...Speech: Do Tai Chi One big watermelon / cut it into half / gives half to you / and gives half to him / one more big watermelon / left to myself / you want rob my one / I will kick you out / watermelon is Oishi (Delicious) / thanks to mom / thanks to dad / I will good good study / and day day up (Study hard) / And become your hero / makes a lot of money / and we get a beautiful life. Hi, class. Do any know what I did before? It is called Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a Chinese word. It is also known as “Supreme Ultimate Force.” It was originated from Chinese ancient. It is a relaxing exercise that consist a sequence of movements. Just like I do before. Many of those movements are come from the martial arts. The way to perform Tai Chi is slowing, softly, and gently. Men and women, old and young, all are suitable to perform Tai Chi. Now, class, please stand up. Let me teach a very simple movement of Tai Chi. First, you separate your legs to make a 60 degree angle. Second, imagine there is a big watermelon in front of you, and you are holding it. Then, use one hand to hold it, and another hand to cut the watermelon into half. Give half to your left, and half to your right. Imagine one more big watermelon and it is only for you. Someone want to rob your watermelon, you protect it by kick that person. And you eat the watermelon which is delicious. Thanks to mom, thanks to dad, because they bought it. I swear I will stay hard and read a lot of book. To become parents’...
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...Asian culture began when I took a highly immersive Mandarin Chinese class from Howard Community College called Startalk. In the class, I learned how to write Chinese characters with a pen and brush, paint bamboo, and do sword Taichi. One feature that I have noticed about all aspects of Chinese culture is that nothing is sharp. Everything flows. From the sing-song tones of the language to the melodious movements of Taichi they all flow. This was interesting to me because I often find water featured in multiple pieces of Asian Art. Another defining aspect of the Chinese culture is possessing a strong and stable base. Having a sturdy base in whatever you do is crucial. I noticed that in Chinese characters every symbol has a radical that acts as a base...
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...terhadap reputasi Jepang| | |untuk kualitas produk unggulan dan laju pertumbuhan yang tinggi produktivitas. | | | | | |JIT atau sistem manufakturing yang berkelas dunia merupakan salah satu sistem produksi terbaik bagi manajemen di dunia | | |industri barat. | | | | | |Konsep JIT pertamakali diperkenalkan oleh Taichi Ohno, seorang Executive Vice President Toyota Motor Company. Ide-idenya | | |dibakukan ke dalam sistem...
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...421) This quotation expresses that, Chinese people do not only believe in Buddhism, but also desire to explore the real use of Buddhism. For this reason, temples and statuary were soon erected all over China (DeBary, 421). Monks who practices the Buddhism in temples and statuary were required to shave their head and not allowed to marry. Yoga and dhyana also come to China from India as a form of practices of Buddhism. In addition, there are many popular religions exist in China (DeBary 491). People believe there are five phases which run the whole world, including Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These five elements in universe are called in Wuxing, and Chinese people practiced through various ways in daily life. Chinese people invented Taichi, Fengshui and Qigong to exercise and feel the universe. Falun Gong, as one of the most...
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...Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking Paper Taisha Allen PSY 400 Carla Kuhlman 11/13/2014 In this paper I will be discussing about conflict resolution and peacemaking in this paper. Information will be used as a platform to analyze information based on social psychological perspective which provides a much clearer understanding of conflicts, peacemaking, techniques and resolutions. This paper will also work to develop a comprehensive understanding on how social interactions will influence the ability to deal with many conflicts and create resolution in a group dynamic. Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking Conflict is a very common part of social interaction and human life. A conflict is basically an understood incompatibility of actions or goals between two or more people (Myers, 2010). Many people have a very difficult time, regardless of age, in finding adequate solution for resolving conflicts. To develop a solution it is often very helpful to understand how to go about finding the solution first. For example by following a few basic steps it is often more tangible to reach a solution to almost any problem rather than create an increasingly difficult work environment. Most people and societies do not establish methods that teach children or adults about the changing nature of conflict and peacemaking based upon societal differences (Rossi, 2003). John Allen Rossi...
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...The religion of Taoism has no actual founder or founding date. Rather Taoism is a compilation of various religions and traditions in ancient China around 2000 years ago. Taoism was greatly influenced by Buddhism and the religion in the Shang Dynasty. The first Celestial master and founder of the first Taoist school of thought was Zhang Daoling. This tradition still continues, with the present Celestial Master living in Taiwan. Taoism became a semi-official religion during the Tang dynasty and continued throughout the Song dynasty. As another religion became popular, Taoism gradually fell and changed from a religion to a religious tradition. Taoism began to spread in Taiwan and later revive itself it China. Now Taoist temples and people who practice Taoism can be seen throughout the country. Taoism is an ancient tradition of philosophy and religious belief that is deeply placed in Chinese customs. Taoism is about the Tao also known as The Way. The Tao is the ultimate creative principle of the universe and according to the Tao; all things are unified and connected. Taoism originated in China about 2000 years ago. It is a religion centered on unity and opposites. For example, the yin yang is major symbol in Taoism. It represents the unity between two things that are completely opposite. The Tao is not god and it is not worshiped in Taoism. But they do have many other gods that they do worship in temples. Many Taoist ideas come from the school of thought that was founded by Zhang...
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...HOW TO USE THIS CD IN ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING by Dr. Antonio E.Refre aerefre@yahoo.com, aerefre@gmail.com Mobile Phone: +639202431560 WEBSITES and PORTALS: DrRefre’s School on the Web: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/aersow/ DrRefre’s Books: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/aerbooks/ DrRefre’s Tutorial in e-Book Writing: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/ebookwriting/ DrRefre’s Seminar-Workshop in Online Teaching and Learning: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/olteach/ PNU-Online: http://www.pnu-online.net/ UMak-Online: http://www.umakonline.net/ TeachersCoop-Online: http://www.phileducsynergy.org/ AGRIKKK: http://www.agrikkk.org/ Damayang Pinoy: http://www.damayangpinoy.info/ Social Marketing (Canada): http://www.jevaskincare.biz/ First Step 1. Insert the CD into the CD drive of a multimedia PC. 2. On the desktop double click the icon My Computer and double click on the CD icon. 3. Open the CD folder DrRefreTrainingCD. Dr. Refre’s Courses 1. CourseOnEbookWriting 2. CourseOnOnlineLearning 3. CourseOnPHPMySQL 4. CourseOnStatistics 5. CourseOnMath4Kids B. Application Tools - If you wish to analyze/create Web pages (htm/html files), you may use the HTML editor provided in this CD. Look for the folder CuteHTMLNew under the folder AppsTools and open it. Double click the smiley icon. - Other application tools: CutePDFWriter, Winsyntax, etc. C. Dr. Refre’s Seminar-Workshop in Online Teaching...
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...Johnson Dec. 9, 2013 Nonviolent Movements, Effective Results Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail” is a response to criticism from American clergymen about demonstrations in Birmingham. It is among the world’s canon of the most influential writings. He successfully informs his fellow clergymen of the importance of African Americans gaining rights through nonviolent methods. He also speaks eloquently of the difference between just and unjust laws, which lies in the equality of rights. The 1960s were trying times for African Americans due to intense segregation. Despite these difficulties, Dr. King was able to respond with nonviolent methods. These methods are considered very praiseworthy as such a nonviolent response, particularly with such profound effects, is very rare in human society. Dr. King’s nonviolent approach for achieving equal rights, not only helps society make considerable progress on achieving equality, but also enlightens future societies to go for equality in a peaceful manner. According to Dr. King, the difference between just and unjust laws is whether or not everybody has equal rights; similarly, whether or not the law in question uplifts the human spirit. As Dr. King claims: “Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust” (King 3). African Americans were forced to face intense segregation and had to witness their friends and family members be subjected to abuse and humiliation...
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...Toyota's Brush with Disaster due to the Breakdown of the Company's Quality Management Systems GM588 Managing Quality Toyota's Brush with Disaster due to the Breakdown of the Company's Quality Management Systems Introduction Toyota was started early in the 20th century by Sakichi Toyoda. He was a successful inventor and initially raised the money to start the company by selling the design of his automatic loom to a British company. He saw the potential of automobiles and the internal combustion engine and began working on researching and designing small gasoline engines. Here is a timeline of the early Toyota company that is available on their website: • 1929 Automatic-loom patent is sold to a British company. • 1930 Kiichiro Toyoda begins research on small gasoline-powered engine. • 1933 Automobile Department is established at Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. • 1935 The Toyoda precepts are compiled. • 1936 The AA Sedan is completed. • 1937 Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. is established. • 1938 Honsha Plant begins production • 1950 Company faces a financial crisis; Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. is established. • 1951 Suggestion System begins. ("History of",n.d.) What is unique about Toyota is how they designed and implemented a system of production known as, The Toyota Way, that not only creates happy empowered employees, but also generates very little waste and has become a quality management model for...
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...The Success Stories of The Pioneer, The Giant Killer and The Current Champion of Automobile Industry Submitted By Arun Chandran V B14071 BM-B Contents Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Henry Ford – The man who divided the notion of modern economic and social system into Fordism and post-Fordism ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Assembly Line ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Vertical Integration ................................................................................................................................... 4 Profit Sharing ............................................................................................................................................ 5 General Motors – The David who beat the Goliath (Ford) ........................................................................... 5 Reorganization of GM into divisions with decentralized responsibility and centralized control ............. 7 Range of products with prices made affordable...
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...Taoism: Origins, History and Beliefs Joseph R Batson Regis University Taoism is one of the “Three Doctrines”, along with Buddhism and Confucianism that has helped to shape Chinese culture and history (Molloy, 2013.) Taoism is based on the earliest beliefs of the Chinese people, and includes several elements of the ancient indigenous religion. These include a belief in spirits, both good and bad; the concept of T’ien, translated as Heaven, and described as an impersonal divine force and a cosmic moral principle; the discernment of patterns in nature, some easy to see like the progression of seasons, others not so much like the ripple of waves; and Yin and Yang, two opposing yet complimentary principles such as light and dark or hot and cold (Molloy, 2013.) The actual origins of Taoism are shrouded in mystery. The founder was Lao Tzu, meaning “old sage” (Chebucto.ns.ca, 2014) a legendary figure who may or may not have existed, and possible may be the blending of several historical figures (Molloy, 2013.) Lao Tzu, according to traditional stories, was born in the early sixth century BCE (circa 600 BCE) and worked as an archivist at the imperial court. Eventually Lao Tzu tired of his position and travelled to Western China, where he was stopped by a guard and asked to write his teachings down. This writing, which consisted of five thousand Chinese characters, became the Tao Te Ching (The Way and Its Power, considered to be one of the central scriptures of Taoism (Chebucto.ns.ca...
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...the last few decades and the country is now a dominant player in the global market. ASUS has long been at the forefront of this growth and although the company started life as a humble motherboard manufacturer with a handful of employees, it is now the leading technology company in Taiwan and employs over 12,500 people around the world. ASUS makes products in almost every conceivable category of information technology too, including PC components and peripherals, notebooks, tablets, servers and smartphones. Innovation is key to the success of ASUS. Having unveiled the PadFone to a rapturous audience at Computex 2011, this year ASUS chairman Jonney Shih raised the bar once more with the announcement of the TAICHI and Transformer Book dual-purpose mobile devices. ASUS TAICHI is an Ultrabook with a unique double-sided multi-touch display that allows it to switch between a tablet and notebook in an instant, simply by lifting its lid. Transformer Book is a convertible Ultrabook that is both a notebook with hard drive and storage and a...
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...TQM EVOLUTION Total Quality Management (TQM) - is a modern management concept. - is customer oriented management philosophy and strategy, centered on quality so as result in customer delight. TQM addresses the concepts of: 1. Product Quality 2. Process Control 3. Quality Assurance 4. Quality Improvement Quality - fitness for use - Its suitability for use by the customer ISO - International Organization for Standardization - founded in the year 1946 and has it’s headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland. PRODUCT QUALITY 1. Functionality- refers to the core features and characteristics of a product. 2. Reliability- is an indicator of durability of product. 3. Usability- product should be easily usable. 4. Maintainability- refers to the ease which a product can be maintained in the original condition. 5. Efficiency- ratio of output to input. 6. Portability- defined as a set of attributes that bear on the ability of software to be transferred from one environment to another. SERVICE QUALITY- is made to order. Additional features of Service Quality are: * Quality of Customer Service * Quality of Service Design * Quality of Service Delivery Additional Attributes of Quality (Product and Services) 1. Timeliness- Delivery on schedule per...
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...Promotional and Advertising Strategies Author’s name Institution’s name Promotional and Advertising Strategies Abstract The automotive industry is a multi-billion industry. The dawn of the twentieth century witnessed the beginning of the automobile industry.entrpernuers in the United States and Europe made the first prototypes of vehicles by the end of the nineteenth century. Since then entrepreneurial activities has been booming in the industry that has been motivated by competition among car manufacturers. Competition in the automotive industry inspired the introduction of innovative promotional strategies, marketing strategies, pricing and consumer-oriented promotional strategies. This paper researches on the automotive industry, taking note of leading companies in their respective product category, their marketing strategy, consumer-oriented promotional strategies, their pricing and the leading companies within the product group. This paper also recommends ways in which companies I the automotive industry could use marketing information to gain competitive advantage and to differentiate itself in the marketplace. Effective advertising strategies for automotive companies will also be mentioned. Introduction Automotive industry started in the 1890’s as a result of the domestic market and the introduction of mass production in the automotive industry that rapidly revolutionized the industry into the largest in the world (McAlinden, Sean & Bernard 2005). The industry...
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...By Shobha Mathur Shobham@yahoo.com 1 of 23. THIS IS HOBBY HELP SERIES FOR SENIORS. I am compiling a series of things to do - what to do to counter loneliness, in addition, how to go about it. The book about Healing 2 became too big. As it is inconvenient to upload and download big files, I have arranged the info in different files for each system Learn to Heal Part 1 Covers Energy healing, Auras, Chakras, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Islamic and Christian Healing. All of which need no or light touch. This second group also uses Energy to heal, but this needs some touching or body manipulation. There are eight systems covered: 1. Acupressure 2. Aromatherapy 3. Crystal Therapy 4. Magnet Therapy 5. Music Therapy 6. Self massage 7. Sujok 8. Taichi and qigong There is a separate book for each. This one is about Sujok Therapy. I have tested all the links mentioned. As on May 2010, all links are secure, correct and working. You should look for more as you surf. You may find many that will suit to your needs. This is just a first step. Please feel free to share this with anyone you like. 2 of 23. Sujok Therapy Introduction Sujok is a drug free system using and manipulating energy points like acupuncture and acupressure. But here the organs and systems of the body are represented totally in the hands and feet only. It is similar to Reflexology in concept. It is developed by Prof. Park Jae Woo, a Korean Scientist, about 35 Years ago. "Sujok" is a combination of two words. In...
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