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Submitted By SHONDAMAE
Words 3539
Pages 15
Cwp to be on site night of install to assist with qst cable management due to bandit barriers along teller row pic

CWP- To be onsite night of install to assist with horizontal shelf install due to bandit barriers pic

CWP- There are Vertical QST’s requiring a Horizontal Stand and Shelf (TWQHS) - pic. Be on site NOI to assist with QST relocation. Will be required to install the shelf and may include new cable hole drilling. Remove vertical stand and mask any damage on the teller wall. pics

CWP widen QST cable holes to 1 inch or larger on front and/or back of backsplash to accommodate QST, ferrite bead prior to the QST cable management pic

Carl - fyi There is an empty power cord plugged into the server UPS pics

Cwp to be on site night of install to assist with qst cable management due to bandit barriers along teller row pic(s) 20,24,11. FYII QST cables are at 1 inch.

Cwp to be on site night of install to assist with false walls pic(s)

SV3 tech drill QST cable holes to 1 inch or larger on front and/or back of backsplash to accommodate QST, ferrite bead prior to QST cable management pic(s) 9,10. Mount QST on customer right on horizontal shelf.

SV3 Tech existing vertical QST will move to the new horizontal stand pic

This will be the new TAR to change the vertical qst to a horizontal shelf. Include picture references.

CWP to be onsite in support of QST installation. Work may include, but is not limited to, false wall removal, drilling, cable routing, etc. Also, assist with mounting of the QST wall shelf and removal of the QST vertical stands, if applicable.

This will be the new TAR to have CWP remove false walls, drill, cable management, etc. Include picture references.
CWP to be onsite in support of QST installation. Work may include, but is not limited to, false wall removal, drilling, cable routing, etc.

CWP-be on site to widen QST holes to 1" if needed for cable management pic

CWP widen QST cable holes to 1 inch on front and/or back of backsplash to accommodate QST, ferrite bead prior to QST cable management pic(s) ___ .

SV3 tech widen QST cable holes to 1 inch on front and/or back of backsplash to accommodate QST, ferrite bead prior to QST cable management pic(s) ___ .

Florida Site Survey Review Scope
1. There are always one off scenarios. Please tell me prior to completing the site for possible approval from the Project Team. If the survey data hinders you from completing your work due to incomplete data, pictures, floor plan details, MARS discrepancies, etc. please reject.

2. We are refreshing all model bank workstations 1 for 1. What the BC has today is what they will receive at SV3 install. (see Training Room notes).

3. Per Vivian use the Master Schedule to complete the surveys. Most sites have comments that may need to be added to the RedFlag page. Also verify your MARS UPS type. If there is a discrepancy between what’s on site and MARS UPS column let me know before completing the site in case we must consult with the project team. LOOK AT YOUR PICTURES.

4. The Florida banking centers have all been print right sized. This means based on the BC size and model bank users the amount of printers needed are installed. No need for the MFP, RMFP or PP directional comments on the RedFlag page. Except for Training Rooms.

5. Starting immediately the existing laser printer HP 3005 is being refreshed for all BAU Banking Centers. The new laser printer replacing the HP 3005 is an HP 3015. (Training rooms will continue to receive MFPs). Survey form v12.0 is now equipped to capture new laser printers and new MFPs. I Requested that an MFP stand column be added to the survey and MS.

6. No QST installations or changes to the current QST placement unless they are currently vertical. If vertical, review the QST placement criteria on the survey form for a new placement option. Forward the sort and pictures of the current vertical or unusual QST set up to me for approval prior to completing the site. TAR for CWP: CWP-Fill in all holes left from the removal of the vertical QST(s) which will move to a no stand solution in deal area pic(s) #.
Contingency TAR for CWP- If site agrees to relocate vertical QST’s to a no stand solution in the deal area, your assistance is required to fill holes left from the vertical QST move pic(s)

SV3 tech: Make plans to install QST’s with no stand but ensure that we check with the BCM first before changing the location. IMPORTANT: The BCM needs to be shown the new QST and the interference that the privacy shield will cause if left vertical.
RedFlag page comments: SV3 Tech to convert all vertical QST(s) to a no stand solution in the deal area pic(s) #.

7. On the norm HP technicians should be plotting all customer facing teller row workstation icons as TWQ because the stands are already in place. Please review the pictures carefully of all workstations to ensure workstation types are plotted correctly (TW, PW, TWQ, TWQqua, TWqua, etc.).
Equipment counts page must match total equipment plotted on floor plan.

8. Validate all floor plan icons to the equipment counts. If discrepancy appears run a MARS check to validate PLTs referenced on the floor plan. The technicians must balance to the total of MARS workstations and printers before leaving site.
If the techs do not balance, supporting documentation must be entered into POST. A ticket # must be provided to the techs and entered on the survey to resolve the discrepancy.
If the site has a Business As Usual (BAU) MAC equipment order in place with a contract #, create a
TAR for CM: CM-Advise BCM new (equipment type) and its data drop must be functional prior to SV3 install as it has been included in the equipment counts. MAC Contract #, Pic(s) #, ETA.
Include contract #, pic, location and ETA in TAR.
TAR for CM: CM-Determine renovation time frame and location, will not interfere with SV3 install

9. Most RBSI banking centers are built with false walls underneath teller row. Some techs have advised the ease of removing these false walls to later discover CWP was needed. For each RBSI create this TAR for CWP: CWP to be on site night of install to assist with the false wall removals.
Weigh the need for CWP.
10. When QST’s are horizontal or vertical and Bandit Barriers exist create TAR for CWP: CWP-to be on site night of install to assist with QST cable management due to bandit barriers.

NOTE: Due to the MFP updates to survey form v12.0 you will no longer have to create manual TARs for ordering. Continue to provide directional placement comments on the RedFlag page.
11. Training Rooms: We are installing MFPs in all Training Room Facilities. Training Rooms were not taken into consideration on the equipment counts page. There will be MARS discrepancies for Retain PP which will be zero. Also zero for Retain MFP as TRN Rooms do not have any.

The ordering of a Training Room new MFP and stand if needed will be a TAR for Vivian: Vivian order # new MFP(s) and # Stand(s) for the training room(s) pic(s) #.
For TRN rooms only: Include new MFP directional comments on the RedFlag page. Include TRN room # if multiple rooms exist.

Ex: New MFP will use existing furniture pic #.
New MFP on new stand TRN room # pic #.
TRN room MFP placement heights are between 30 to 32 inches. Anything greater in TRN rooms requires a stand. Project Team wants legal tray installed if possible.

12. NO new add DATA TARS except for Training Room MFP(s) if needed. Add data icon.
TAR for EDS: Add new data for MFP pic # Training Room

13. NO new add POWER TARS except for Training Room MFP(s) and NER for network equipment if needed. Add power icon.
TAR for CWP: Add standard power for the new MFP pic # Training Room Review TARS for network equipment below…

14. Keep in mind the criteria of a dedicated 20ampT when reviewing sites: LOOK FOR THAT “T”
a. Orange electrical outlet with T = dedicated 20ampT.
b. Traditional cream electrical outlet with T with an orange or green circle or triangle = dedicated 20ampT.
c. Traditional cream electrical outlet with T and labeled with a circuit panel number across the top or along the side = dedicated 20ampT.
d. If outlet is a T with VOIP ONLY labeled across the front = dedicated 20ampT
Use the email dated 9/16/2010 as a reference guy if unsure or create a TAR for CWP: Unable to determine if outlet is a dedicated 20ampT. Please verify and if not install one for the new 2200 UPS pic #.
TAR for CWP: Install a dedicated 20ampT for the new 2200 UPS pic #.
Include location of 20ampT installation if other than Banking Center NER in the TAR. (see next example)
TAR for CWP: Install a dedicated 20ampT for the new 2200 UPS pic # detached drive up.
(Add power icon to floor plan in respective area)

15. Extremely Important: Model UPS Environment - Is anything other than the Router, Switch(s) Model Bank Server and Model Bank Server Monitor plugged into the Model Bank Server’s UPS. Should be 4 devices unless more than 1 switch.
If unrelated devices are plugged into the UPS create a TAR for Carl: Carl-Unrelated devices are plugged into the model UPS pic(s) #.

TAR for Carl: Carl-Dual UPS environment, (copy tech’s comments of what’s plugged where) pic(s)

If the tech did not provide comments: TAR for Carl: Carl-Dual UPS environment, # of devices plugged into the top and bottom UPS pic(s).

TAR for Carl: Network equipment located in detached DU. New UPS can go (state location captured by tech) pic(s) Be mindful of existing equipment that may currently sit in the new UPS location.
16. If site has multiple 2200 UPS - and the 2nd UPS does not have an SNMP (Signaling Network Management Protocol) card located on the back left side of the device then it will need one. Create TAR for Vivian: 2nd 2200 UPS exist without SNMP card pic #.
If a 1500 and 2200 UPS are on site, the ordering of any additional 2200 UPS will come equipped with the SNMP card.

17. When TYPE 6 sorts exist, TAR for Andrea: Andrea-ensure all equipment orders are at zero, this is a type 6 sort.

18. Delete duplicate site folder. If a duplicate folder is inside of the site folder, rename the 2nd folder by adding xxx at the end. Cut this xxx folder from the inside and place with other folders outside. Delete the now empty folder and remove xxx from the remaining site folder.

19. From the FloorPlan section of the survey form run the options: Get Counts From Survey and Count Icons. Delta must read zero unless it pertains to a Training Room site (see #9). Tell me if you are unable to balance to zero.

20. RedFlag icons can overlap each other slightly if we have to. Do not plot directly on top of other icons, but close to. Use RF arrows as pointers. RF# reference should be visible.

21. Keyboard Monitor Tray if needed, is a TAR for Vivian: Vivian-order KBM tray for model rack pic(s) #.

22. The techs must explain what the devices are plugged into the model UPS if it’s not of the normal 4 or visible in the pictures. Explanations should have a visible pic reference!

23. Delete those unnecessary icons from the floor plan page that are not relevant or in use.

Use this tool to help present the best possible work.
Created TARS
HOMERUN-Used when the device being installed is within 10ft or less and on the same wall and room as the current model bank rack. Data cables will be ran directly from the device to the model rack.

RELOCATE-Used when furniture needs to be moved to accommodate a device that would be better suited in that location. (Requires from and to pics and device relocating)

REMOVE-Used for equipment to be remove.

MOVE DATA-Used when data is not within 10 feet, will cause a trip hazard or is not a straight run to the device receiving the data. (Requires from and to pics and device receiving the data)

MOVE ANALOG-Used when the current fax location does not meet the MFP placement criteria. (Requires from and to pics and device receiving the analog) (See the MFP placement rules before choosing this option)

ADD POWER-Used when power does not currently exist or is not within 8 feet of the device requiring it. (Requires pic location and device receiving the power)

ADD DATA-Used when data does not currently exist or is not within 10 feet of the device requiring it.
(Requires pic location and device receiving the data)

HVAC-Used when the AC unit cannot be manually overridden.

LIGHTING-Used when the lighting unit cannot be manually overridden.

EXOTIC MATERIAL-Used when the purse ledge and backslash are made of a material other than wood that will require special drilling or cutting tools.

GENERAL TAR-Used for TARs specially designed.

BB-Used in all cases where there are bandit barriers on site and work will be perform on teller row.

BB AND EXOTIC MATERIAL-If bandit barriers and exotic materials exist on the purse ledge and back splash, create a TAR for CWP to widen existing QST holes if SV1 tech states current cable holes are to narrow.

• ADA equipment-Monitors, Genie Magnifier, Trackball
• FYI-notification
• Training Room MFP ordering TARS
• Key Board Monitor Tray ordering TARS
• Per KD133 a BC must have at least 1 active TP (Lets ask Vivian) It is the BC responsibility to have all devices functional.
• Any trouble gaining access into an OBD: at SV1 while tech is on site consult with Vivian and try to resolve. If SV1 tech states there may still be a problem:
TAR for Vivian: Vivian-SV3 techs may experience trouble gaining access within OBD building. (Copy and include the comments and contacts provided by the SV1 tech)

• FYI-1/2 rack pic ___. Wall mounted rack pic ____. (Commonly found in Instores)
• Server not in NER, Rack issues, UPS issues
• Dual UPS environments may see 1 connected to network equipment and 1 connected to server
• Server not supported by the model UPS
• Router not located in the NER
• Unrelated non network devices along with the model bank Server, Router, Switches and Monitor are plugged into the model bank UPS.
• Limited space in front and back of rack or within NER
• When a network device, NER related structure, etc causes conditions which have or may bring down the Server, UPS or Router please, alert Carl.

• If current UPS power is not a dedicated 20ampT (add power icon to floor plan in respective area) requiring CWP to install a dedicated 20ampT or verify the existing
• When false walls exist and pose a problem removing the night of install (most RBSI)
• Relocating large heavy furniture
• Filling in holes left from the removal of the vertical QSTs
• Widening existing QST cable holes if SV1 tech states existing are to narrow
• TAR for CWP: CWP-There is no ventilation in the NER - room temperature, leaking ceilings

AGS Delivery-Detached DU and Multi Story Buildings
• When multiple pieces of equipment exist either in a detached drive up or on multiple floors, create a TAR for AGS: Deliver the following (pieces of equipment) to (location). Capture the devices, piece count and floor location. Also ensure questions regarding delivery locations and instructions are captured as a Red Flag.

Change Management TARs
• Advise BCM to have (W/S name and PLT) and or its data drop repaired prior to SV3 as it has been included in the equipment counts. If BCM decides against repairs adjust MS accordingly. Not required any more.
• Determine renovation time frame and location, not to interfere with SV3 install (copy comments provided by tech)
• BAU (Business As Usual) equipment orders
• If the SV1 tech states there may be a problem gaining access within BC TAR for CM: SV3 techs may experience trouble gaining access within banking center. (Copy and include the comments and contacts provided by the SV1 tech)

Survey Equipment Count Page
• Parent Banking Center/Parent OBD Line-Actual model bank equipment tech found on site (currently working and/or to be repaired by BCM before SV3)
• Equipment Site Inventory Line-Confirms and auto populates from the Parent Banking Center/Parent OBD Line of model bank equipment tech found on site (currently working and/or to be repaired by BCM before SV3)
• Total Equipment Order for Transfer to Master Schedule-Confirms and auto populates from Parent Banking Center/Parent OBD Line of model bank equipment tech found on site (currently working and/or to be repaired by BCM before SV3) – This line will populate the Master Schedule, it is extremely important that all columns are complete based on the model bank equipment icons represented on the floor plan.
• MARS Data-This is an equipment count snapshot into BoA network of model bank equipment. The SV1 technicians must balance to the total numbers of W/S.
• Validate all floor plan icons to the equipment counts. If discrepancy appears run a MARS check or validate PLTs referenced on the floor plan. The technicians must balance to the total of MARS workstations and printers before leaving site. Supporting documentation and approval is required. Document discrepancy in POST providing techs with the POST ticket number which must be added to the survey form as a resolution to the discrepancy.

No emails should be sent directly to members of the PROJECT TEAM. Send your survey inquiries and pictures to me and I will forward to the project team and project manager if it’s necessary. Same goes for emails to Melissa with directions for the techs.
Any directions for the techs on an SSR level should be funneled through me. This will avoid incorrect information from being relayed.

You have authorization to contact the project team for MARS discrepancies. Follow the on call support rotation schedule. Allow the allotted 15 minutes before contacting the next person.
 Did you try to help the tech resolve the discrepancy prior to calling the PT?
 Have you created a ticket in POST for the discrepancy even if you are able to resolve the matter?
 If duplicate PLT #s exist one of the w/s does not work.

1. Per Carl o No TARS are needed for the server vents being clogged…New servers are being installed G7 o Where ever there is NETWORK equipment the tech must provide pictures and plot the icons on the floor plan. o Pictures need to be exact. Pointing at what’s referenced in the picture. If power icons are required please plot in respective location and correct side. o If the sort has multiple floors, the tech must reference what they are on the floor plan. (2nd, Basement, detached drive up etc). o If the tech references there is an 800 series router plugged into the UPS, it’s ok. NO TAR required.
However, if there is an issue involving the 800 series router, create a
TAR for Carl: (copy what the tech referenced)

Based on question 8.2.212 – Is 27” available from center of rack to 1st obstacle in front of rack? If No, Red Flag. Describe whether obstacle is movable and take Photo.
The tech’s answer and pics will determine your ACTION.
Per Vivian- If access to the server and UPS is blocked by a large moveable object and HP cannot move it on SV3 then a CWP TAR should be created. If the obstacle is not moveable then a TAR needs to be created for Carl to review and determine what can be done. It may require some work by CWP or it may ultimately require a rack move but Carl needs to determine this.

Moving a rack should only be a last resort and never a TAR for CWP.(Carl to determine)

Reviewing the survey forms is not excepting everything the tech documents. Surveys may require some research. Confirmed the information documented with the date, name of person you spoke with and detailed explanation.
Every page of the survey form requires your attention.

Carl-Surveillance equipment (name of device) is attached to the UPS pic(s)________. IMPORTANT- Please be sure the tech has captured this in his notes if more than 4 devices are plugged into the UPS and Verint, DVR, etc equipment appears in the model rack. Remember you have 3 possible UPS places to search if equipment exist and survey documents it (Server UPS, Network UPS and Detached Drive Up UPS).

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Athabasca Oil Sand Case Study

...the government. Governments hold high power as they set out the regulations and need the businesses to do well in order to maintain a strong economy. Consequently, they hold great legitimacy, urgency, and power. The Canadian government are particularly interested in the Athabasca Oil Sand Project because oil sands development not only benefits all Canadians through employment opportunities but also contributes to the highest rate of economic growth in Canada over the last 20 years. “The Tar Sands are now the biggest capital project anywhere on Earth and the biggest energy undertaking anywhere.” The government sees this as an excellent opportunity for a growing economy, thus supporting the project. The government also holds great power, as they are the ones enforcing the laws and regulations upon a business or organization. However, in this case, the government “fails to enforce its own environmental laws; and it is even engaging in cover-up when people blow the whistle on how the Tar Sands have harmed our health and our environment.” The Canadian government gives tax breaks to oil sands companies such as Shell, whom are the worst polluters, and refuses to force the industry to clean up. They have also covered up the situation when the people of Fort Chipewyan tried to appeal the issue of strange illnesses afflicting residents, and further denied any toxic problems....

Words: 4090 - Pages: 17

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It250 Week 9

...using the tar utility. 9.3: Maintain effective logs by using the log rotate utility. Readings A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Chapter 11, pp. 407-425 * Chapter 16 In-Class Assessment * Week 9 Quiz: Homework The following homework is designed to cover the course objectives for this unit. Assignment 9.1: Complete the following exercise in your textbook: * Chapter 16: Question 1-5 on page 643 Submit your written answer to your instructor at the start of Unit 10. Labs Instructor Notes: Assign students the following lab which can be printed from Appendix D. Lab 9.1: Using tar to Back Up Files What is the purpose? This lab exercise lets you perform basic file backup on your Linux system. What are the steps? Task 1: Backing up with tar Procedure 1. Open a terminal window as a regular user. 2. Create a directory named backup in your home directory. 3. Copy some files from your home directory into your new directory. 4. Create a backup of your new directory by using tar and compress the file with bzip2. Make sure that the backup file is not placed in the directory you are backing up. You will need to: a. Create permission. b. Choose verbose mode option. c. Choose the bzip2 file format. d. Specify the path for the file to be backed up. e. Set permissions. f. Set file flags for tar. Make sure you put a “.tar.bz2” extension on the tar file. Task 2: Restoring from a tar backup ...

Words: 1093 - Pages: 5

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Pipelines Case Study

...Environmental Defense stated that, “the proposed pipeline would create just 50 permanent jobs, but threatens $9.7 billion in Gross Domestic Product and 98,000 jobs supported by the B.C. coastline. Kinder Morgan and tar sands producers would collect most of the revenue while B.C. would receive less than 2 percent of the revenue.”, (DeRochie, 2016). Two percent in revenue does not equal to the $9.7 billion loss of GDP. According to Coastal First Nations, “the marine economy is essential to coastal communities, generating thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue in including: $386.5 million from Marine sectors, $134.9 million from Commercial fishing, $88.1 million from Seafood processing, $104.3 million from Marine tourism, $90.5 million from Recreational fishing, and lastly $18.6 million from Marine Transportation.” (Coastal First Nations, 2017). Therefore, the loss of revenue will negatively drop revenue consequently affecting British Columbia’s...

Words: 504 - Pages: 3

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Summary Of P. Lorrillard Company V. The Harmful Effects Of Cigarettes

...Eng 111 April/9/2015 In P. Lorillard Company. v. The harmful effects of cigarettes was brought out by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), most of the companies were big name cigarette companies. A research laboratory stated that no exact name brand of cigarettes was markedly more damaging and in other cases harmful to many others. Statistics show the comparison and the factor of how much nicotine and tar are in big cigarette companies. . Lorillard stated that his brand had for a fact the lowest amount of nicotine and tar in their cigarettes. In a 1950 a decision the change the rule of law, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, upholding the commission's cease-and-desist order, it made them declared that Lorillard's advertising violated the FTC Act and its rule of law because, by printing small parts of the article, it created an entirely false and misleading impression giving people false information and false belief....

Words: 618 - Pages: 3

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My Home-Made Biomass Gasifier

...My Home-Made Biomass Gasifier Making your own gasifier is easy I've built a lot of alternative energy projects over the years. See my home-built solar panel and wind turbine pages. I've always wanted to build a wood or biomass gasifier too. Why? Well, the internal combustion engine is really an important part of our society and the basis of a lot of our transportation and portable power technology. It isn't going to be going away any time soon. I've mastered making my own electricity from the sun and wind, but that doesn't help my truck go down the road, power the lawn mower, or run my generator on cloudy, windless days. Those all have internal combustion engines, and they all need fuel to run. I finally decided it was time to master making my own fuel. Why pay the Arabs for it if I can make a working substitute myself? So what is A biomass gasifier? Basically is a chemical reactor that converts wood, or other biomass substances, into a combustible gas that can be burned for heating, cooking, or for running an internal combustion engine. This is achieved by partially combusting the biomass in the reactor, and using the heat generated to pyrolyse or thermally break down the rest of the material into volatile gasses. A well built reactor will also convert combustion byproducts like CO2 and water vapor into flammable CO and H2 by passing them over a bed of hot charcoal where they will get reduced.    Thus the gasifier converts most of the mass of the wood (or other...

Words: 8015 - Pages: 33