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Cognitive Biases Affect Culture: Different Types Of Racism

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As a member of society am I susceptible to many versions of racism in my day to day life, after so much negligence I start to think to myself how can we change cognitive biases towards race? In this course I learned about different types of cognitive biases and one I believe plays a big part in racism is implicit biases. For example, two people come in for an interview and most individuals would assume that one is going to do better than the other because of race/appearance. I believe my question is important because it shows how biases appear in our lives without us even noticing them. It is important to me because I’ve seen how judgments and assumptions can affect ones confidence and can lead to more serious emotional problems. In learning …show more content…
In learning block 3-3 In the article Genes Affect Culture; Culture Affect Genes Jim Davies talks about nature or nurture in human behavior. He explains that culture will often influence our genes and what we are predisposed to. Our genes can also predispose us to behaving like our culture would. We inhabit similarities within our culture and although some individuals stray from their culture, most carry it on because it is all they know. If we grow up around people that judge based on race, we are more likely to do the same. Almost like we inherent something, we build our character around the individuals we are …show more content…
They focus on committing to acknowledging the differences and commonalities a society can have. This groups goal is to bring a community together and gain an understanding to all individuals. The thing is, this group is not interracial. They have global supporters, but if these supporters wanted to be apart of this movement they have to be of the same race. In a way I understand, you will not know someone’s struggle until you are in the same exact spot. Although, they support change and bonding together as a community, but they are also being bias. They are only focusing on black lives, not any other victims of racism, no other lives. This moment believes that black lives have the worst struggle, so they focus on this one

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