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Tax Law & Accounting


Submitted By lcam0722
Words 1013
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Tax Law and Accounting

ACC/483 Income Tax Accounting

The first step to understanding taxes is to first understand why we have taxes in the first place. As citizens many people take for granted what benefits we gain from the government developing the country around us. The various infrastructures, public systems, education, and the very safety of the citizens in a country are all affected by government funds. People generally are unable to pay for these services directly out of their own pockets, so the government provides for the care of its citizens out of its own funds.

As most people know, the United States tax system is special in that citizens generally can pay taxes to a variety of levels: federal, state, and even city taxes depending on where you live. Regardless of whom you pay taxes to, or if you live in the United States or in some other country around the world, the objective of income taxes still remains the same. Just as was mentioned in the previous paragraph, taxes are used to fund various government activities that affect the citizens of a country throughout their everyday life. Income taxes provide a way to ensure that the government is able to collect revenue from its citizens efforts at a variety of governmental levels to provide proper care and service for its people and keep the country running. After understanding why taxes are important, another important aspect to understand is how tax accounting differs from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that most businesses in the United States use for their financial reporting. Tax Accounting is accounting methods that focus on taxes rather than the appearance of public financial statements. Tax accounting is governed by the Internal Revenue Code which dictates the specific rules that companies and

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