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Personal Narrative: My Catholic Faith

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Growing up, my mother was a strong activist for the catholic faith. She would drag me to church every Sunday to hear a man speak about the teaching of god. I always believed in my faith, but I was never as close to it as I should have been. I decided it was time for me to become a better catholic for the sake of myself, my family, and my community. Starting my journey was not easy. First, I had to completely change my ways of thinking. Habits that disallowed me be a good Samaritan had to be let go. One thing that was extremely hard for me, was learning to forgive others. One of the most important ideas in the catholic faith turned out to be the most difficult thing for me to do. I started small by forgiving people for silly things that really did not make sense for me to get mad over. This helped me tremendously because I was able to focus on more important things. Next, I worked on forgiving people who I have held grudges with for very long amounts of time. This again was very liberating in the fact that I was a less negative person around certain types of people. Lastly, I had to learn to forgive myself for the wrongdoings that I have done to …show more content…
One thing that I found that really allowed me to connect with my family, was doing activities together. Things like going to the movies, parties, etc. allowed us to establish a good connection to the point where going to church did not feel like a chore because we were doing it together as a family. While it may sound silly, I also found it really helpful to connect with my family by making sure that we all sat down and had dinner together. This allowed us to take time out of our busy days and dedicate it to communicating what we did or how we felt at a certain time. Connecting with my family allowed me to pursue my goal to become a better catholic for the sake of myself and others around

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