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Racial Stereotypes And Shooting Essay

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The shooting deaths of unarmed racial minorities, this headline has been a popular topic of discussion within the past few years. Many studies have been implemented to further the research and knowledge on these topics. Such studies include, “Shooting deaths of unarmed racial minorities: Understanding the role of racial stereotypes on decisions to shoot (by Kimberly Barsamian Kahn and Jean M. McMahon of the Department of Psychology, Portland State University).” After the shootings and deaths of Amadou Diallo, Michael Brown, and many other unnamed and unarmed African Americans by law enforcement officers, social psychologists began doing in-depth research on the influence of racial stereotypes that exist in our society and how they influence shootings and the decisions that surround them. Focusing on empirical research and many different phenomenon, the logic and statistical relevance behind …show more content…
The researched used a type of frame called the full-cycle model, which provided the investigation of social issues. It uses naturalistic observation, theory, and lab experimentation. They used controlled properties in the lab to establish external validity. Much empirical research was utilized on how racial stereotypes alter people’s, mainly the police’s, view and behavior regarding those of racial minorities. The shooter bias phenomenon was also used under trial simulations to detect responses. The examining of processing systems and the weapons themselves under tests from investigators became a crucial measure in the study, alongside Signal detection analyses. Lastly, empirical interventions were examined to see if it is possible to reduce stereotypes on shooting behavior. The full-cycle model employed psychological research, simulations and lab

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