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Terrestrial Planet Finder Research Paper

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The origins of the terrestrial planet finder began In May 2002. NASA was in the process of making a telescope with the ability to find other stars and planets that can support life and is fairly close to our solar system. This project was created by NASA and went on to be a project that ended in 2011.The Terrestrial Planet Finder uses a collection of high sensitivity telescopes. They use up to 4 large 3.5-meter telescopes with high revolutionary imaging the also has infrared sighting. It will measure the temperature, size, and the orbital parameters of planets as small as our Earth in the zones of far solar systems. Also, TPF's spectroscopy will allow atmospheric chemists and biologists to use the amounts of gases like carbon dioxide to find …show more content…
Scientists actually named some of these stars after the Constellation just to remember it better.The TPF uses Nulling Interferometry and infrared, it also Simulated Solar System detection With TPF-I searching for terrestrial planets around as many as 500 nearby stars. While the TPF was searching it came across stars like the Alpha Centauri A this star is apart of the Centaurus constellation and is estimated to be 4.3 light years away. The Alpha Centauri A, is also known as the Rigil Kentaurus, this star is one of many star being slightly larger than the Sun. It is a solar like main sequence star with a similar yellowish color, that has a stellar classification to be a spectral type G2V type of star. The TPF has calculated that the orbital parameter of the Alpha Centauri A is about 10 percent more massive than the Sun, with a radius about 22 percent larger. The rotational velocity of this star is 2.7+0.7 km/s, resulting in an estimated rotational period of 22 days. After multiple of days it also came across a star named Tau Ceti This star is apart of the Cetus Constellation. This star is set to be 12 light years away, this unique star is mostly similar to the Sun, although it has only about 78% of the Sun's

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