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Why Students Fail In College

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Students are not prepared right out of college to enter the working world, they are lacking skills and experience, but changes can be made in order for these students to be prepared which will help the newly graduates and also employers. This is an issue in higher education because students are not having the experience they need or the correct skills they need right out of college and they are not obtaining jobs using their degree/certificate. Students are going to college for themselves to get a degree to help better their lives. According to in the article, “The Top 10 Higher Education Issues We All Agree On” they state, “According to New America, today’s students enroll for very practical reasons: to improve employment opportunities …show more content…
Why are college graduates unemployed? Ph D’s Kay A. Hodge and Janet L. Lear ask a couple questions their self in their article “Employment Skils for 21st Century Workplace: The Gap Between Faculty and Student Perceptions”, “do professors know the skills needed for today’s workplace? Are professors emphasizing the necessary skills in their classes?” Then they continue on to answer it for us, “According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2006) and American Management Association’s (AMA) 2010 survey, many employers believe that higher education is failing in its role to adequately develop needed skills in students.” Success I believe starts in school. If students are not receiving the most education, skills, and help for their future they are not going to succeed after they graduate because education is going to be a base for the working …show more content…
In an article titled “Now What?” Roya Wolverson states, “…aside from colleges' guiding students earlier toward professions that are in demand, will come from employers who are willing to hire graduates with basic skills and then train them to fit the company's needs before putting them on the job”. Employers these days should not just be looking for people who already know the job but give those college graduates a chance to be trained, because someone has to give them their first job using their degree. In a 2011 article titled, “Employment Skils for 21st Century Workplace: The Gap Between Faculty and Student Perceptions” Ph D’s Kay A. Hodge and Janet L. Lear state, “While nothing replaces the value of experience and hands-on training in the job market, every worker has to start somewhere”. I find his very true. I have never seen an application for a job position that did NOT have a place where they would like you to fill out past jobs and experience for the job position you are applying for. For a student coming right out college with little to no experience they may be unable to fill out this section, with that blank, this may turn employers away to give the graduate a chance. Many people that may be turned away could be the best workers and employees but these employers will never know that unless these graduates are given a chance. In the article, “Encouraging

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