...Problématiques clé | Thèses/auteurs | Concepts clé | Indubitabilité du savoir et suspension du jugement : peut-on douter de tout ? | « Descartes va élever au max le niveau de certitude requis en matière de connaissance scientifique. » (Descartes ; slide 4, 14.11.2014) | Tropes (scepticisme), raison de douter (Descartes) | | Montaigne | | | Spinoza | | Union du corps et de l’âme : comment comprendre la relation de l’âme et du corps ? | « Si j’étais suspendu dans les airs les yeux bandés, sans rien toucher, je ne pourrais pas savoir que j’ai un corps. Mais je voudrais savoir si c’est mon âme ou mon corps qui existe. Mon âme n’est pas un corps, mais quelque chose de différent. L’âme est une substance distincte du corps. » (Avicenne ; Buckingham, p. 77) | Dualisme | | « L’âme est rattachée au corps par l’entremise des sensations/sentiments » (Histoire de la philo, vol. 2)« L’âme et le corps, tout en étant distincts (ce sont deux substances radicalement différentes), sont en union étroite. (…) Les sentiments, façons confuses de penser, manifestent tous cette union. » (Descartes ; Russ, p. 198).« Vision mécaniste du monde : l’univers est composé d’un nombre infini de petites particules matérielles indivisibles, ayant des propriétés exclusivement quantitatives, qui se déplacent dans l’espace et ne se heurtaient que selon les lois de la mécanique, sans intention ni but. » (Descartes ; Skirbekk and Gilje, p. 297)« Descartes essaie de jouer sur les deux tableaux : la nature...
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...1st Essay 09/14/2006 An Untouchable Rose The story, “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner in 1900‘s, is about one woman’s life, from her being a teen to her death in her home. The town’s people did not like her, her family did not like her, but when she died, everybody showed up to Miss Emily’s Funeral. The only person to see Emily was her old manservant, a black man that was the cook and the gardener. The only time that the town would see him was when he went to the grocery store to shop. He would never talk to anybody while he was there. Miss Emily was not always alone. When she was younger, her father lived at the house with her. He was a man without his sanity. When ever a male would come to the house to see Emily, he would greet them at the door, and see them off before Emily could even say hello. The town used this excuse for Emily when her father died. The town had always respected Emily. She was “A slender figure in white,” as contrasted with her father, who was described as “a spraddled silhouette.” After the death of her father she became distant and aloof. Miss Emily seems to live in a sort of fantasy world where death has no real meaning. Miss Emily refuses to accept or even recognize, the death of her father or that of Colonel Sartor is . She does not want to acknowledge the fact that the world around her was changing therefore Miss Emily surrounds her self with death. Everyone in town thought she had gone crazy. Even through all her mysterious...
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...1. Create a map chart to show the number of banks in each zip code (variable name “zip”. If you see more than one zip code for a bank, use the first one). I have created a symbol map chart (geographical) by taking Zip and Name dimensions. In order to find the number of banks in each zip code, I have used the count function. It can be seen that the number of banks are more on the east coast as compared to the west coast. ------------------------------------------------- Also for example, zipcode 62401 has 3 banks in it whereas 85390 zipcode has only one bank on the west coast. 2. Create a map chart to show the median ROE (variable “roe”) for banks headquartered in each state (“state”). I have added geographic role to the state dimension (stalp) and added the median function to the ROE measure. I have selected the filled map chart and used colors where: ------------------------------------------------- A state MT has ROE over positive 12 but state AZ which is in RED is in negative. 3. Create a bar chart with “state” on the horizontal axis, and trellis based on FDIC regions (“fdicdbs”) (i.e. one bar charts for each FDIC region). The height of the bars should be the number of banks headquartered in each state, and the color of the bar should reflect the variance of ROE among those banks. I have taken fdicdbs and stalp dimensions as my columns and I am counting the No of records (measure) in the rows. Along with this I am including the ROE variance across...
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...The Female Body in The House of Mirth The female body plays a very important role in The House of Mirth. Throughout the novel, Lily’s body is objectified by others, and by herself. This objectification of her body leads to various hardships for Lily. Some of these hardships are caused by confusion, indecision, and communication issues. Also, I believe that both men in the novel, and Lily, are responsible for these hardships. Throughout the novel, all Lily really owns that is of value is her body. I believe this to be true because there are various examples of men objectifying her for her body. Even Selden, who isn’t even a member of the high society, and who should be more rational based on his lower social standing, objectifies Lily for her body. Edith Wharton makes this fact very clear at the beginning of the book when she writes: “ Selden paused in surprise. In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart. Selden had never seen her more radiant. Her vivid head, relieved against the dull tints of the crowd, made her more conspicuous than in a ball-room, and under her dark hat and veil she regained the girlish smoothness, the purity of tint, that she was beginning to lose after eleven years of late hours and indefatigable dancing... ... He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the herd of her sex were chiefly external: as though a fine gaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been...
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...VISUAL ANALYTICS PROJECT (OPIM 5501) Project Report on FUTURE OF CARS Team 3 Project 2 Members: Ankit Agrawal Mownika Chalichama Phanindra Musunuri Long Phan 1. INTRODUCTION AND DATA Future of Cars visualization project shows the story to predict the future generation of cars. Ten years from now, in 2025, cars will be different, the drivers will be different, the market will be different, and the producers will certainly be different. The team believe that these changes will affect billions of people – from soccer moms to automotive executives, from taxi drivers to investment bankers. The data tells us that consumers are demanding greener, safer, more convenient and affordable cars. Most of these new consumers will come from emerging markets like China and India. Consequently, new trends will force car producers to modernize their supply chain, become more competitive and make lighter cars. Moreover, technology will play a huge part in changing the overall automotive landscape. Self-driving cars, car-cab services (Uber, Lyft, etc.), car pooling and the Internet of Cars all seemed like science-fiction will not remain not so long ago. Now many of them have become reality. There were a lot of data available online since countless research is being carried on cars. Major data source was data.gov for example, the website had an entire section on transportation data. Unsurprisingly, cleaning the data took a lot of time. Most of the data came from many different...
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...STATISTIQUES pour la Gestion 2012 – 2013 2 c Le Khi-deux Jean-Marc Petit & Philippe Scotto Bienvenue Définition Bienvenue dans ce cours de Etape 1 : Formulation Statistiques pour la Gestion Etape 2 : calculs Etape 3 :Analyses Comprendre le Khi-deux en 4 étapes Etape 4 : Conclusion Exemples c² sur un tableau de contingence Quelques principes de base Définition Il s’agit de comparer une distribution réelle observée à un modèle théorique parfait correspondant : - à une situation d’indépendance - à une loi de probabilité Afin de tirer deux types de conclusions : 1. l’observation est suffisamment éloignée du modèle parfait pour rejeter ce modèle (ce n’est pas indépendant ou la loi ne peut être retenue) l’observation est suffisamment proche du modèle parfait pour pouvoir l’accepter (c’est indépendant, ou la loi s’applique) Etape 1 : Formulation Etape 2 : calculs Etape 3 :Analyses Etape 4 : Conclusion 2. Exemples c² sur un tableau de contingence Les conclusions seront probabilisées avec un risque d’erreur, défini au travers de la table du khi deux. Quelques principes de base Définition Le khi-2 (c²) fournit un test simple, basé sur les différences (écarts), entre effectifs observés (ni) et effectifs théorique (Npi ). Le khi-2, ou chi-2 (ou chi-carré), est un indicateur de la Etape 1 : Formulation Etape 2 : calculs « distance » entre l’effectif réellement observé et l’effectif qu’aurait donné le modèle...
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...Chapter 7 Linear Programming: Maximization Models © 2008 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Introduction Many management decisions involve trying to make the most effective use of limited resources Machinery, labor, money, time, warehouse space, raw materials Linear programming (LP) is a widely used mathematical modeling technique designed to help managers in planning and decision making relative to resource allocation Belongs to the broader field of mathematical programming In this sense, programming refers to modeling and solving a problem mathematically © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 7–2 Requirements of a Linear Programming Problem LP has been applied in many areas over the past 50 years All LP problems have 4 properties in common 1. All problems seek to maximize or minimize some quantity (the objective function) 2. The presence of restrictions or constraints that limit the degree to which we can pursue our objective 3. There must be alternative courses of action to choose from 4. The objective and constraints in problems must be expressed in terms of linear equations or inequalities © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 7–3 LP Properties and Assumptions PROPERTIES OF LINEAR PROGRAMS 1. One objective function 2. One or more constraints 3. Alternative courses of action 4. Objective function and constraints are linear ASSUMPTIONS OF LP 1. Certainty 2. Proportionality 3. Additivity 4. Divisibility 5. Nonnegative variables Table 1 © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 7–4 Basic Assumptions...
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...subsequently build metrics decks and dashboards. Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE) and Tableau are being evaluated for their suitability for our AWS data warehouse customers. We are recommending Tableau. We have determined that it provides the best self-service experience for general purpose reporting needs and for more advanced data analytics and data visualization needs of the users of the AWS data warehouse. Problem Statement AWS data warehouse customers build and maintain SQL’s to extract data from the data warehouse. Once the raw data is extracted, it is often combined with custom data for individual services. Metrics on excel worksheets are then generated/updated. These excel worksheets are circulated to service team members and leadership for analyzing the usage and revenue of their products and also for identifying opportunities for operational improvements. Most tasks that involve creating the metric desks are manual, consuming significant effort of the data warehouse customers. The manual efforts are typically error prone and associated with the high overhead of maintaining the SQL portfolios. Modern reporting tools overcome the barriers to easily consume the data in self-service fashion and present opportunities to automate the metrics deck building/updating. In addition, adopting a reporting tool flips the time spent in data extraction to analysis and decision making. OBIEE and Tableau were evaluated by the AWS DW...
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...0.1 0.1.1 Linear Programming Objectives By the end of this unit you will be able to: • formulate simple linear programming problems in terms of an objective function to be maximized or minimized subject to a set of constraints. • find feasible solutions for maximization and minimization linear programming problems using the graphical method of solution. • solve maximization linear programming problems using the simplex method. • construct the Dual of a linear programming problem. • solve minimization linear programming problems by maximizing their Dual. 0.1.2 Introduction One of the major applications of linear algebra involving systems of linear equations is in finding the maximum or minimum of some quantity, such as profit or cost. In mathematics the process of finding an extreme value (maximum or minimum) of a quantity (normally called a function) is known as optimization . Linear programming (LP) is a branch of Mathematics which deals with modeling a decision problem and subsequently solving it by mathematical techniques. The problem is presented in a form of a linear function which is to be optimized (i.e maximized or minimized) subject to a set of linear constraints. The function to be optimized is known as the objective function . Linear programming finds many uses in the business and industry, where a decision maker may want to utilize limited available resources in the best possible manner. The limited resources may include material, money, manpower, space...
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...UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC THESE PRESENTEE A L'UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A TROIS-RIVIERES L'EVALUATION DE LA CONTRIBUTION DES PROGICIELS DE GESTION INTEGRES A LA PERFORMANCE ORGANISATIONNELLE : DEVELOPPEMENT D'UNE METHODOLOGIE PROCESSUELLE PR EV PAR SYLVESTRE UWIZEYEMUNGU JUIN2008 IE COMME EXIGENCE PARTIELLE DU DOCTORAT EN ADMINISTRATION (DBA) OFFERT CONJOINTEMENT PAR L'UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A TROISRIVIERES ET L'UNIVERSITE DE SHERBROOKE W 1*1 Library and Archives Canada Published Heritage Branch 395 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1A0N4 Canada Bibliotheque et Archives Canada Direction du Patrimoine de I'edition 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A0N4 Canada Your file Votre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-41597-9 Our file Notre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-41597-9 The author retains copyright ownership and moral rights in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission. PR EV NOTICE: The author has granted a nonexclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell theses worldwide, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats. AVIS: L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, sauvegarder, conserver...
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...UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE KIGALI (ULK) FACULTE DES SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES ET GESTION DEPARTEMENT DE GESTION B.P 2280 Kigali ETUDE DE FAISABILITE TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE D’UN PROJET DE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN DANS LA VILLE DE KIGALI DENOMME « RWIZA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE, RTS » PERIODE : 2008-2014 Mémoire présenté et défendu en vue de l’obtention du grade de Licencié en Gestion Par MUNYANEZA Faustin Directeur : CCA NDABATEZE Abraham Kigali, avril 2008 DEDICACE A notre regretté père; A notre chère mère ; A nos frères et sœurs. REMERCIEMENTS Que le Dieu de gloire et de louange trouve ici notre profonde reconnaissance pour sa bienveillance et ses merveilles prouvées au cours de notre travail. Nos sincères remerciements s’adressent aux autorités et au corps professoral de l’ULK, pour leur éducation tant morale que scientifique. Nos remerciements s’adressent aussi au CCA NDABATEZE Abraham qui nous a guidé tout au long de notre travail. Nos sentiments de profonde gratitude s’adressent au Fonds National d’Assistance aux les Rescapés du Génocide (FARG), pour son soutien financier au cours de notre formation. Enfin, nous tenons à témoigner notre gratitude envers tous ceux qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ont apporté...
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...by solving the LP-relaxation to get a lower bound for the minimum objective value. We assume the final simplex tableau is given, the basic variables having columns with coefficient 1 in one constraint row and 0 in other rows. The solution can be read from this form: when the nonbasic variables are 0, the basic varibles have the values on right hand side (RHS) The objective function row is of the same form, with its basic variable f. If the LP-solution is fractional i.e. not integer, at least one of the RHS values is fractional. We proceed by appending to the model a constraint that cuts away a part of the feasible set so that no integer solutions are lost. Take a row i from the final simplex tableau, with a fractional RHS d. Denote by xjo the basic variable of this row and N the index set of nonbasic variables. Row i as an equation: xjo + =d Denote by ldm the largest integer that is #d (the whole part of d, if d is positive). Because all variables are nonnegative, # Y #d xjo + Left hand side is integer Y xjo + # ldm From the first and last formula it follows that d - ldm # If we denote the fractional parts by symbols r = d - ldm fij = wij - lwijm, we get a cut constraint or a cutting plane in the solution space: $ r. Equation form, using a slack variable si : 26 + si = -r This equation is of basic form, with basic variable si = -r. The resulting simplex tableau is optimal but infeasible, and we apply the dual simplex method until all variables are nonnegative. The cut...
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...LES TABLEAUX DE BORD. DES OUTILS POUR DECLINER LA STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE. (suite 2) LE TABLEAU DE BORD PROSPECTIF (Balanced scorecard) 2°) Face aux faiblesses de certains tableaux de bords actuels, le balanced scorecard (tableau de bord prospectif) 2-1 principales critiques portant sur certains tableaux « traditionnels ». Le manque de réactivité L’obtention rapide des informations composant l’indicateur n’est pas une garantie suffisante, il faut sélectionner des indicateurs qui permettent d'anticiper les situations en ciblant avec précision les actions de progrès d'un service (d'une activité) ou en identifiant les causes de dysfonctionnement. Il faut ensuite diffuser rapidement les résultats afin de générer des actions d'amélioration, au minimum dans un délai qui soit compatible avec les actions à mener. Par exemple : Dans une entreprise qui travaille par affaire, la connaissance des ventes facturées est une information trop tardive. Par contre la connaissance du nombre de devis réalisés chaque semaine et du nombre de devis transformés en commande fermes est une donnée essentielle. Un nombre de devis qui baisse permet d'agir rapidement sur les différents leviers d'actions que constituent l'activité des commerciaux, le niveau des prix des devis,... Le nombre de devis transformés en commande permet une mesure de l'efficacité des commerciaux et aussi une anticipation des taux de chargement des ateliers de production par exemple. Le manque d’exhaustivité ...
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...There are many software packages that one may use in order to make the best decisions for your business. Many popular software packages include; Cognos, Tableau, Information Builders, Saas, and Microsoft Reporting Services. Each of these provide the individual with many different functions including strengths and weaknesses and ease of use to learn. Many of them are more expensive and therefore more reliable when deciding on what software to use to better your business. From business intelligence to financial performance and strategy management to analytics applications, Cognos software can provide what your organization needs to become top-performing and analytics-driven. With products for the individual, workgroup, department, midsize business and large enterprise, Cognos software is designed to help everyone in your organization make the decisions that achieve better business outcomes—for now and in the future. Cognos is IBM's business intelligence (BI) and performance management software suite. (Boylan) The software is designed to enable business users without technical knowledge to extract corporate data, analyze it and assemble reports. Cognos is composed of nearly three dozen software products. (Boylan) Because Cognos is built on open standards, the software products can be used with relational and multidimensional data sources from multiple vendors, including Microsoft, NCR Teradata, SAP and Oracle. Import, merge and analyze data on your desktop, including personal...
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...Duong Nguyen FRE 303 Dr. Francine Klein Sujet : La critique d’une œuvre d’art. Pablo Picasso est un peintre, dessinateur et sculpteur renommé espagnol ayant passé l'essentiel de sa vie en France. Il existe un tableau de Picasso qui sera toujours d’une des fondamentales de l'art. Ce tableau s’appelle Les Demoiselles d Avignon. Dans cette œuvre d’art, Picasso a succédé de briser les règles classiques avec son style « cubisme » et a changé le monde de la peinture. Les aspects dans ce tableau qui distinguent l’art de Pablo Picasso avec les autres artistes sont : D’abord, le manque de la trois-dimensions espace. Et puis, le sarcastique des styles précédentes, par exemple le style de nature morte. Enfin, c’est la rupture dans les proportions du corps humain traditionnelles. D’abord, un aspect de l'art de Pablo Picasso qui lui distingue avec les artistes précédentes est le manque d'espace tridimensionnel affiché dans son art. Dans Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, cinq femmes nues aux corps et aux visages anguleux, disloquées, devant un fond composé d'étoffes de plusieurs couleurs et qui sollicite le spectateur de leurs regards insistants. La composition et le traitement des modèles semblent évoluer de la gauche vers la droite, allant vers une représentation de plus en plus abstraite et décomposée des personnages. En redéfinissant l'espace à trois dimensions et en forçant les sujets à prendre totalement le focus des spectateurs, Picasso oblige l'observateur à regarder sur les femmes sans...
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