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Valley Technology Has Changed My Life Essay

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Some experiences that change people are adorned with gold medals, new faces, or sight of a long awaited finish line. For me, my life changed with the influence of a little white envelope. The paper inside was so much more than ink on a page reading, “Congratulations!”. This was a start to amazing opportunities, new relationships, and a fresh start. It has been noted that since the fourth grade the only high school I dreamed of attending was Blackstone Valley Tech (BVT). One Monday afternoon in mid-spring was the day I received that little white envelope and that dream became a reality.
On my first day at Valley Tech I knew I had immediately found a new home. The reason being, I found myself in a place where being yourself and exploring your full potential is highly encouraged. It was crazy to think that I was in the same position as three hundred people, from thirteen towns with diverse interests, each of us starting a new chapter of our lives. This idea had a big influence on me starting at a new school. Sometime within that first week, in a car ride home with my mom, I said to her, “This is an opportunity to reinvent myself”. I took this saying with me for the rest of the year and still to this day. …show more content…
Stepping out of my comfort zone and speaking up really helped me develop friendships quickly. These early friendships sprouted in my academic classes, particularly history, where we went from helping each other with homework to growing into great friends that stuck together. Later on in early December, I entered Health Services where I found another family-like bond and prospect to prosper as a person. With Health Services’s curriculum of doing communication projects with the elderly, I gained communication skills and learned the importance of making someone's day. On top of gaining clinical experience, I acquired a different outlook on

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