profit, department contribution. Feedback and future direction is provided to all staff in company / department through group meeting (e.g., morning assembly). The reason of using this PEFS is that Japanese pays attention to relationship, and their career goal is group/company success. When compensation is based on individual performance, staff becomes focus on individual success. This hampers team working and company success. As a result, staff works under strain of the working environment (self-control), strives to maintain good relationship with others (focus on harmony), follows custom and finds a middle way to solve any problems (avoid conflict). As it is difficult for staff to express his own opinion in working environment, building relationship becomes more important for personal success. This creates the “after work drinking” culture. The West: Staff performance is evaluated as a whole and individual basis, based on company profit, department contribution, and individual performance. Feedback is provided to individual. One on one meeting is held to discuss career goal and development plan. The reason of using this PEFS...
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...Grading system versus written evaluations The grading system has been embedded in our education system for many generations now. Students have been assessed based on their knowledge and skill of various subjects based on their performance on a piece of paper. From that, they are awarded grades with A’s being the best signifying superior knowledge and F’s being the worst. Recently however, many have started to wonder how written evaluations instead may be more beneficial and thorough in assessing a student’s performance. Although I agree with written evaluations being a more suitable means of evaluating any student, let us first explore how written evaluations and the grading system vary in terms of providing quality assessment of students, time cost and finally how it may help in the working environment. Both the grading system and written evaluations vary in providing quality assessments of the students. The grading system mainly merely tests on the students understanding and grasp of concepts. However, as information is easily accessed from books and the internet, students may only be memorizing facts and vomiting them out on paper instead of properly understanding what they mean. Moreover, the grading system does not provide valuable input on which areas the students may be weak at and what he or she could improve on. Written evaluations on the other hand however would be provided by teachers that are familiar with the students. They would be able to give insight to the...
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...System Evaluation CIS/207 September 24, 2014 Oswald Angst System Evaluation In this paper I will be writing about Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has combined the use of different information systems into their business process, like most businesses today, but I will focus on their Decision Support System. I will explain how this Decision Support System is used in Wal-Mart and how this system has transformed how this organization operates. Then I will discuss some of the requirements that drove this system’s initial development. Next I will explain some of the basic uses of this system and how the system has help out Wal-Mart. I will also go over some of their future plans. Lastly I will conclude my paper and summarize some of my key points. System Use Marchela (2004), " Teradata, a division of NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR), today announced that Wal-Mart has expanded its Teradata® data warehouse, increasing its lead as the largest retail data warehouse in the world” (para. 1). This Teradata warehouse was the basing for the company’s Retail Link decision support system between vendors and Wal-Mart. This grants suppliers to access large amounts of online, real-time data. This data helps those companies improve their operations. Jakovljevic (2005), " While Wal-Mart can match the growth of these retailers in absolute numbers just by opening new stores, it will hardly take more business in the competitive multichannel market serving customers with individual, personalized shopping...
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...System Evaluation Paper CIS/207 January 05,2014 The system I will be discussing is used in an organization that I used to work in many years ago, but working in the medical environment, all systems seem to tie into new technology and growth for businesses to streamline, be cost effective, save time and to be able to manage the environment by a click of a mouse. The system used while I was working as an EMT, (Emergency Medical Technician) initially started with just radio communication between the ambulance and the ER. All documentation was written on a triplicate carbon progress note. The paperwork would be legal documentation that would transfer to the ER to continue with treating the patient. As new technology, insurance requirements, and federal and state guidelines changed regarding legibility of these documents so came the introduction of the wireless mobile units, which later developed into the use of a laptop and also integration of software that allowed the ability to transfer medical documentation in real time to any ER (Emergency Room) facility. The system also provides for the use of GPS (Global positioning system) tracking, which would give accurate locations of accident or emergencies. The new technology allows the portable system to be taken right to the patient, whether the patient is on the first floor, tenth floor or stuck in the attic. In years past, the assessment for the patient and medical history would have to wait until the patient...
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...Systems Thinking and Change Management Evaluation Systems thinking is a process that incorporates the crucial elements of strategic planning, management and leadership development, team building, and other principles of organizational change in the effort to create positive change within an organization. The first component of this discussion evaluates systems thinking and the application and limitations of systems logic as essential considerations in managerial decision making. Systems thinking is also a technique that manages a process as a whole while understanding that individual pieces of the process can cause an impact. Systems thinking applies a linkage strategy that analyzes interactions among elements comprising a system. It takes into account that large systems can be negatively affected by small changes in another geographically or time separated areas. This view of process management is ideal for any organization that has more than a very few processes and personnel. Communication is the method within systems thinking that defeats negative affects. Application and Limitations A systems approach can be seen in the following real world-example. Their outstanding success in systems thinking makes Wal-Mart’s an excellent comparison system for corroborating systems thinking examples for this IT project’s discussion. Wal-Mart has taken forecasting to the highest level by using a systems thinking electronic database (Aquilano, Chase, and Jacobs, p. 510, 2006). The company...
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...System Evaluation Fred Wilder May 4, 2014 Management of Information Systems Robert Jenkins University of Phoenix No matter what line of business you are in, it is all about learning and improving. Identifying and resolving the problems that arise within and outside the organization is important to uplift business productivity. Outdated and Inefficient methods and strategies will not move your business ahead, it will only cause more problems and more work for the employees. Even in public service, where you primary objective is serving customers to the best of your ability it is extremely important to make sure you are always looking for ways to advance business and promote better service. I have a friend that works as a 911 Telecommunication Officer, and her department have recently switched from a EMD Protocol Card set system to a ProQA system that appears to be much more efficient. The EMD Protocol Card set system delivers the medical protocol in a durable flip file format with individual protective card pockets. The cardset allows dispatchers to quickly move through Case Entry and Key Questioning. Determinants clearly display the response configuration specifically assigned to the code by local agency authorities. Although there are many pros to this type of system, the problem is the cons outweigh the pros. When you are dealing with life or death situations it is important to be as accurate as possible. What I have discovered is that these...
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...System Evaluation Paper At my current job, Qualcomm Inc. we use a system called Salesforce. I’m going to discuss how Salesforce has improved our department and employee satisfaction within the company. Salesforce has had great contribution to how business runs more smoothly since Salesforce was introduced to our department. Salesforce is a global cloud computing company that is best known for customer management. After Salsforce was implemented in our department it was much easier for employees to track tasks that were assigned to the employees. It was also easier for customers to create tickets for certain requests needed throughout the company. Before Salesforce was introduced to our department we used another system that wasn’t very user friendly and seemed a little dated for such a large technology company. The customer would send an email to a certain mailing list, let’s say the customer wanted a new wrist or mouse pad. We would then check the email, respond and complete the request. At the time, there wasn’t really a way for the customer to know if the request had been taken care of or a way to track their request. Another problem was that there wasn’t a way to know if another employee had taken care of the request or not. The old system also had a quite a few steps and took some time to understand for its users. I also think another factor was that the company was still growing and we didn’t have as many customers to assist. As Qualcomm grew in time we had a higher demand...
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...System Evaluation Paper By: Matthew Greenwell Class: IT-205 Professor: Dr. Regina Henry Date: 6-22-2014 Selling business to customers in the armored transportation industry is very difficult. Has anyone ever noticed that you never see commercials for Brinks, Loomis or GARDA. You never hear a radio advertisement or see an add on the internet telling you about the about the benefits of armored transportation. If you are lucky you may see a glimpse of one on the silver screen. Twenty years ago the entire armored transportation business was done through word of mouth and generally face to face. Sales reps would travel to customer locations and speak with customers face to face about the benefits of armored transportation. This built a tremendous bond between businesses and armored carriers even to the point that both the armored carrier and their customers changed their own policies and procedures for one another even if that decision didn't make sense for their business model. In 2007 the recession hit the economy hard and businesses both big and small were trying to find new ways to save money which brought about a major change in the armored transportation industry because pricing became the number one priority to all customers. The major armored transportation carriers never had to really adapt to business before this event and they are now franticly trying to keep up with the changes that are happening every day. The way that customers are being...
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...System Evaluation New Age of Technology Until about five years ago, I didn’t have a good understanding of what system development meant. The first, twelve years of my adult life I spent the majority of that time out of touch with reality. I’m forever indebted to the United States Marine Corps for allowing me to serve the better portion of my life in such a wonderful organization. What do the Marine Corps have to do with this assignment? Some of the most innovative things have been driven or created my veterans and current members of our Armed Forces. I think to myself, my military career would’ve been so much easier if we followed what the public and private sectors created. Currently working for the Department of Labor as an IT Specialist, we serve working Americans to ensure they receive the proper pay and benefits. I’m honored to continue to serve the people of this great nation. My department receives five or six request a week regarding a business requirement. Most business owners know what the need is, but have no clue what system, hardware or software can capture their requirements. We needed a complete over haul of our pay and leave system. Folks hopped from screen to screen and browser to browser to capture similar results, on different systems. All people don’t like change! How can we institute a new system that is easy enough to provide only the information we need? We started with a small team of people, the user, the developer and programmer. Three different...
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...When working in the supply chain management business, I feel that one requirement for moving into the future and staying competitive is using a system like the transportation management system (TMS). There are numerous benefits to manufactures, distribution companies or any company that needs to ship its product to outside customers. This system goes way beyond dealing with the cost of freight shipping. I know using this system has made my company look at its transportation and freight Department different; in how it needs to leverage the system for the maximum ROI. We are still new to using this system as a whole but we are trying to help the company move products from their origin to the destination- efficiently, reliably, and of course being as cost effective as possible. We are realizing that the TMS encompasses shipping solutions for moving freight in all modes of transportation. TMS processes include transported freight inbound or outbound; whether that be domestically or internationally. We are looking to use this system for size ranges of shipping needs from parcels to bulk commodities. In the depth of the research that our company had done they had discovered that one of the main reasons for implementing TMS is to ultimately reduce freight spend. While working with the TMS, the development team is researching what ways this system actually will achieve these savings. They found that process enforcement, analytics, and optimization of shipping department. A companies...
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...System Evaluation Joseph A. Moore CIS/207 September 17, 2012 Donald Walker System Evaluation There are many systems used in today’s companies have transformed how they do business. One specific system used in an organization has transformed how the organization operates that comes to mind is the FedEx PowerPad. This system I am very familiar with since I am a swing courier at FedEx Express I use it every working day. Now, the PowerPad is a replacement for the SuperTracker which was used up to the early 2000’s. The PowerPad uses both DADS (Digitally Assisted Dispatch System) and COSMOS (Centralized Computer Systems to Manage Operations) which were also used in the old SuperTracker. Purpose The PowerPad was exclusively designed for FedEx by Motorola, the FedEx PowerPad has enhanced and accelerate package information available to customers by enabling couriers to wirelessly send and receive near real-time information and updates from any location. The FedEx PowerPad is a Microsoft Windows-Powered Pocket PC that works by scanning a package and the PowerPad immediately uploads information such as signatures, proof of delivery, and time stamp into the FedEx network. The PowerPad incorporates a micro-radio for hands-free communication with a printer and mobile computer in the courier's delivery vehicle. The PowerPad enables FedEx to retrieve current information about customer package delivery. This boosts courier efficiency and maximizes package visibility, thus...
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...System Evaluation Paper Name CIS/207 July 7, 2014 Instructor System Evaluation Paper Apollo Company has had multiple systems to help the company perform everyday tasks. Only about two years ago the Apollo Company decided to look at how many systems were being used and why the company was using many systems at one time. Customer service had a system; sales had a system, customer support had a system, and finance had a system. These systems did not include systems for human resources and more. In all, the company realized that there were too many systems and wanted to see if there was a way to have fewer systems. After meeting with several vendors, the Apollo Company made the decision to look into a way to have customer service, sales, customer support, and finance on one system. The process to find the right system took a little over six months but the Apollo Company finally decided to make a change. The old system would be replaced by Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that would run through Salesforce. The company hired Salesforce to come in and see the old system. Salesforce immediately explained that there was a way to have all the systems into one and that by using Salesforce this would be possible with a new monitoring system. CRM is data driven, constantly changing and will even connect customer feedback or comments through social media with the new system (Rainder, Prince, & Cegielski, 2014). The system used is how the client is built into...
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...CIS/207 January 20, 2013 System Evaluation Paper Epic is privately held health care software company. In 1979 it was founded by Judith Faulkner. The company headquarters was in Madison, Wisconsin, but in 2005 the company moved to Vernon, Wisconsin (Epic, 2013). The software’s market is largely healthcare organizations, and it is an interesting suite of healthcare software centered on a MUMPS database. MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multiple Programming System). It is a programming language that was created in the 1960 and then used for the health care organizations. It is a very different syntax language and terminology. MUMPS is a built in database, enabling high- level access to disk storage, using a simple symbolic program variables. The programming language is also used in banking networks, and online trading services. With the development of a prebuilt database Epic software is easily installed, and maintained to the existing IT system in the organization. Epic System provides the healthcare management software that integrates financial and clinical information across the organization in one database. The systems software includes scheduling, billing, registration, laboratory, intensive care departments, emergency, hospital pharmacy, radiology, surgery, inpatient, outpatient, electronic health records, to managed care administration (Epic, 2013). Example, in the emergency room, Epic helps with...
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...CIS/207 January 20, 2013 System Evaluation Paper Epic is privately held health care software company. In 1979 it was founded by Judith Faulkner. The company headquarters was in Madison, Wisconsin, but in 2005 the company moved to Vernon, Wisconsin (Epic, 2013). The software’s market is largely healthcare organizations, and it is an interesting suite of healthcare software centered on a MUMPS database. MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multiple Programming System). It is a programming language that was created in the 1960 and then used for the health care organizations. It is a very different syntax language and terminology. MUMPS is a built in database, enabling high- level access to disk storage, using a simple symbolic program variables. The programming language is also used in banking networks, and online trading services. With the development of a prebuilt database Epic software is easily installed, and maintained to the existing IT system in the organization. Epic System provides the healthcare management software that integrates financial and clinical information across the organization in one database. The systems software includes scheduling, billing, registration, laboratory, intensive care departments, emergency, hospital pharmacy, radiology, surgery, inpatient, outpatient, electronic health records, to managed care administration (Epic, 2013). Example, in the emergency room, Epic helps with...
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...System Evaluation Paper James Walker CIS/207 December 16, 2013 Debi Piccus System Evaluation Paper Systems are a major involvement in companies these days. This paper will explain the use of Microsoft Excel and Spreadsheets in my workplace. In my workplace Microsoft Excel is used so much that I tend to think that the company would have trouble keeping up with things since there is a high volume of transactions. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application created by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Microsoft Excel features calculation, pivot tables, graphing tools and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Microsoft Excel is a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993, and replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as the leading industry standard for spreadsheets. Excel is a part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Excel is used in my field retail for, retail math. Retail math is centers around sales and several calculations should always be monitored. There are two uses of retail math, that Microsoft Excel is used for and used at my job. (1) Profit Margin calculates an amount of each sale that is applied to profits. (2) Total sales calculate the gross take and then multiplied by profit margin, and then you get the net profit. (3) Markup tells you how much the retail price is increased over your wholesale cost. Arranging a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet gives comfort when calculating retail math. In the retail business...
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