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Technology in My Life


Submitted By ebyrock
Words 472
Pages 2
In my life there have many great changes in technology. Many of these changes have affected my life greatly. They have made it both easier and faster to do things. The one piece of technology that has affected my life is the computer and all its programs.
The computer and all its programs have made my life so much easier. Before the computer was invented you either had to write out what you wanted to say or typewrite it on the typewriter. However this was not always easy because if you made a mistake there was no way to fix it but to write it over again or use white out. With the computer though, mistakes could be made and fixed before I print it out. These mistakes could be solved within seconds by doing a spelling and grammar check. Also the computer I can save my work so if something happens to the first copy another copy could easily be made. With the typewriter and plain old writing it if the original copy was damaged you had to write it over again. Another great thing about the computer is that it is fast. If I were to write this essay by hand it would take me about twice the time because I would have to write the letters instead of just pressing buttons to get the letters on the screen. Next the computer has many programs on it like all of the Microsoft office programs so that I could do all of my school work and it sometimes has games on it. Also the computer usually has an internet connection. The internet is the one thing that saves me a boat load of time. On the internet I could research a topic for an essay I am supposed to write for school. This takes the place of going to the library and spending the whole day to find the same information that I could find on the internet in 5 minutes. With the information from the internet I could copy and paste the important info into a word document and use that information to create my reports, but with books I would have to copy the page that has good information on a copier or copy it by hand. Also I could communicate with people on the internet through email right from home while I am doing my reports. The internet makes me feel like the world is at my finger tips all I need to do is explore.
The computer has made my life easier and freer to do fun stuff by lessoning the time that is spent doing school work. Technology has changed my life so much and I love it. The world of technology is always changing and I can’t wait to see what is made next.

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