...When Technology Meets the Classroom: Multiple Technologies and the Development of a Rhet 105 Learning Environment The University of Illinois has been preparing students for the the next step in their lives since 1867. Initially our group set out to discover how the university is trying to keep up with changing technologies in and out of the classroom. We decided to narrow our focus and take a closer look at the technologies utilized in a Rhet 105 classroom at the University of Illinois. However, before we could assess the technologies in play, we first had to establish what the goals of Rhet 105 are. To get our initial information concerning the goals of Rhet 105 we interviewed a Rhet 105 professor. We then decided to take a look at research that has already been done regarding the technologies that the Rhet 105 instructor is using. After establishing what the goals of Rhet 105 are we proceeded to try to learn what techniques the instructor implemented to try to accomplish these goals. In addition to asking the professor what techniques he used to accomplish these goals, our group observed the classroom first hand. After observing the class, we looked at how Rhet 105 students reacted to the professor’s goals and techniques by doing a student survey as well as two student interviews. First, our group interviewed a Rhet 105 to gather information about the goals for Rhet 105 and how he is trying to accomplish them. We chose to interview an instructor who has been teaching...
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...Technology in the Classroom Proposal If a department or teacher has an interest in upgradin their classroom, completing the Technology in the Classroom Proposal could provide any or all of the following: 1) 2) Funds to upgrade the classroom itself (electrical, lig ting, screens, boards) Funds to install/upgrade the teaching technology in the room or provide portable carts to be shared between classrooms To help ensure that the equipment requested be supported and maintained and teachers be trained in the use and implementation of their requested equipment, they need to complete the following form and also commit to will gly participate in whatever training deemed necessary for the full implementation of the equipment. 1. Project Title: 2. Summary of the Project Proposal (3 or 4 sentences). 3. List of Teachers/Classrooms Involved: 4. Relevance to the District Curriculum and Other Rationale: 5. Technology Equipment Necessary to Complete the Project in all Classrooms. List each classroom separately. 6. Technology Training Needs/Assessment: Based on your proposal, what kinds of training will you or your group need to implement the technology equipment effectively with your students in the classrooms. 1) How do you see the training taking place? 2) When and where should the training be done and how will your you or your group commit to attending that train- ing? 3) How will an assessment of the outcome of the training take place? This request...
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...The use of technology in the classroom has increased drastically over the past decade. This trend can be seen in many schools across the nation at every level of the educational system. A typical kindergarten classroom in the year 2018 has a television, a smart board, and usually some computers or tablets. These tools are used to compliment instruction and make the learning process easier for students. We also see technology being used more at the college level. For example, many universities offer courses that are exclusively online which allows for students to take classes from the comfort of their home. Although the positive impact of technology in the classroom is clear, the consequences are often over looked. Some of the negative...
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...“We are changing the world with technology,” these are the ingenious words of Bill gates, and they could not be any more true. Technology is transforming the way students learn, and altering the opportunities schools are able to offer their students. Some people believe technology plays a vital role in improving modern day education, while others believe it is doing more bad than good. Technology can benefit students immensely when used correctly, however when technology is abused it opens doors for students to break many rules. Technology is an important part of every student’s education; it enhances their learning experiences, and sets them up for a successful future. The incorporation of technology into education provides students with a more modern, and interesting way to learn. The use of technology in the classroom can help students become more engaged as they find new and creative ways to express what they have discovered. When learning about a new topic students have the opportunity to play a beneficial game, watch an educational movie, or even come up with their own way to think outside of the box and learn more about the subject. Allowing students to pick their own method of learning helps motivate them, and encourage them to want to learn, and absorb...
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...Technology in Today’s Classrooms Technology in the classroom has changed tremendously in the last half century. In the last 50 years we have seen many different types of technology integrated into the classroom, including computers, interactive devices, and internet access. The integration of these technologies have not only been fast paced, but also widespread. Many children in the U.S. now have access to the latest and most advanced technologies. The different types of technology used in our children’s classrooms have changed the way they learn now and for many years to come. In today’s classrooms there are many different types of technologies used. Most classrooms today have computers with internet access. The internet is a tool to access learning websites, and maintain web pages and parent portal websites. Teachers can utilize these websites and computers to use Smart board, or interactive whiteboards and Smart tables, or interactive tabletops. “Interactive whiteboards have become popular teaching and learning tools, especially in primary school classrooms.” (Northolt, Millennial, Marshall, & Swan, 2010, p.494) Wireless internet access in schools has made the use of Ipods and Ipads popular in classrooms. These are just a few of the many technologies available in today’s classrooms. Many different people in the learning environment use technologies. Teachers make use of these technologies for instruction and communication. Smart boards and...
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...Technology in Elementary Classrooms Many changes have been brought forth as a result of advancement in technology. These changes have also been witnessed in the education in which technology in elementary classrooms is greatly improving the way teachers and tutors impart knowledge to students as well as helping students consequently develop skills that will in future benefit them in the competitive global job market. Technology experts and analysists have had various views concerning the way technology influences students with its introduction in elementary classrooms (Mishra et al., 2007). Technology is replacing the traditional instructional learning methods in the elementary classrooms in which its influence on students has been quite impressive if used well. Warren (2010) states computers have become integral not only in the business world but also in the education sector. Math functions have become quite simplified with the students learning in performing these functions and thus helped in speeding up the process of calculation. According to a survey conducted on the influence of technology on students in elementary classrooms, many technology experts argued that technology enhances the early opportunity of exposure on the students and enabling them solve math functions, analyze charts, and data through representational format of graphs. Spreadsheet software has been quite essential in presenting data after the introduction of computers in elementary classrooms simplifying...
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...Horton Technology Ethics in the Classroom Technology has become a driving force in classrooms from preschool all the way up to college levels of learning. The institutions traditionally procure, provide and control the technology for learning but now students are acquiring their own personal technologies for learning and institutions are challenged to keep pace. (ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, v18 n2 p149-160 Jul 2010. 12 pp.). Computers and other technical devices that are being used to enhance student learning has made teaching more creative and effective but it has also caused a lot of confusion and chaos in regards to ethics. Once teachers only had to be concerned about the basic rules of classroom etiquette and they could govern their classroom visually. Now teachers have to implement rules and guidelines to ensure that technology in the classroom is being used for its intended purpose to protect students from lurking dangers that are unseen by the human eyes. Before one can understand the importance of employing internet security in the classroom, they must first know the issues that arise from the use of technology in the classroom. Some think of cell phones as just a convenient means of communication, whereas others see it as a way to lure innocent victims so that they can satisfy their own personal pleasures. Regarding the use of technology, social, legal, and moral issues have emerged as three major concerns. (Journal of Educational Technology Systems...
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...Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students * Change in Student and Teacher Roles * Increased Motivation and Self Esteem * Technical Skills * Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks * More Collaboration with Peers * Increased Use of Outside Resources * Improved Design Skills/Attention to Audience Change in Student and Teacher Roles When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast. The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool to support students in performing authentic tasks, the students are in the position of defining their goals, making design decisions, and evaluating their progress. The teacher's role changes as well. The teacher is no longer the center of attention as the dispenser of information, but rather plays the role of facilitator, setting project goals and providing guidelines and resources, moving from student to student or group to group, providing suggestions and support for student activity. As students work on their technology-supported products, the teacher rotates through the room, looking...
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...January 29, 2012 Megan Mattioda Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan Introduction To me technology is a logical and practical addition to learning science and assisting students in their problem solving that helps them meet today’s basic human needs. Technology is an innovative vision for a better future. Technology literate student accesses and acquires knowledge, exchanges ideas and opinions, solves problems and creates, innovates and expresses themselves through the skillful use of a variety of technologies. (Oregon Department of Instructional Technology, 2011) Mission Statement In my classroom I will strive to provide my students with the chance to incorporate technology in the classroom as an educational tool and use these tools to assist my students in achieving the highest possible standards in academics, creativity, and cultural diversity, in the real world. It is my duty to get the community and the parents involved in the students’ education and the educational standards that they face. Vision Statement My students will be able to excel in academics through the use of technology learning and hands on experiments that will entice the students to learn the joys and the thrills of science. Through the use of technology my students will develop skills that will aid them in the real world. My students will be successful by incorporating 21st century technology in their everyday learning. My students’ technology skills will aid them in problem solving and research...
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...Benefits of Technology in the Classroom The benefits of technology in the classroom are broad and deep. When schools utilize education technology like SMART® Interactive Whiteboards, students are more engaged, more motivated, and more excited about learning. An interactive smart classroom enables teachers to prepare dynamic multi-media lessons with hands-on components. The benefits of technology in education reach across all grade levels, from K-12 all the way up to colleges and universities. ComputerLand Network Technologies of East Texas has been helping schools with integrating technology into the classroom for over 30 years. Benefits of Technology In The Classroom: Preparing The 21st Century Workforce One of the most important benefits of technology in the classroom is that it can help to prepare students to become successful members of the 21stCentury workforce. Schools can leverage computer technology to create a project-based learning environment that teaches students essential skills they will need to thrive in the real world of work. Not only do they gain competence and experience using the technology itself, but students in the 21st Century classroom learn critical thinking and workplace skills that will prepare them well for their future. It is not just about learning facts and figures, but learning about collaboration, problem-solving, communication, leadership, motivation, productivity, and self direction. Simply put, integrating technology into the classroom...
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...Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan EDU- 225- Instructional Technology TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Mission and Vision Statement & Rational II. Communications Plan III. Integrating Instructional Technology IV. Software to Support Assessment V. Technology Ethics in the Classroom VI. Conclusion/ Reflection Section One Vision Statement, Mission Statement & Rationale VISION STATEMENT Demonstrating technology supportive curriculum in a multicultural classroom to meet, and encourage global, creativity, critical thinking, communication, curriculum, and innovation skills to enhance, the needs of every student in different core subjects for the 21st. century. MISSION STATEMENT To facilitate 21st. century innovation skills; so all students can prepare themselves to the future by improving his/her creativity, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and collaboration skills, so all students can exhibit technological leadership in a safe environment, while demonstrating his/her accomplishments in a global community. RATIONALE Computer Technology and digital media will enhance and provide our students with all the resources available for the 21st. century. Demonstrating technology supportive curriculum in a multicultural Christian classroom will meet, and encourage global awareness, creativity, critical thinking, communication, and innovation skills to...
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...With the vast and rapid development of science and technology, a computer is no longer considered as a source of luxury but it’s a requirement of the modern days. Computer technology has provided students of all ages the chance and opportunity to expand on what interests they have. It also provides them help in improvement of their homework and test scores. The computers can offer newer ways of getting information across to their fellow students and teachers for example, PowerPoint presentations and animation software can be used to render information to the students in an interactive manner. The visual effects provided by the animation and presentation software result in inviting greater interest from the students. The book Teachers and Machines by Larry Cuban provides an excellent history of technology throughout the 20th century in the classroom. The technology he discusses is from film, radio and television and then goes into the introduction of computers in the early 1980’s. In the 1980s teachers were afraid that their jobs were on the line because they thought they were all going to be replaced with computers. It is important to use technology in schools, technology is made to simplify the way we do things, and so both students and teachers can benefit from the integration of technology in schools. This has been the case for years and a number of inventions have helped both student and teacher. For example, when the projector was introduced to school it was a...
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...with technology. From the newest iPhone, to FitBits, the tablets and computers we use. If you are not up to date with technology you might just miss something is what the world wants you to think. We also live in a highly consumer culture, when that new iPhone comes out exactly a year after the one you bought you might be lead to believe that yours, while still fairly new, is inadequate and out of date. This can be reflected in our ideas of instant gratification, we love to receive the new thing or to get a reward right now, but we have a terrible time waiting or being satisfied with what we already have. As research has been growing over how technology affects aspects of...
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...EDU-225 Instructional Technology April 13, 2013 Instructor: Toni Kutner COMPREHENSIVE CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY PLAN Mission Statement: Teachers will promote 21st Century Pedagogy. Emphasis will be placed on core subjects to support state standards of learning. In addition, students will develop skills in creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, communications and collaboration, life skills and digital technology. Technology will be a tool to engage students in the learning process. Teachers will engage in professional development to enhance education. Teachers will prepare students for success in the 21st century global and multicultural community. Vision Statement: The 21st century student will learn to his or hers fullest potential. Technology will be woven into traditional and innovative teaching methods to enhance student learning. The needs of students will be fully addressed to prepare them for lifelong learning, personal success and independence for their future achievements. Rational: In order to prepare students of the future, it is necessary to engage students with the aid of new technologies. Students of today are digital natives. They have grown up in a society filled with innovative technology. Technology is advancing in an accelerated pace. It is role of educators to keep pace with these advances and find new and innovated ways to facilitate student learning. “Traditional 20th century educational practices will no longer...
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...February 26, 2011 EDU-225 Instructional Technology Prof. Amanda Bruce MEd. Technology in Education In today’s society many technologies have become useful in education. To make students successful in education today, we must use all tools that are given to us. We must realize that our students today are being brought up in an age of technology that has never been seen before. Today most homes have computers in them and most children are more literate to technology. The need for students today is to learn and make use of the skills that they have in technology and use them in the classroom. The digital world is so much part of the world today, how can educators ignore it. In the requirements for students from 6-8 it is making sure they are prepared for high school and the college levels of technology. By the end of a sixth grade students must be able to use appropriate vocabulary to demonstrating and using moral knowledge while on the internet for information in the classroom. It is very important that every requirement is implemented and used, if not we are only cheating the student of his/her education. The “No Child Left Behind Act” has made states responsible to make sure every child is technologically literate by the time they reach the ninth grade. The United States Dept. of Education says race, ethnicity, gender, income, geographic location, or disability is not an issue and every child will get the same instruction as the child next to them. This is very important and...
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