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Teaching English as a Second Language to Pre-School Learners


Submitted By rvsp
Words 1256
Pages 6
Title: Teaching Methods used to teach English to pre- school children’s

Date | Author/ References | Title of Journal | Comments | Research method | 18/09/2012 | Sandradu Plessis and Brenda low | Challenges To Pre –School Teachers In Learners Acquisition Of English As Language Of Learning And Teaching | This journal highlights problems that teachers might come across in teaching English to pre –school children. The importance of identifying them and solving them because its believed here in this journal that preschool teachers play a key role in the acquisition of English language by the children because children spend most of their waking hour with the teachers. Therefore it’s believed that teachers do play a big role in the children’s life in order for them to acquire the language | Quantitative research method | 19/09/2012 | Karen E Johnson | The Relationship Between Teachers Believe And Practises During Literacy Instruction For Non –Native Speakers Of English | In this journal it is discussed teachers theoretical believe helps them to perceive, process, and act upon information in classroom. This also study extends the current research on teachers' theoretical beliefs within literacy contexts to the field of teaching English as a second language (ESL).Specifically, it examines the relationship between ESL teachers' theoretical beliefs about second-language learning and teaching and their instructional practice during literacy instruction with non-native speakers of English. Some have argued that teachers' beliefs act as a filter through which a host of instructional judgments and decisions are made. | Quantitative research method | 24/09/2012 | Rojab Siti Rodliyah | Teaching English to Young Learners: How They Learn and the Pedagogical Implication | The focus of this journal is how to teach English to young learners through learning theories and

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