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Systematic Theology


Submitted By wawa67
Words 1486
Pages 6
Writing Assignment 1: Learning Theory Systems

Liberty University Theological Seminary

A paper Presented to
Dr. Jim Zabloski
In partial fulfillment for the course:
Ministry of Teaching
DSMN 601

Watson Rugano

October 25, 2012
Yount Learning Theory Systems. To fully grasp and appreciate the learning theories suggested by William Yount, it is imperative that we discuss some of the key issues he highlights. The four theories are, traditional behavioral learning, social behavioral learning, cognitive I & II learning and humanistic learning theories. Although the materials covering those theories are enormous, this paper will only offer brief understanding of the said theories, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. Several personalities have been credited with promoting Traditional Behavioral Learning theories that have shed light into the nature of learning. Ivan Pavlov is popular for advancing classical conditioning “which focused on an association, or bond, between a stimulus and given response.” To this end, Pavlov experimented with a dog to measure salivation rates under differing conditions. On the other hand, John Watson and Edward Thorndike were known as the father of behaviorism and Educational psychology respectively. Although Watson’s contribution was essential in understanding human behavior, his attempt to associate the fear of rats by loudly banging a bell behind the boy Albert left more unanswered questions. However, it would be Thorndike who extended “Pavlov’s work beyond mere reflex actions showing how new responses to novel situations were formed, demonstrating that stimuli occurring after a behavior had an influence of future behavior.” B.F. Skinner used Thorndike’s Law of Effect as a foundation of his Operant Conditioning theory. This theory “emphasizes the acquisition of new behaviors as organism operant on their

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