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Teamwork Research Paper

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Human nature dictates and demands that in order to be successful one must adhere to the simplistic principle of teamwork. Through teamwork, the individual needs are second to that of the collective group working towards a common objective. We as humans not only rely on teamwork for our survival but yearn for it. I am no exception to the law. In fact, I have always been a part of a team.

Whether it be my first and longest running team of my family or my college football team, they all follow simple laws. The first being that the team must maintain an unwavering focus on its collective goals. In addition, no one person's wants or desires are ever put before that of the team's. Furthermore, every one on the team has a clearly defined role and the success of the team relies on effective communication between its members. Finally, the team must be self-correcting. In other words, it must be able to point out weaknesses, address and correct them, and then move forward. As stated previously, I have been a part of many teams both good and bad. I have a good grasp on what works and doesn't when it comes to …show more content…
In addition, it has gained momentum over these past four years in college. I could think of no greater team to be a part of than the United States Navy, with its exemplary and unmatched track record of winning and success. I have always had a calling for service to others and patriotism courses through my veins. I know that the Navy can meet all of these needs stated above. The Navy offers everything I am in pursuit of, from a mentally and physically challenging lifestyle to working on the most technologically advanced ships the world has ever seen. I am ready for the challenges and excitement that its newly commissioned officers are faced with on a daily basis. This is why I am applying for Officer Candidate School with the aspirations of becoming a Surface Warfare Officer

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