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Food Insecurity In The United States

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Food insecurity is not a new issue that has been plaguing us for years now, and we have yet to make a complete solution. It has been causing families, adults, and children to go without food for countless days and nights. This is an obvious problem because without the proper amount of nutrition, it’s hard to go about life living healthy and well, especially for children. This major issue has various opinions on what the main source of this problem is, such as parents not feeding their children right, the school not giving the right food to children, and even the children not eating the food they should be, but we believe the economy and government is the most at fault. A lot of the food the children are getting is either not substantial for …show more content…
Food insecurity means to be lacking nutrition and food to support a family, or yourself. “Close to 1 million children experience hunger, referred to as very low food security, annually in the United States, and 24.3% of children in South Carolina were estimated to have experienced food insecurity in 2014” (Draper and Page). Many of these children’s families live off of SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, funds, which provide $4 a day per person or get their only meal from school, and for many children, this is not enough food for them. The South Carolina county with the largest number of food insecure people is Allendale County, with 36% total food insecure and 40% child food insecure (Feeding America). Allendale has a mainly agricultural economy, which doesn’t produce much money to feed families. Mental health issues and behavioral problems are two code.psychological effects of experiencing food insecurity, which can be detrimental to their education, their record, and their entire life. “Children who grow up in such conditions are 76 percent more likely to suffer from ‘developmental blight’, which includes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioral problems and other health issues that will make them need special assistance in school” …show more content…
The SNAP funds, $4.00 per person per day, are not enough to properly nourish the children and families living off of it. We participated in the SNAP challenge, where we lived off of $4 for one day, and we found that it wasn’t satisfying nutrition-wise because healthy, fresh foods cost more than unhealthy, processed foods. The organization needs more funding so that the people who need SNAP to survive can get the foods they need to live a healthy life. According to a list on the average income in the states, it tells us that South Carolina is ranked 42nd in lowest average income throughout the United States (Wikipedia), and this leads us to believe that this is one of the main causes for why food insecurity is prevalent because people cannot afford to buy the food they

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