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Teaching and Learning Styles


Submitted By daia0310
Words 1451
Pages 6
Part I: Teaching and Learning Styles S utilize a variety of teaching modalities, such as small group

process, lecture, and experiential activities S be flexible and meet each learner’s needs S provide information that will overlap with information learners already have S reiterate and reinforce information throughout the session

To understand how to move from passive to active learning, it is important to understand the different types of learners. There are four primary learning styles: visual, auditory, read-write, and kinesthetic. People learn using a variety of these methods, but one method is usually predominant. Familiarity with the characteristics of each learning style and associated strategies allows you to address the needs of each type of learner.

Visual Learners
Visual learners are characterized by the following:
S They tend to be fast talkers. S They exhibit impatience and have a tendency to interrupt. S They use words and phrases that evoke visual images. S They learn by seeing and visualizing.

Your teaching strategy for visual learners should include the use of demonstrations and visually pleasing materials, and you should make an effort to paint mental pictures for learners.

Auditory Learners
Auditory learners are characterized by the following:
S They speak slowly and tend to be natural listeners. S They think in a linear manner. 11

Part I: Teaching and Learning Styles S They prefer to have things explained to them verbally rather

than to read written information. S They learn by listening and verbalizing. Your teaching strategy for auditory learners should sound good and should be planned and delivered in the form of an organized conversation.

Read-Write Learners
Read-write learners are characterized by the following:
S They prefer for information to be displayed in writing, such as

lists of

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