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10-Minute Mindfulness Essay

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Meditation and mindfulness are words once mostly associated with hippies and monks. However, these practices are getting a lot of attention as a potential way to combat stress and illness in our modern world. This paper is a review of the book 10-Minute Mindfulness by S. Scott and B. Davenport (2017). This paper will discuss why I chose to review this book, two topics of interest that made an impression on me, scientific corroboration of claims about meditation and personal and professional application of the reading.
When asked to chose a book to read for this class I saw the title “10- Minute Mindfulness” and knew immediately that would be the book I wanted to read (Scott & Davenport, 2017, p.1). Mindfulness through daily meditation is something I have …show more content…
Intentional meditations make up many of the seventy-one mindfulness exercises. Examples of these are the walking meditation, morning meditation, family meditation, loving kindness meditation, and sleep meditation (Scott & Davenport, 2017). As I am a person who practices prayer and basic meditation, I was encouraged to see these recommendations fall in line with what I strive to practice. For example, habit fifty-two is the loving kindness meditation. This is a meditation in which you essentially meditate on and pray for someone who might push your buttons. You wish them peace and happiness. I have found this to be very helpful when a coworker is annoying and my instinct is to want to put them down (in my head not out loud). If I choose to focus on wishing them peace, love, and prosperity, I find I have much more patience with them than if I engaged in derogatory mental chatter. The other practices of meditation are very useful in training the brain in mindfulness and separating oneself from thoughts and feelings as an observer of them. This skill makes the daily mindfulness in mundane tasks easier to

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