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Beowulf After Slaying The Dragon Meaning

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One incidence where Beowulf displayed devotion to God was after slaying the almighty dragon with Wiglaf. Unfortunately, even after obtaining a shield, sword, and a mail shirt, Beowulf sustained several injuries. On his deathbed, he calls Wiglaf over and tells him “"For this, this gold, these jewels, I thank Our Father in Heaven, Ruler of the Earth— For all of this, that His grace has given me…” (Raffel lines 816-817). This quote illustrated the devotion Beowulf had towards God since even on his deathbed, he is remembering and thanking God for the rewards he obtained by fighting the dragon. His strong faith in god allowed him to defeat the dragon and obtain the treasures hidden in the dragon’s lair. The significance of him stating this on his

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