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Tattooing Research Paper

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Tattooing: Traditional Vs. Modern The importance of knowing what the person inks onto their body is almost as important as knowing who that person is related to. Both of which are considerably close in comparison due to the hidden story behind it. Family. In the Hawaiian culture, the ink designs on their bodies is consider strong in culture, beliefs and are remarkable to the wearer of the design. Nowadays, people automatically assume choosing a tattoo design represents something symbolic or family related, but not knowing the exact reason for it. When choosing a tattoo, people should take family history, genealogy, or cultural practices into consideration. In the Hawaiian culture, there are rules saying what men and women can and cannot …show more content…
One wrong place of the tattoo or wrong design would bring shame to the family. Its importance has a huge impact. Tattoos in tradition have a much deeper meaning rather than people nowadays, plastering ink onto their bodies without actually knowing the exact reason behind it. It angers me seeing people walk around with …show more content…
What I can see myself wearing, what represents me, where I come from, who am I representing me or my family. I have known for years that we do not have much history, but the main thing is being able to know just enough. I pulled more on the ʻaumakua side, since it is one of the few I knew best and most of. My ʻaumakua, or family gods are the māno, or shark and the pueo, or owl. As I was doing research on Hawaiian Tattoos, I stumbled across a chapter about ʻaumakua, which had pictures of totally different designs I would not have thought to see. I guess being strong in culture has its perks of knowing way more than other people. I get envious seeing other Hawaiians walk around in traditional ink slathered onto their bodies, especially women, from thigh to abdomen to arm to wrist to fingers and more. I see it as true

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Hepatitis B

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Heppatits B: an Epidemic

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