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Personal Essay: Working In The Medical Field

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It wasn’t until senior year of high school have I decided that I know what I wanted to do with my career. I had just gotten my CNA certification during the summer leading up to my senior year of high school, I thought that maybe starting off as a CNA might give me a better insight on what I wanted to pursue. I’ve always been fascinated working within the medical field, as cliché as it may sounds but my early childhood had consisted of helping out my grandparents in Thailand and eventually when I moved within the states at the age of 6 I ended up taking care of my grandma. I always made sure that she had something to eat, fixed her sandwiches and fetched her things when she calls for it, I’ve never thought that with helping my grandma would prepare me in a way for my future. …show more content…
When she passed away in 2016 I thought long and hard about what exactly my future will be like without her. This woman who I have basically cared for for the past 10 years was gone, my one supporter who was always there for me. During this time, I was working at McDonald’s as a crew trainer, my basic tasks included training new employees on different stations and made sure that they are comfortable with the environment, I liked the employees that I worked with and I worked there for nearly 2 years. I’ve dealt with all kinds of different variety of people ranging from people who made threats over the ice cream machine being broken to people who needed a little bit more help with translating what they wanted from the menu. Although it wasn’t the greatest job in the world, working there has taught me how to deal with people and that even if customers do get aggressive to just let it go and

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