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Team Work Style


Submitted By juliedoll
Words 1480
Pages 6
My leadership Style

Ronald Reagan stated (n.d.) “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out.”

For my leadership style I discovered that I am mainly a delegator. I like the aspect of working with others and making sure that everyone feels included. The greatest strengths of being a delegator is improving the environment of teamwork and eliminating the hierarchy in a work place. Teamwork is always an important part of people working together. Everyone should feel included and feel like they are contributing factors to a goal. By being a delegator you surround yourself with people of greatness because as a leader you are able to find a gifting that each team member might have. It helps build confidence in areas of weakness when proper guidance is given. Also when each person is completing something they do not feel that they are being told what to do, but able to be accountable for their actions. There can also be some obstacles when it comes to delegating tasks. One thing that can hamper the task at hand is negative attitudes of team members. Not everyone is going to want to perform task or even feel confident enough to do so. This weakness is usually a contributing factor of another one; poor communication. If there is not open communication developed within the team. This can be resolved by having everyone work together to have a list of positive steps needed in order for tasks to be completed. When comparing my leadership style with that of two team mates. First I choose Jamie, she describes herself as a problem solver. The style allows her to keep control of the decision making process, but she also pays attention to and uses the input from others. She also tries to get as much information as possible

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