...Introduction Telenursing uses the technology for the nurses to do follow-up care with patients. The modern approach of follow-up care comforts the patient. Telenursing, the use of technology to allow nursing from a geographic distance, is used in many different settings including hospitals, home care, and other health related facilities. Telenursing is communicated via many different devices of technology. These are many different advantages in using telenursing rather than disadvantages. There are many different organizations involved in developing telenursing. Topic Availability This topic I chose was based on need of patient care. Our hospital is doing follow-up phone calls weekly to Congestive Heart Failure patients in order to reduce within thirty day of readmission. This phenomenon became interesting to understand how many places use tele communication. Doing the research, I discovered many different types of tele communications were available to community along with hospital setting. In searching for references, I started with wiki, google, scholarly journal, and blog but limited to scholarly journal only. As a professional nurse, I found that scholarly journal were more reliable and pertain to nursing. Also, scholarly journal talks about nursing informatics in how they use technology to assist in nursing care on continuum of patient care. The process used to locate source of information was Thomas Edison State College online library access. The keyword...
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...Telenursing: Is It in My Future? Guidelines and Grading Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to explore the specialty of telehealth, and more specifically telenursing, as one example of the use of technology in various practice settings. Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO #2: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4) CO #6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO #6) Points This assignment is worth a total of 200 points. Due Date Your completed paper is due at the end of Week 4. Submit it to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. mountain time. Post your questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points. Background Our text (Hebda, 2013) provides us with a broad perspective on telehealth. However, the specialty of telenursing is only briefly discussed. Healthcare...
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...technology allows more patients to be seen, faster, more cost effectively, and more securely than ever before. Telenursing is being used all over the world and the demand is growing more each year. For example, calls to the national telephone service in the UK, NHS Direct, increased by 20% every year since being introduced in 1997 (Purc-Stephenson, R., 2013). Anyone can have availability to health care on any day or any time. Some telenursing systems are open 24 hours a day. Manuel, a co-worker has recently inquired about the role of a telenurse. He has applied for the position although has many questions about the job itself. Currently, as a student in a nursing information systems class have been educated on many roles that information systems can have in nursing, as well as a few disadvantages and advantages to the different information systems available. Manuel needs to realize that this new position places him in a role model position for the people seeking help. There are pros and cons to any career although Manuel should consider completing some self-reflection before accepting the position such as the pros and cons to telenursing, the important role and reliability he will have, as well as consumer satisfaction and education. Telenursing is medical information and education given via phone or other communication such as video chat or instant messenger. Telenursing can include consultation for example following up with a client who had recently had a procedure completed...
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...Is Telenursing in Your Future? Let’s start by answering the question, what is Telenursing? “Telenursing is the use of technology to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice.” ("Patient Safety, Telenursing, and Telehealth - Patient Safety and Quality - NCBI Bookshelf," n.d.). As technology continues to integrate the healthcare field, each nurse needs to have a better understanding of what telenursing encompasses. Evaluating the skills needed for Telenursing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, along with looking at the patient’s perspective will assist this student in answering the question, Is Telenursing in Your Future? Telenursing Skills The profession of nursing crosses the span of the healthcare continuum as innovations...
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...Telenursing: Is It in my Future? Devry University Telenursing: Is it in My Future I remember the first time I heard of telenursing. It was about 4 years ago and I was still new to home health nursing. My director informed the office that we would be having an in-service on a new telehealth monitoring device we would be using for our high risk patients. We were shown how to operate the monitors and was demonstrated all of its capabilities. The telephone based devices had an interactive voice response system that could remotely monitor a patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, O2 saturation, weight and blood sugar via a telephone connection. The devices were recommended for all cardiac and respiratory patients who were at high risk for re-hospitalization since the devices would be able to recognize early symptoms and help the nurses to make quick decisions about the patients’ plan of care. So what is telenursing and telehealth? Hebda & Czar (2013), states that “telenursing is the use of telecommunications and information technology (IT) for the delivery of nursing care”. Telehealth is “the use of telecommunications technologies and electronic information to exchange healthcare information and to provide and support services such as long-distance clinical healthcare to clients”. Although, telenursing is still a fairly new concept to me, there is documentation of telenursing in the 1970’s. The first published telenursing article was written by Mary Quinn, RN in 1974...
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...“Telenursing: The Future of Nursing” Abstract Telenursing is changing the way patients receive care, and the way nurses deliver care. This technology has created new ways to do everything; such as give medications, chart, write out prescriptions, even just answer questions and do the essential nursing assessment. This article explores the wide range that Telenursing can achieve. From an introduction to what Telenursing is, to its ethical and legal considerations, and its use in the critical care settings. Telenursing is a benefit to the delivery of nursing care, and to the profession of nursing itself. With the help of this new technology, nurses are able to reach more patients at the same time, and even reach patients on the other side of the world. Introduction Since the early days of this new technology, the profession of nursing has taken advantage of Telenursing. The early beginnings of Telenursing were through the phone, where nurses were able to answer simple questions and ask questions about the patient’s health. As technology has advanced, so has Telenursing. And now, Telenursing has become a profession of its own, reaching people in all parts of the world, with the help of the Internet and video cameras. With this new practice, nurses are able to assess and help people that may not normally be able to access healthcare, or that are not able to make the trip to the hospital or doctor’s office. It helps nurses get in touch with more patients, and this promotes...
Words: 2673 - Pages: 11
...In an age where access to technology has nearly become a necessity for average Americans, practicing medicine using technology has branched out to become a workable system where jobs are increasing due to the transition from physical work to long distance. Telenursing defined as using technology to conduct nursing practice, allows for nursing to change with its patients needs as many people are homebound and are not able to leave their homes and also as more technology is implimented into health. While one may choose to pursue a career in the classic form of nursing, it could prove just as beneficial to work in telenursing, and though that is true telenursing has its negatives as well. In the given scenario a colleague chooses to possibly pursue...
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...Telenursing: The Way of the Future for Nursing Paula Heser, RN Chamberlain College of Nursing NR361: RN Info Systems in Healthcare Fall 2015 Telenursing: The Way of the Future for Nursing “The concept of Telehealth is not really new. When humans first began space exploration in the 1960s, astronauts’ health was monitored by transmitting physiologic parameters back to physicians on earth” (Stokowski, 2013). “Telehealth is the use of telecommunications technologies ad electronic information to exchange healthcare information and to provide and support service such as long distance clinical healthcare to clients” (Hebda &Czar, 2013). Telenursing is a new and exciting way of nursing that is innovative and shows the potential for growth in the ever-changing world of technology. Hebda & Czar defines Telenursing as the use of telecommunication and IT for the delivery of nursing services. An important role of the nurse is to completed the nursing process; assess, diagnosis, plan, implement and evaluate. In telenursing, a nurse conducts their patient centered care in the same way. As stated in Healthy People 2020, in addition, despite increased access to technology, other forms of communication are essential to ensuring that everyone, including non-Web users, is able to obtain, process, and understand health information to make good health decisions. Buy using telenursing, the nurse can assess and monitor the patient then advise and educate the patient and send...
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...regarded as the foundation that permits health care organizations to function. However, the institutions that rely on these professionals face a potentially critical talent shortage. As early as 2025, the approaching talent deficiency may affect institutions across the nation. Then again, telehealth technology may help medical institutions sidestep the shortage altogether. This presents an opportunity for nurses with enhanced skills to increase their value as professional care providers. The technology has arrived at a time when patients suffering from chronic illnesses required augmented consultations and services. Furthermore, telenursing provides the following seven benefits for patients and providers. Benefit One: Remote Service Delivery Telehealth technology allows nurse practitioners (NPs)...
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...and to communicate effectively in order to deliver valuable nursing care (Nightingale, 1974). Today, with rapidly developing technology and other means to deliver nursing, the debate becomes whether or not technology and telenursing provide true nursing care in the way it was meant 155 years ago as practiced by Florence Nightingale, or even 35 years ago when Virginia Henderson talked about, “ preserving the essence of nursing in a technological age” (Henderson, 1979). There are advantages and disadvantages to telenursing that need to be examined, before a nurse should consider leaving a traditional nursing role to pursue a position in telenursing. Cost containment, better access for underserved populations and continuity of care are a few of the advantages (book). The two main barriers - liability and licensure are also complicated by ethical dilemmas faced by the nurse (Holmstrum & Hoglund, 2007). Advantages...
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...This empowerment leads to allowing patients to be more involved in their healthcare decisions and leads to improved satisfaction with the care they receive. As patient satisfaction is used as a quality indicator, continued improvement in this area directly effects how patient’s will respond to treatments they are provided and/or recommended. Since telenursing puts nurses in the forefront of healthcare delivery, creating the opportunity for nurses to lead the change in nursing practice and improve patient’s access to care; nurses also feel empowered and thereby more satisfied in their career (Moss,...
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...Devry NR 361 All Week Discussion-Latest 2015 October (All 15 Discussions) IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-NR-361-All-Week-Discussion-Latest-2015-October-8238232214.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM Question week 1 Moving Data to Wisdom (graded) Reflect on the content from your readings and this week’s lesson. Then, think of a recent experience and describe how you mentally moved data through the stages of information and knowledge to wisdom. What information system(s) helped you move from data to wisdom? Keep this short like assessing a patient for congestive heart failure. How did you evaluate and combine the various pieces of data? What was the outcome of this process? diiss 2 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment Results (graded) Complete your Self-Assessment of the AACN Essentials located in Doc Sharing (Week 1). Note your total score. If you are willing, please share your total score with your classmates. Identify areas where your knowledge is lacking. Keep in mind that we are all “knowledge workers.” What areas of inquiry do you have as they relate to the essentials? week 2 Experiences with Healthcare Information Systems (graded) Share your experiences with healthcare information systems in your clinical setting. What are the pros and cons of patient care? If you are not currently working, think about your experiences...
Words: 1119 - Pages: 5
...BRIEF COMMUNICATION Clinical Telehealth Across the Disciplines: Lessons Learned Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Ph.D.,1,2 Elmira Chan, M.Ed.,2 Ryan Payne, B.A.,2 Kerenza Plohman, LLM,2 and Kendall Ho, M.D., FRCPSC2,3 cost and remuneration issues, development of organizational protocols for system use, and strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration). 1 Department of Surgery, 2Division of Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Translation, 3Division of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Key words: clinical telehealth, videoconferencing, literature review, quality of service Introduction Abstract Videoconferencing technologies can vastly expand the reach of healthcare practitioners by providing patients (particularly those in rural/remote areas) with unprecedented access to services. While this represents a fundamental shift in the way that healthcare professionals care for their patients, very little is known about the impact of these technologies on clinical workflow practices and interprofessional collaboration. In order to better understand this, we have conducted a focused literature review, with the aim of providing policymakers, administrators, and healthcare professionals with an evidence-based foundation for decision-making. A total of 397 articles focused on videoconferencing in clinical contexts were retrieved, with 225 used to produce this literature review. Literature in the fields...
Words: 4951 - Pages: 20
...Future Trends in Health Care Future Trends in Health Care Health care industry have experienced and still experiencing increase in advancement of technology, there have been advancement in patients’ treatment, deliver of quality care, and hospital equipment. Through advanced technologies, health care boundaries have been push to enhanced integration of health care information. Health care information integration has been critical to the effectiveness of fragmentation of health care system. How Internet or any new forms of electronic communication can be used as an external delivery source in communicating patient-specific information and the impact of distance delivery on health care will be evaluate in this paper. Also consideration will be given to the use of e-mail, telemedicine, and electronic transfer of records and assessment of how these issues affect health care today and how they may impact health care five years from now will be discusses in this paper. Assessment of Internet and how it may be used in communicating patient specific information externally Internet service was used by U.S. Defense Department and researchers initially, but presently, Internet is available also to health care providers and patients enabling them to have access to worldwide library health care resources and patient specific health information. There have been an increases in the popularity in utilizing Internet and other forms of electronic communication...
Words: 1670 - Pages: 7
...Interview with a Nursing Information Expert: Guidelines and Grading Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to * Communicate your understanding of the importance of quality information in everyday nursing practice; * Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Information Expert; and * Articulate how the professional nurse uses information or data in everyday practice to improve outcomes. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO #1: Describe patient-care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO #1) CO #4: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4) CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8) Points This assignment is worth a total of 250 points. Due Date This assignment, Interview with a Nursing Information Expert, is due at the end of Week 6. Submit your completed Interview, using the Interview Form, to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. mountain time. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points. ...
Words: 1637 - Pages: 7