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Team Teaching Reflection

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Team Teaching Reflection - Bryan Fotino
Overall, I think our group planned well for our team teaching session, but we left a lot of work for the end. On the plus side, there was lots of open communication within our group through in-person discussions and an email chain, which allowed us to set up meeting times that worked for everyone. Our meetings were highly productive, with all team members contributing their ideas and effort, and driving the group forward into the process of discovering our key messages and how we wanted to convey them. With that said, we didn’t meet with Professor Bjork until the week before, and with Turner until the night before. I think meeting with them earlier would’ve given us more of a vision earlier in the process, so we wouldn’t have had to rush or stress so much to get everything done on time. …show more content…
When I opened up the class with the “Welcome to first grade!” introduction, I could see almost everyone’s face light up. I also think that I engaged the class well in my sub-topic of intersectionality, whether it was passive (through the guided fantasy) or active (through discussion questions). Another one of my strengths was my creativity. I created the initial design for our Google Slides, though my team members had stylistic contribution, and I spearheaded the children’s story activity. As for my weaknesses, I think I might have been taking up too much space in the classroom. I was really excited to present, and though my facilitation and contributions were valuable, I think I should’ve relied on my other teammates a bit more. I also think time management was a weakness of mine and my teammates. We wanted to cover so much, but had so little time. If we were to do a project like this in the future, I think we would have benefitted by cutting out at least two of the five sub-topics to allow for quality exploration of topics over

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