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Teachings of Jesus


Submitted By cherro65
Words 1463
Pages 6
Teachings of Jesus

As said, we met at , in . I was born & raised there & was raised in TX. We were assigned to the same Home Evening Group and the rest is history. We were married the same year became , so we stuck around & both graduated with our Bachelor’s degrees, I in Accounting & she in Health Sciences. We loved our time at , but are glad to be almost done with school; I hope to graduate this year in September. I was giving the talk from Sunday afternoon session of general conference by Elder Dallin H Oaks Titled Teachings of Jesus, but the topic was extended to include how it applies to covenants. This was a daunting task for me due to the time of year during tax season and also because I received a call from on Thursday evening with a busy week for me, Being sick and traveling to on Saturday and back I feel that I accomplished a miracle for me.
Elder Oaks starts out his talk by a simple quote of scripture that confounded the Pharisees of his day, “What think ye of Christ?” (Matt 22:42). What a short and simple phrase that is a good question to ask ourselves today. He goes on and asks two more questions to us as Latter- Day Saints and other Christians, “What do you really believe about Jesus Christ and What are you doing because of that belief?”
What do you really believe about Jesus Christ?
Jesus is more than just a great Teacher, he is the only begotten Son, in John chapter 3 we read, ”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17). President Heber J Grant also said, “We believe absolutely that Jesus Christ is the son of God, Begotten of God, the first born in the spirit and the only begotten in the flesh;

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