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Tallahassee Autobiography

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I was born in the Tallahassee, Florida which is better known as the state Capital of Florida. When you visit Tallahassee for the first time, you will think you are in the state of Georgia instead of Florida. This is evidence because of the rolling hills and Pecan or Dogwood trees that grows on almost every corner.
My mother and father raised our family of my sister’s Carolyn, Beverly and brother Theodore in a 3 bedroom home that my father built just 5 blocks for the Florida State Campus. I was told he work on building the house daily after his job with TJ Manning Tile Company along with some of his self-employed friends. My mother and father were hard workers who provide mostly everything we needed to live comfortably. Our biggest family outing was attending Florida A & M University Football games and picnics at St Andrews State Beach in Panama City, Florida on holidays.
My childhood was very eventful and active growing up in the Panhandle of North Florida. I attended the local neighborhood public elementary, middle and high schools in northwest Tallahassee. I participated in city May Day Celebration, youth sports and community volunteer programs. To earn spending money I sold sodas at Florida State Football games, mowed lawns, did errand for the elderly and sold pecan in the fall to attend the county Canaveral. …show more content…
At the age of 9 year I gave my life to the Lord at Philadelphia Primitive Baptist Church under the guidance of the late Pastor, Moses General Miles. I know God had something special for my life because one year prior to me getting saved; I had a pendesidus (Appendicitis) that nearly took my life. It was there at Philadelphia Primitive Baptist Church where I built my foundation as a Club Scout & Christian by attending Sunday School, singing in the youth and young adult

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