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Tanning Accelerators Research Paper

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Many options are available for people who like to tan. One important aspect to keep in mind is tanning is a process that often requires the use of topical products. Lotions are one type of topical product used to obtain the best results when tanning. If you are looking for a lotion to use when tanning, then review a few options that are available.

Tanning Accelerators

These products are the best option for people with fair skin or are just stating out tanning. The use of a tanning accelerator is a great way to get a jump on your tan. Tanning accelerators contain various types of essential nutrients and the moisture the skin needs to acquire a base tan. The moisturizers used in all varieties of tanning accelerators is the most important …show more content…
One thing about tanning maximizers that is different than accelerators is they contain less moisturizers. This means you need to apply these types of lotions just before tanning. There are various ingredients that are used in a variety of maximizers used for tanning. Theraplexin is one ingredient that provides many benefits. The use of lotions with this ingredient will give you a deeper and darker tan that will last for a much longer period of time. Anyone who is just staring to tan can choose to use this type of lotion if accelerators are not …show more content…
If you want a good alternative to a tanning bronzer that is FHA free, then consider a warming lotion. You may also want to consider applying a tanning tingle product. There is also no worries about streaking that is often common when using cheaper types of tanning bronzers.

Tanning Tingles

You can find tanning tingles in a heating option and a cooling option. The biggest benefit of applying a tanning tingle product is the process simulates tanning out in the sun. One aspect to keep in mind about tanning tingles is the skin will be heated to the point where mild reddening will occur. The reason there is reddening of the skin is due to the increase of blood flow to the epidermis. There is an increase in the level of oxygen and melanin that allows the skin to better absorb UV light. The skin will be darker with a much deeper effect than other types of tanning lotions.

After Tan Moisturizers

Applying an after tan lotion is necessary to help restore moisture to the skin. This is important and will benefit in three different ways.

1. Keeping the skin hydrated after tanning will help prevent premature

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