...Outline and assess the view that in school factors have the main influence on the educational achievement of different social classes (50 Marks) INSIDE - The Curriculum What is taught in schools disadvantages working class pupils. The knowledge taught in school is different to the cultural experiences of working class pupils. For example, History deals with the ruling class such as kings, queens and politicians, rather than the majority of ordinary people. Cultural Bias of the hidden curriculum favours middle class pupils. This may lead the underachievement and truancy of those from working class backgrounds. Ramsay argues that knowledge is used as a form of social control and that there is a hidden curriculum behind the subjects of Maths and English to keep the working class in their place. Ramsay argues that truancy is a protest against this pressure. - Teacher Labelling Interactionists study the interactions between teacher & student and student & student. Their explanations are based on a “labelling theory”. Teachers judge students not by their ability or intelligence, but by characteristics such as class. Keddie – “Classroom Knowledge” Keddie studied classroom interactions in a large, socially mixed comprehensive school in London. She had found that teachers categorised and evaluated classroom knowledge. The knowledge that teachers gave pupils was based on their assessment of the pupil’s ability to cope with the knowledge. Pupils that were categorized as “bright”...
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...3 DQs EDU 305 Week 3 Preschool Program Design EDU 305 Week 4 Applied Development Theory Handout EDU 305 Week 4 Applied Developmental Theory Activity EDU 305 Week 4 DQs EDU 305 Week 4 Elementary School Design EDU 305 Week 5 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview Paper EDU 305 Week 5 Media Influence EDU 305 Week 5 Middle School Design Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of EDU 305 Complete Class in order to ace their studies. EDU 305 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/edu-305-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM EDU 305 COMPLETE CLASS EDU 305 Week 1 DQs EDU 305 Week 1 Key Theories of Child Development Worksheet EDU 305 Week 2 Culture and Development EDU 305 Week 2 DQs EDU 305 Week 3 Classroom Observation Summary EDU 305 Week 3 DQs EDU 305 Week 3 Preschool Program Design EDU 305 Week 4 Applied Development Theory Handout EDU 305 Week 4 Applied Developmental Theory Activity EDU 305 Week 4 DQs EDU 305 Week 4 Elementary School Design EDU 305 Week 5 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview Paper EDU 305 Week 5 Media Influence EDU 305 Week 5 Middle School Design Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of EDU 305 Complete Class in order to ace their studies. EDU 305 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/edu-305-complete-class/ Contact us at:...
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...within the school are the main cause of differences in the educational achievement of different social groups. It is clear that there are differences in educational achievement of certain social groups, such as gender, ethnicity, and social class. Some may argue that this is due to internal factors, reasons from within the education system. However, others argue that the differences are due to external factors, which occur outside of the education system. An internal factor that causes difference in educational achievement is labelling. This is when a teacher makes assumptions about a student and treats them accordingly to that assumption. An example of this is the fact that teachers label boys as more disruptive than girls. Teachers communicate with girls more positively because they see them as being more co-operative. This can then raise girl’s self esteem which raises their achievement. Teachers have lower expectations of boys, and expect them to misbehave more often. Becky Francis found that while boys got more attention in class, they were disciplined more harshly and felt picked on by teachers. This would lead to them retaliating with bad behaviour, thus lowering their achievements. Labelling can also happen to people due to their ethnicity. Gillborn found that teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour. Gillborn and Youdell found that this is the result of teacher’s radicalised expectations. They expected black students to present...
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...as a speech therapist. These elements will influence me as speech therapists because it is important for me to help the children that I am working with get to their goal when it comes to education. It is also important for me to have a good method of working with my students so that they can know exactly what to do when they get to the real world. The methods of other philosophers I would like to incorporate would be progressivism, epistemology, and axiology. The best way that I learn as a student is visual and audio. I need to figure out how they learn so I can have a clear idea on how to teach my students. For example it can bring tape recorders for my audio learners, DVD’s that relates to the topic we are learning for my visual learners. Also textbooks for my students who would like to learn by reading. The way I would teach my children is by getting to know them as people. Do the job not just for the money but also for the students. I would also try to figure out how they learn so I can know how to teach each student individually rather than just assume that every student learns the same. I had my up’s and down’s with my educational experience. I came across some teachers that were really good at teaching and that I also had a connection with. Then there were other teachers who were good at teaching but not good at interacting with students or just plain bad at teaching. I started off my educational experience as a bad student. I did not have very many friends. It was also...
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...raise expectations for schools and educators to an extremely high; sometimes unrealistic, levels of achievement. It has also become a weapon wielded by lawmakers and politicians at the state and national levels to levy punitive actions and sanctions to schools that are not meeting their levels of expectations; branding them with a “Scarlet F” if students are not scoring well on standardized tests. While high test scores, continuous improvement, student achievement and teacher/student accountability are things that all schools and district should strive for, there are certainly beneficial ways, as well as destructive means, to attaining such favorable results without harming the school’s most precious resource – students. Effective school administrators are constantly seeking opportunities to improve within their school and in each classroom. There are numerous tools and strategies that administrators and school leaders can implement that will aid in identifying obstacles and providing solutions to improve student success. One such tool is the Four Circles Model outlined by Charlotte Danielson. The Four Circles Model allows administrators and other school leaders to categorize information into four basic groups; or circles, as they embark on the improvement journey. The first circle, is entitled “What We Want” and is comprised of the school’s basic goals and objectives. Some of the goals included in the first circle high-level learning for all students, safe and positive...
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...to select three important ideas from our assigned readings that we personally feel that is important for effective middle school teachers to use while building a safe and welcoming classroom community for all students and parents to enter into the classroom. The three important points, I have a choice to speak about is the importance of how to interact with the student’s parents/caregivers, facilitating a meaningful learning environment for the students to learn and grow, and the importance of always having a backup plan for when a substitute teacher comes into the classroom. With the following ideas in mind for the effective middle school teacher, the teacher will be able to work along side...
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... There are major differences between the levels of achievement of the working class and middle class. Generally the higher the social class of the parents the more successful a child will be in education. Social class inequality begins in primary school and becomes greater as you move up through the education system with the higher levels of the education system dominated by middle and upper-class students. There are many other factors that can explain differences in educational achievements for different social classes, these include material explanations which put the emphasis on social and economic conditions, cultural explanations which focus on values, attitudes and lifestyles and factors within the school itself. Material factors such as poverty, low wages, diet, health and housing can all have important direct effects on how well individuals do at school. Material deprivation such as this helps when explaining the pattern of working-class underachievement in education. Douglas (1964) found that poor housing conditions such as overcrowding and insufficient quiet can make study at home difficult meaning they cannot complete homework and may not pass exams. In working class families, low income or unemployment may mean resources such as computers and text books cannot be bought which will restrict the amount of studying the child can do. They may also not be able to attend school trips that could be useful for their studies. If they child cannot study they may fall...
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...Tenesha Huffer Literature Review Teacher Retention in School System The school teacher turnover rates fluctuate each year the recruitment and retention problem varies across the United States. Due to the Adequate Progress objectives for improved achievements and No Child Left Behind Act, there is a great demand for qualified school teacher (Piecki 2003). These teachers across the nation are struggling to rethink middle school, particularly in cities were the challenge of adolescent volatility, spiking violence and lagging academic performances are more acute (Brown & Rollenfson 2001). Some external characteristics of school district are also related to school teacher retention rates. Many schools have a high number of minority student, low student achievement, and high poverty level. It had been know that individual school district attractiveness can affect current and prospective teachers. Teachers both old and new don’t want to remain at a school where the building is not kept clean (Newwell 2004). These are some things that effect school teacher retention rates. The school turnover rates comes a great expense, both in the negative cumulative effect on student achievement, and as a financial drain to the state and districts that repeatedly prepare, recruit and support teachers for the same position (Clark 2003). It is not the goal of any school district to lose teachers. Middle school teachers effect high school student’s achievement, which effect enrollment...
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...Parsons (Functionalist) They identified 4 main functions of the education system * Passing on society’s culture and building social solidarity * Passes social values by the hidden curriculum and actual subjects * Builds social solidarity by shared values * A bridge between the family and the society * Durkheim: Schools are a small society and prepare you for the wider society. * Parsons: Schools are an important place for secondary socialisation, and provides a bridge between the ascribed status of the family and the achieved status of the meritocratic society. * Developing a trained and qualified labour force * Selecting people for roles in meritocratic society and legitimising social inequality Durkheim and Parsons (Functionalist) They identified 4 main functions of the education system * Passing on society’s culture and building social solidarity * Passes social values by the hidden curriculum and actual subjects * Builds social solidarity by shared values * A bridge between the family and the society * Durkheim: Schools are a small society and prepare you for the wider society. * Parsons: Schools are an important place for secondary socialisation, and provides a bridge between the ascribed status of the family and the achieved status of the meritocratic society. * Developing a trained and qualified labour force * Selecting people for roles in meritocratic society and legitimising social inequality Education Sociologists...
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...(Functionalist) They identified 4 main functions of the education system * Passing on society’s culture and building social solidarity * Passes social values by the hidden curriculum and actual subjects * Builds social solidarity by shared values * A bridge between the family and the society * Durkheim: Schools are a small society and prepare you for the wider society. * Parsons: Schools are an important place for secondary socialisation, and provides a bridge between the ascribed status of the family and the achieved status of the meritocratic society. * Developing a trained and qualified labour force * Selecting people for roles in meritocratic society and legitimising social inequality Durkheim and Parsons (Functionalist) They identified 4 main functions of the education system * Passing on society’s culture and building social solidarity * Passes social values by the hidden curriculum and actual subjects * Builds social solidarity by shared values * A bridge between the family and the society * Durkheim: Schools are a small society and prepare you for the wider society. * Parsons: Schools are an important place for secondary socialisation, and provides a bridge between the ascribed status of the family and the achieved status of the meritocratic society. * Developing a trained and qualified labour force * Selecting people for roles in meritocratic society and legitimising social inequality Education...
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...Comparison of Research Designs Capella University Comparison of Research Designs Template The following seven tables are part of a template that will guide you through the comparison of research designs assignment. The tables include: • Descriptions of basic research designs. • Types of basic research designs. • Main characteristics. • Followed steps. • Appropriate usage. • Purpose statement and sample questions. • Associated research paradigms. This template directs you to portions of the course text, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Creswell, 2008). Each table includes chapter numbers and page numbers to guide you to the most relevant sections of the text book. Reference Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Descriptions of Basic Research Designs Develop an original and concise description of each research design. The appropriate sections of the Creswell text are listed to guide you; however, the end product should be your own paraphrase. Each description should be about one to three sentences in length. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment...
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...Running Head: SCIENCE BORING AND HARD Why do Students Find Science Boring and Hard Submitted by Gianna LaTrice Jackson to Western Governors University, Utah on November 27, 2012 Science has always presented difficulties for students and teachers. Several things are thought to be correlated to students feeling about science and their abilities to comprehend the subject. Onocha, (1985) reported in one of his findings that teachers’ attitudes towards science is a significant predictor of pupils’ science achievement as well as their attitude. In this present paper, students find the discipline within science boring and hard. It is hypothesized that the role of the educator will have a greater effect on the student than the students past learning experiences. Also, Chidolue (1986) stated teachers’ attitudes towards Biology teaching is one of the major contributors towards explaining the variance in students’ cognitive achievement. While Odubunmi (1986) and Odunsi (1988) were able to confirm that teachers’ attitudes towards Integrated Science teaching affected their students’ attitudes and their ability to learn the subject and Oqunwuyi (2000) found significant causal relationships between the teachers’ attitude and students’ achievement in Integrated Science. The following literature reviews will make an effort to demonstrate and support the hypothesis. In the research article by Prokop, P., Tuncer, G., & Chuda, J. (2007) they address the following questions as...
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...Chapter II Literature Review It is a widely accepted fact that educational training and experience influence teachers’ practices and beliefs in the manners in which they individually approach classroom management (Martin and Sass, 2010). The very thought of classroom management brings to mind an array of opinions, ideas, and definitions. However, it cannot be easily defined since classroom management involves a very broad scope of definitions (Martin & Sass, 2010). According to Martin and Sass (2010), classroom management entails an “umbrella of definitions that include learning interactions, learning, and the behavior of students” (p. 1125). I include the self-efficacy, educational training and the experiences of teachers to the umbrella definition of classroom management. This chapter will present a brief overview of the theories influencing classroom management, models of classroom management, empirical research in the field of classroom management, and the effects of variables associated to this research study. First, behavioral theorist such as John Dewey, B. F. Skinner, William Glasser, Jean Piaget, and Albert Bandura will be discussed since they have played a central role in teachers’ classroom management philosophies. Second, classroom management models by Lee Canter, Linda Albert, Harry Wong, and Kame'enui, Sugai, Colvin and Lewis will be discussed. Next, empirical research by Ladner (2009), Baker (2005), Little and Akin- Little (2008), and Martin and Sass...
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...Outline and assess the view that teacher labelling causes social class differences in educational achievement The labelling theory suggests that teachers judge pupils by their characteristics that relate to class, gender and ethnicity. For example teachers are likely to label middle class pupils as bright and more able to achieve in education, whereas, teachers would see working class as less able pupils. The attachment of labels has important consequences for how others see a person and how he/ she comes to view themselves. Because the teacher judges pupils by their characteristics, the functionalist theory argues that the working class lack culture, which includes values, norms and language. Once labelled a deviant the label can attach to the whole identity of the student, not just the deviant act. Teachers perceive the ‘ideal pupil’ to be one who conforms to middle class standards of behaviour, which, according to Dune and Gazeley note that teachers tend to perceive the ‘ideal pupil’ as middle class. However there are other school factors which cause social class differences in educational achievement, such as, the self-fulfilling prophecy, streaming and pupil subculture. Interactionist sociologists have carried out studies on the effects of labelling. Interactionist sociologist’s study-small case, face-to-face, interactions between individuals, such as the classroom or the playground. Interactionist theories of education focus towards looking at what goes on inside education...
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...The Changing Mathematics Curriculum: An Annotated Bibliography Third Edition April 2005 1 2 The K–12 Mathematics Curriculum Center The K–12 Mathematics Curriculum Center (K–12 MCC) supports school districts as they build effective mathematics education programs using curricula that align with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (1989) and Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000). The K–12 MCC offers a variety of products and services to assist mathematics teachers and administrators. Our seminars address selecting and implementing new curricula, designing professional development and support, aligning curriculum with assessment, and examining leadership in curricular change. Our other resources include: About This Publication This publication, an annotated bibliography of articles relevant to Standards-based mathematics curriculum reform, is intended as a resource for educators and communities considering the selection and implementation of a Standards-based mathematics curriculum. It also may assist individuals who are interested in learning about the student achievement, classroom practices, and implementation challenges associated with the use of Standards-based materials. When gathering resources for this publication, the K–12 Mathematics Curriculum Center staff reviewed articles that either addressed important issues in mathematics curriculum change or shared experiences...
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