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Technological Advancements in Communication


Submitted By Pbaretich
Words 261
Pages 2
Technological Advancements in Communication Advancement in technological communication listed in the article was collaborative tools. One in which is called the smartsheet. The smartsheet was a place where many companies or parties involved in communicating could add to which each of their ideas and findings. Even if several languages are used. Instead of hundreds of emails being corresponded, each person uses the smartsheet to communicate, sharing data and information. This method of collaborative communication is lower cost as low as $25 each month, compared to other collaborative methods such as the Web 2.o Mashup server software which can cost a company a minimum of $50,000. The Mashup Server software does offer more features where it acts as a one stop shop for research, training, communication, wiki and even instant messaging. I feel that the Mashup Server software would be more beneficial in a workplace because it logs all communication while keeping everyone formal. This form of communication is not traditional and would be hard to get everyone on board. If people are used to corresponding via email and instant messaging, implementing a new program would cause resistance to change. One reason the resistance to the change would arise would be because the difficulty of merging the new software with other operating software programs already in place or the level of difficulty in learning the new system. The reason it is not traditional is because it is newer than emailing or instant messages. However, once everyone learns the new system it would of course be accepted and the

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