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Tax Planning


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个人所得税合理避税方法 缴纳个人所得税是每个公民应尽的义务,然而在履行缴纳个人所得税义务的同时,人们还应懂得利用各种手段提高家庭的综合理财收益,进行个人所得税合理避税,尤其是随着收入的增加,通过税务筹划合理合法避税也是有效的理财手段之一。那么,怎样才能合理合法地来进行个人所得税避税呢?从目前看,个人可以通过投资避税和收入避税两种方法有效避税。
比如那些希望自主创业的人,根据政策规定,在其雇佣的员工中,下岗工人或退伍军人超过30%就可免征3年营业税和所得税。对于那些事业刚刚起步的人而言,可以利用这一鼓励政策,轻松为自己免去3年税收。 而对于大众而言,只要掌握好国家对不同收入人群征收的税基、税率有所不同的政策,也可巧妙地节税。小王是一家网络公司的职员,每月工资收入4500元,每月的租房费用为800元。我国的《个人所得税法》中规定工资、薪金所得适用超额累进税率,在工资收入所得扣除2000元的费用后,对于500-2000元的部分征收的税率是10%,2000元以上部分征收的税率是15%.按照小王的收入4500元计算,其应纳税所得额是4500元-2000元,即2500元,适用的税率较高。如果他在和公司签订劳动合同时达成一致,由公司安排其住宿(800元作为福利费用直接交房租),其收入调整为3700元,则小王的应纳税所得额为3700元-20000元,即1700元,适用的税率就可降低。 对于那些高收入人群而言,合理避税和节税就显得更为重要。张先生是一家公司的高级管理人员,年薪36万元,一次性领取。按照国家的税法,他适用的最高税率高达45%,如果他和公司签订合同时将年薪改为月薪的话,每个月3万元的收入能使他适用的最高税率下降到25%,节税的金额是相当可观的。 在我国《个人所得税法》中,劳务报酬、稿酬、特许权使用费、利息、股息、红利、财产租赁、转让和偶然所得等均属应纳税所得。因收入不同,适用的税基、税率也不尽相同,从维护纳税人的自身利益出发,充分研究这些法律法规,通过合理避税来提高实际收入是纳税人应享有的权益。我国和税务相关的法律法规非常繁多,是一个庞大的体系,一般纳税人很难充分理解并掌握,因此大家除了自己研究和掌握一些相关法律法规的基础知识之外,不妨在遇到问题时咨询相关领域的专业人士,如专业的理财规划师、律师等,以达到充分维护自身权益的目的。 一、利用人的流动方式进行国际避税 在国际上,许多国家往往把拥有住所并在该国居住一定时间以上的确定为纳税义务人,如我国个人所得税法第一条规定:“在中国境内有住所、或者无住所而在境内居住满一年的个人,从中国境内和境外取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税”:“在中国境内无住所又不居住或者无住所而在境内居住不满一年的个人,从中国境内取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税”。这样,如何使自己避免成为某一国居民,便成为规避纳税义务的关键。这就使一些跨国纳税人能自由地游离于各国之间,而不成为任何一个国家的居民,从而达到少缴税或不缴税的避税目的。在我国对外开放后,随着国际间人员、技术和经营业务交流与往来的不断扩大,已成为一个不可忽视的重要避税方法。 二、通过财产或收入的转移进行避税这种方法是在财产或收入的所有者不进行跨越税境的迁移,也即是不改变居住地和居民(公民)身份的情况下,通过别人在他国为自己建立相应的机构,将自己取得的财产或收入进行转移、分割,以规避在居住国缴纳所得税或财产税,享受他国的种种税收优惠和待遇。 三、利用延期获得收入的方法进行避税在个人收入来源不太稳定和均衡的情况下,个人以通过延期获得收入,把某一时期的高收入转移到收入较低的那一纳税期,使各个纳税期的应纳税所得额保持在较低的水平上,从而减轻应纳税义务。这种方法,对承包者、租赁者及其它非固定收入者比较有效。 四、把个人收入转换成企业单位的费用开支以规避个人所得税比如把企业单位应支付给个人的一些福利性收入,由直接付给个人转换为提供公共服务等形式。既不会扩大企业的支出总规模、减少个人的消费水平,又能使个人避免因直接收入的增加而多缴纳一部分个人所得税。这些方法实质上是把个人的应税所得变成了个人直接消费来躲避个人所得纳税。 五、投资避税法对于从事高科技研究,或从事发明创造、专利研究的人来讲,假如你已经取得了经营成果,并且申请了专利,你是准备出卖专利,还是投资建厂,一般讲,你大概可以选择的办法是: 1.出卖专利,以取得收入。 2.个人独资兴办企业。 3.合伙经营。 几种方式孰优孰劣,评判的标准多种多样,下面我们就税收来看,是什么方案更好。 假如,你的这次专利权的转让收入为30万元,如果你出卖专利收入。那么,你将要缴纳个人所得税。 应纳所得税=30万×(1-20%)× 20%=4.8万元税后利润=30万-4.8万=25.2万元。 个人实际取得收入25.2万元,因为专利转让为一次性收入,那么你将不会有第二次。 如果你是希望这项专利能给你今后相当长时间都能带来收益的话,还是选择投资经营为好。如个人投资建厂经营,通过销售产品取得收入,由于新建企业,大多都可以享受一定的减免税优惠,而且你的专利权不是转让,所以在你取得的收入中,不必单独为专利支付税收。你的收入与税收负担之比,必然优于单纯的缴纳专利权收入的个人所得税。 如果与他人合伙经营,你出专利(折股),对方出资,建立股份制企业,根据各自占有企业股份的数量分配利润。你仅需要负担投资分红所负的税收额,而股票在你没转让之前,不需负担税收。所以你是通过专利,即取得专利收入,又取得经营收入,与之单独的专利转让来讲,你的税收负担是最轻的。 六、工资避税法个人所得税法规定,工资、薪金收入,承包转包收入,劳务报酬收入等都要缴纳个人所得税。这些收入实行合并收入计算所得税,税率实行超额累进税率,凡月收入超过2000元者需要征税。如何降低这方面的税收负担呢? 1、必须符合以下几个条件:(1)是合法的行为,是法律所允许的;(2)成本低廉,合乎经济原则;(3)作出有效的事先安排和适当的呈报。 税收计划的制订,就是通过对现行税法的研究,对个人在近期内收入情况的预计作出的收入安排,诸如,在不改变消费水平的情况下,通过改变消费方式来改变现金和实物支出的帐户性质;通过收入的时间和数量,支付方式变化,达到降低名义收入额之目的,进而降低税率档次,以降低税负或免除税负。 2、避税策略避税策略的安排能够使你的税负降低,但不会降低国家的税收。因为许多方案的选择是以避免某一税收而代之以其它税收来执行的,有些方案是以减轻个人负担,增加企业负担来实现的。 对于工资、薪金收入者来讲,企业支付的薪俸是申报个人所得税的依据。如何保证个人消费水平的稳定或略有提高而税收负担又不增加,是规避个人所得税的主要问题。这部分收入按月计征,即根据月收入水平累进课税。最低税为0%,最高税率为45%,当你取得的收入达到某一档次时,要求支付与该档次税率相适应的税负,但是,工薪税是根据你的月实际收入来确定的,这就为税收规避提供了可能的机会。 高薪是社会评价人的能力和地位的一个标准。事实上,高薪并不为提供高消费水平。因为,高薪是指你在纳税年度内的各时期收入高于其它人的收入量,当这个收入量超过累进税率的某一档次。那么你将支付高税率的现金收入。工薪的组成主要是依人的劳动能力和再生产需要确定的。所以你的工资既有劳动量的体现,又有消费水准的参考。如果你的所有消费都是从实际取得现金后实现以及部分消费以现金实现,另外部分以实际受益相结合取得,那么后者的收益实际超过前者。因此运用比较收益是税收规避中需要首先研究的,它是税收计划制定的一个重要条件。 总之,缴纳工资、薪金所得税的个人,规避税收主要是在保证消费水平提高的前提下,降低所得额,达到减轻税负之目的,对于企业来讲,要在遵守国家财经纪律的前提下,合理地选择职工收入支付方式,以帮助职工提高消费水平。单纯地增加现金收入是不可取的,盲目地提供福利待遇和公费支付私人款项,是不合法的,必然会给企业经济发展带来不利影响,最终会影响职工收入。

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Acc 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning

...ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Assignment 1 – Tax Research Imagine that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has selected your client for an audit. Your client and the IRS disagree about the amount of tax revenue owed. You agree with your client’s position. You must provide a defense for the client that requires you to research the issues in order to render an educated opinion on a course of action for your client. Note: You may create and/or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Prepare a defensible strategy for the client by using the six (6) steps in the tax research process. Propose how each of the steps provides support for the client’s position. 2. Create a fact-based argument that you plan to propose to the client as a defense of his / her position with the IRS. ACC 555 Assignment 2 – Tax-Deductible Losses Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Research the manner in which tax-deductible losses originally became part of the U.S. Tax Code. Conclude whether or not tax-deductible losses overall are reasonable. Provide support for your conclusions. 2. Suggest what you believe to be a significant tax-deductible loss. Discuss whether or not the deductibility...

Words: 2347 - Pages: 10

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Acc 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning

...ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Assignment 1 – Tax Research Imagine that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has selected your client for an audit. Your client and the IRS disagree about the amount of tax revenue owed. You agree with your client’s position. You must provide a defense for the client that requires you to research the issues in order to render an educated opinion on a course of action for your client. Note: You may create and/or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Prepare a defensible strategy for the client by using the six (6) steps in the tax research process. Propose how each of the steps provides support for the client’s position. 2. Create a fact-based argument that you plan to propose to the client as a defense of his / her position with the IRS. ACC 555 Assignment 2 – Tax-Deductible Losses Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Research the manner in which tax-deductible losses originally became part of the U.S. Tax Code. Conclude whether or not tax-deductible losses overall are reasonable. Provide support for your conclusions. 2. Suggest what you believe to be a significant tax-deductible loss. Discuss whether or not the deductibility...

Words: 2347 - Pages: 10

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Acc 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning

...ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Assignment 1 – Tax Research Imagine that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has selected your client for an audit. Your client and the IRS disagree about the amount of tax revenue owed. You agree with your client’s position. You must provide a defense for the client that requires you to research the issues in order to render an educated opinion on a course of action for your client. Note: You may create and/or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Prepare a defensible strategy for the client by using the six (6) steps in the tax research process. Propose how each of the steps provides support for the client’s position. 2. Create a fact-based argument that you plan to propose to the client as a defense of his / her position with the IRS. ACC 555 Assignment 2 – Tax-Deductible Losses Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Research the manner in which tax-deductible losses originally became part of the U.S. Tax Code. Conclude whether or not tax-deductible losses overall are reasonable. Provide support for your conclusions. 2. Suggest what you believe to be a significant tax-deductible loss. Discuss whether or not the deductibility...

Words: 2347 - Pages: 10

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Acc 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning

...555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower Or Visit Our Website Visit : Email Us : ACC 555 Entire Course Individual Tax Research and Planning ACC 555 Assignment 1 – Tax Research Imagine that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has selected your client for an audit. Your client and the IRS disagree about the amount of tax revenue owed. You agree with your client’s position. You must provide a defense for the client that requires you to research the issues in order to render an educated opinion on a course of action for your client. Note: You may create and/or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Prepare a defensible strategy for the client by using the six (6) steps in the tax research process. Propose how each of the steps provides support for the client’s position. 2. Create a fact-based argument that you plan to propose to the client as a defense of his / her position with the IRS. ACC 555 Assignment 2 – Tax-Deductible Losses Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Research the manner in which tax-deductible losses originally became part of the U.S. Tax Code. Conclude whether or not tax-deductible losses overall are...

Words: 2376 - Pages: 10

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Tax Planning

...What are Audited Financial Statements, samples and Templates? Posted on January 7, 2012 Financial statements are one of the most important aspects of a business. There are several types of financial statements, with the three main ones being receipts and payments account, balance sheet and expenditure account. Forming and managing such accounts require a high level of knowledge and expertise, and that includes the analysis of financial states. Let’s take a quick look at financial statements of companies. An Overview of Financial Statements Financial statements, as mentioned below, are mainly of three types. Each of these types of statements- balance sheet, income and expenditure account, and receipts and payments account, are formulated by the company. At the end of the fiscal year, the reports are sent to auditors and then checked. If the company runs a number of entities, then it forms financial statements that applicable to the group of entities under the control of the parent entity. This kind of a financial statement is known as consolidated financial statements. The principles and procedures for preparing and presenting such financial statements are different from that of a single company’s financial statement. Problems and Issues in Financial Statements There are several common issues related to financial statements that necessitate the need for an audit report. In a receipts and payments statement, a common issue seen is that of loan transaction omissions. These...

Words: 695 - Pages: 3