The day was November 27, 1998, a day that would change people's lives forever. The day Cassandra Shirley Hauser was born, at 12:10 pm a bit late as the doctor was on his lunch break. The day was deemed the most beautiful fall day of 1998 and if only Kurt Hauser decided to keep the newspaper and not just write it in his day planner. The day was not an easy journey as you have to go through some struggle in order to receive a gift that great. The gift of Cassie's life came at the cost of 16 and a half hours of labour and multiple needles in the back due to Cassie being born backwards and upside down. This came at the cost of Cassie breaking her nose in the process, perhaps that’s why she got kicked out of the nursey for crying too much. The Hauser…show more content… In fourth grade were some of the best and worst times for Cassie. She would meet Emma Gregoire who played on the same ringette team, set up by their parents little did they know they would soon be best friends. The first time they hung out together was at a Halloween dance put on by her school and the rest is history. The girls from then on out did everything together, through the good and bad times, and countless laughs. They became so close they are considered family and have no bounds, doubtful they can remember the last time they knocked on the others door or asked for food. After nine years of friendships, they have never been in an actual argument and only bicker at times, such as old married couples. At the end of the day they would do anything for each other and move mountains for each other. The worst thing to happen would be losing her only Grandma, her other best friend. This hit her hard and she would often have to leave class and she still misses her to this…show more content… Cassie has been extremely lucky to have such great parents, who do so much for her and Kennedy. One of Cassie's favourite things to do with her family is travel which all started when they first touched the ocean in 2010. She has been very privileged to have been to Cuba, Jamaica, Florida, Wisconsin Dells, other places in the states, and explored much of Canada. These travels have inspired a passion with in her and a thirst of knowledge for the world. Cassie wants to travel the world some day and is starting that soon when she flies overseas this spring to Europe. Many of her best memories include travel and her best friend and next year she may get to do both. Emma plans on joining her aunt in Mexico for a few months and Cassie will get the chance to go down with her for a short while. Her most important hope in life is to see the music, art, the people, culture, and genuine beauty the world