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Mba Persuasive Essay

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This season in college basketball, the freshman class did not disappoint. Despite most of them being highly criticized and a few having their names tied up in what seems to be an annual ritual of recruiting scandals, these players managed to perform at a level which has transcended expectations.

For the past 11 years or so, an influx of first-year players declaring for the NBA Draft every season has become inevitable. The "one and done" trend is something that is still highly debated because a lot of these guys end up coming out too early. Either their games haven't been fully developed to transfer over to the NBA, or they just aren't mentally prepared to handle all the things that come with being a professional athlete.

However, each year there are a handful of guys who we just know are ready to get on an NBA floor. In this year's class, Oklahoma's Trae Young and Texas' Mo …show more content…
If this stat line isn't already impressive enough for NBA GMs, I think the young center's 8-foot wingspan should do the trick.

Mo Bamba has the potential to be a really good starting center in the league. But even if he doesn't reach his full potential, his current skill set is enough to keep him in somebody's consistent rotation. His freakish combination of length and athleticism along with his ability to defend the rim at a high level is something that every coach in the league can use. Of course, he needs to put on some muscle, but he's only 19 so that will come.

Bamba also has room for improvement on the offensive side of the ball but seems to be a high IQ player with the ability to run the floor so he'll be able to figure it out. One thing Bamba has in his favor is that a lot of the attention is going to be on his two fellow freshman big men, Deandre Ayton (Arizona) and Marvin Bagley (Duke). He won't have to deal with the same kind of pressure that most top big men face coming into the

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